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Public security authorities nationwide have found 2,609 missing and abducted children since January, one of whom had been missing for 61 years, said an official with the Ministry of Public Security on Tuesday.

They have also resolved 147 cases of child abduction and trafficking and arrested 372 suspects, said Tong Bishan, deputy head of the ministry’s Criminal Investigation Bureau.

On June 1, the ministry released the addresses and telephone numbers of more than 3,000 free blood testing sites part of the Tuanyuan operation, which was launched in January to find the missing children. Tuanyuan means “reunion” in English.

Nearly 10,000 people volunteered to have their blood tested at the sites, and so far 306 families have been reunited, Tong said.

After searching for over 24 years, 51-year-old Guo Gangtang was recently reunited with his missing son, Guo Xinzhen, thanks to the help of the police. His now 26-year-old son was abducted in 1997 at the age of two and in 2015, Guo’s story was made into the movie Lost and Love starring Hong Kong actor, Andy Lau.

In June, public security experts used the latest testing and matching methods to successfully trace the son to Henan province. After the DNA was retested, the police finally confirmed his identity. Later, two suspects involved in the case were captured.

【小题1】Why does the author mention the story of Guo Xinzhen’s reunion ?
A.To indicate that Guo Gangtang should be responsible for his son’s abduction.
B.To tell the readers that the movie Lost and Love helped Guo Gangtang find his son.
C.To show that the latest blood testing and matching methods are useful ways to search for abducted children.
D.To emphasize that the police confirmed two suspects’ identity by testing their DNA.
【小题2】What is the best title of this passage?
A.Abducted ChildrenB.Father Searching for Son
C.Government ActionD.Missing Children Found
【小题3】Where might the passage be taken from?
A.a newspaperB.a textbookC.a leafletD.a poster
知识点:犯罪与惩罚新闻报道 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Detective Keeling took his client — a good-looking lady into the back yard of the store together. The lady opened a door in the wall and they entered the small room behind the store. They crossed the room to a locked door.
M r. Keeling took some special keys from his pocket. Moments later, one of the keys unlocked the door. The lady went into the store. She said she would hide under the table to keep watch on her husband. Mr. Keeling did not follow her.
The detective went quickly to the policeman’s house. Then the two men hurried to the jewellery store. They looked through the window. The policeman was surprised. He spoke to Mr. Keeling. “I don’t understand. You told me, ‘Robbins took a young woman to a restaurant.’ Where is she?”
“There she is !” said Mr. Keeling. He pointed through the window.
“Do you know the lady with Robbins?” asked the policeman.
“That’s his secret friend,” said Mr. Keeling.
“No! You’re wrong! That’s Robbins’ wife,” said the policeman. “I’ve known her for fifteen years.”
“What ?” the detective shouted. His face became pale. “Who is under the table in the store?”
He started to kick the door of the jewellery store.
Mr. Robbins came to the door and opened it. The policeman and the detective ran into the store.
“Look under that table!” shouted the detective. “Be quick!”
The policeman lifted the cloth and put his arm under the table. He pulled out a black dress, a black veil and a woman’s wig(假发).
“Is this young lady your wife?” Mr. Keeling asked the jeweler. He pointed at the woman.
“Yes! She is my wife !” said Mr. Robbins angrily. “Why did you kick my door? Why are those clothes under my table?”
“Please check all the jewellery in your store, Mr. Robbins,” the policeman said. “Is anything missing?”
Some diamond rings and some expensive necklaces were missing. The missing jewellery was worth $800.
Later that night, Mr. Keeling was sitting in his office. He was looking through a big book of photographs. They were photographs of criminals. The policeman had brought the book to the detective’s office. Suddenly, Mr. Keeling stopped turning the pages. He looked at a picture of a handsome young man with a familiar face.
The next morning, Mr. Keeling paid the jeweler $800, and then closed his office.
【小题1】At the beginning, the lady was able to go into the jewellery store because ___________.
A.she went to the back yard and found the way
B.she was the owner of the store and had the key
C.two men helped her together to enter the store
D.Mr. Keeling unlocked the back door to the store
【小题2】The young lady who stayed with Mr. Robbins in the jewellery store was actually _________.
A.Mr. Robbins’ sisterB.Mr. Robbins’ secret friend
C.Mr. Robbins’ wifeD.a clever thief
【小题3】It can be inferred from the passage that Mr. Keeling cooperated with his client _____________.
A.so that he could get some jewellery from the store
B.because he thought he was helping the lady
C.because he wanted to play a joke on Mr. Robbins
D.so that he could get a job as a policeman
【小题4】The missing jewellery worth$800 was in fact taken away by _____________.
A.a young womanB.a young manC.a detectiveD.a policeman

Hello, everyone!

Are you worried about crime? I am. We read it every day in the newspapers. A terrible crime has been committed, and the police have arrested someone. He has appeared in court and claimed his innocence but has been found guilty of his crime and he has been sentenced to ten years in prison. 【小题1】 Innocent citizens like you and me can sleep more safely at night.

But what happens next? We all hope the prisoner will benefit from society’s retribution. A spell (一阵子) in prison will reform him and make him a better person. We all hope he’ll reform and become like us. We all hope that when he is eventually released, he will be a good character. 【小题2】 But, let’s face it. The reality is usually very different. The prisoner may be released on parole (假释) before the end of his sentence. He will try to re-enter society. But then he often becomes a victim himself, unable to find work and is rejected by society. 【小题3】

So what can we do to make sure the offender doesn’t commit another crime? Of course, there are alternatives to prison, such as community service or he can pay a large fine. Alternatively, we could establish a more severe system of punishment.

The answer is far simpler. We need to be tough not on the criminal, but on the cause of the crime. We should spend less of the taxpayer’s money in funding the judges and all the other people who are working for the legal system. 【小题4】 We in the ConLab Party believe that everybody needs a good chance in life, and this is a good step forward.

Vote for us now!

A.It will not be long before he’s back in prison again.
B.We’re all relieved that the criminal is being punished for his misdeeds.
C.Community service is likely to turn prisoners into better persons.
D.Offenders are tried and sentenced according to the legal system.
E.The threat of another spell in jail will stop him from breaking the law again.
F.Put the money into supporting deprived areas which are the grounds for crime.

Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways. When people cheat, it's not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who were the true winners of a game.

Many people like the action of cheating. It makes difficult things seem easy, like getting all the right answers on the test. But it doesn't solve the problem of not knowing the material and it won't help on the next test --- unless the person cheats again.

Some people lose respect for cheaters and think less of them. The cheaters themselves may feel bad because they know they are not really earning that good grade. And, if they get caught cheating, they will be in trouble at school, and maybe at home, too.

Some kids cheat because they're busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending the time studying. Other kids might feel like they can't pass the test without cheating. Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, cheating isn't a good idea.

If you were sick or upset about something the night before and couldn't study, it would be better to talk with the teacher about this. And if you don't have enough time to study for a test because of swim practice, you need to talk with your parents about how to balance swimming and school.

A kid who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test needs to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some solutions together. Talking about these problems and working them out will feel better than cheating.

【小题1】Some students like cheating mainly because_________.
A.the material in the test is very difficult
B.they want to do better than the others
C.cheating can make hard things seem very easy
D.they have little time to study their lessons
【小题2】The fourth paragraph mainly tells us______.
A.cheating isn't a good idea
B.why kids cheat in the test
C.some kids can't pass the test without cheating
D.some kids don't spend the time studying
【小题3】We can learn from the passage______.
A.cheaters are often thought highly of
B.people show no respect for those who cheat
C.parents whose kids cheat are often in trouble
D.kids cheat in the test because of swim practice
【小题4】In the passage those cheaters are advised to_______.
A.spend more time on school than on sports
B.find good solutions instead of cheating
C.try hard to be intelligent rather than lazy
D.ask their classmates for good methods of study
