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When you think of Chinese food in the US, fried rice, or General Tso’s chicken may first come to mind. But a new museum exhibition in New York City is trying to expand visitors’ palates (味蕾). It features stories of famous cooks like Martin Yan and home cooks whose food represents 18 different regional cooking styles of China.

“I think it’s unfair to just classify Chinese cooking as one,” says Kian Lam Kho, an organizer of “Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy: Stories of Chinese Food and Identity in America” at the Museum of Chinese in America. “Even with the same dish or same cuisine, every family has a different variation.” That’s why the organizers say if you want to taste the full range of Chinese cuisine in the US, you’ll need to go beyond restaurants and into home kitchens, which can play a central role in many immigrants’ lives.

“The kitchen itself is kind of a comfort when you come to a new country. That’s the one place where you set up as your home base, and you cook things that you remember from your past,” explains Audra Ang, another organizer.

One of the home cooks showcased in the exhibition is Ni Biying, 80, of Manhattan. She worked as a live-in babysitter for years before she could finally afford to rent a home with her own kitchen. These days, you can usually find her moving around her one-bedroom apartment as a sweet smell of vinegar and rice wine floats from her stove. For Ni, a small dinner for friends and family means preparing almost a dozen different dishes. She learned some of her techniques from her father, who made most of her family’s meals when she was a child. “I still miss the beef with stir-fried celery my father used to cook,” she says. And it’s the kind of comfort food that defines Chinese food for Ni.

【小题1】What is the new museum exhibition mainly about?
A.Cuisine of different countries.B.Exploration of famous restaurants.
C.History of Chinese immigration.D.Stories of Chinese food and cooks.
【小题2】Why does the kitchen play a key role in many immigrants’ lives?
A.It provides a wealthy life.B.It brings a sense of belonging.
C.It helps them to accept new cultures.D.It enables them to forget the past.
【小题3】What can we learn about Ni Biying from Paragraph 4?
A.She worked in a Chinese restaurant.
B.She made most meals as a child.
C.She learned cooking from her father.
D.She lives with a big family.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Cuisine Gains New Variations
B.Home Cooking Brings More to the Table
C.Immigrants Seek Their Fortune in the US
D.Chinese Restaurant Tells Immigrant Tales
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Signs of Eating Disorder

About 30 million Americans live with an eating disorder. 【小题1】 Yet many others are often hidden in plain sight. It’s important to know the symptoms in those who might be at risk for an eating disorder.

They’re constantly talking about dieting.

The discussion around changing eating habits is incredibly common. Look at any lifestyle magazine or website and you’ll likely find dieting tips and advice. 【小题2】 If someone you love is constantly talking about food or their dieting habits, it might be a sign of concern.


Changes in mood or behaviors surrounding food or exercise can be signs of concern. This could mean a switch in activity level like overexercising, too often counting calories, frequently visiting the bathroom after eating, fasting or eating too much. 【小题4】

They’re constantly turning down food-centric social gatherings.

Avoiding social interactions such as birthday parties or going out to dinner with friends is a significant danger signal. People living with the condition have an intense focus on food or body image. They will keep away from situations likely ones that once brought them joy—where that determination might be tested.

The best way to support someone who may be experiencing an eating disorder is by talking with them, but when and how you do it matters. 【小题5】 Approach them with love and compassion, let them know that you care about them and that you notice that there is something they may be struggling with.

A.This also might come with a noticeable weight loss or gain.
B.However, being trapped in that discussion is a different story.
C.Their fitness or eating habits are constantly out of the ordinary.
D.Mood changes associated with eating may also be a danger signal.
E.It should be away from the normal routine and outside of a meal time.
F.Some symptoms of an eating disorder may be more visible to the eyes.
G.Eating disorders are a group of conditions marked by an unhealthy relationship with food.

Try Making Them into Treats

It’s fine to shop at farmers’ markets and grocery stores for recipe ingredients(原料). But what if you could gather some of them by yourselves, and at the same time, help rid your region of non-native plant species that are harming the ecosystems?

According to the National Wildlife Federation, about 42 percent of today’s threatened or endangered species are at risk because of invasive(有侵略性的)species. Here are four invasive plants and ideas for serving them up.


Brought to the US from Japan, the kudau vine can grow a foot a day, robbing other plants of sunlight. Its beautiful flowers bloom from July to September, but its leaves, roots, and vine tips are more readily available. Pick flowers to use in making drinks.


Native to Armenia, the plant has threatened other species. It blocks access through woods and affects livestock. Its fruit starts to ripen in midsummer and the berries can be added to hake goods such as muffins.


Its roots crowd out useful crops and suck water and nitrogen from the soil. Native to Europe and western Asia, it grows all over North America in spring and summer. Try coking the leaves in olive oil and adding them to a cake.


European settlers brought this leafy green to the Colonies. It spreads along waterways, crowding out native plants.

Harvest it from the edge of a running stream in spring and fall to make sandwiches.

【小题1】Which species will you choose if you want to make drinks?
【小题2】What do the listed species have in common?
A.They are harvested in autumn.
B.They are all invasive species.
C.They can grow a foot per day.
D.They are picked to make sandwiches.
【小题3】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce the harms of the four species.
B.To advertise some recipe ingredients for readers.
C.To prove the findings of National Wildlife Federation.
D.To provide ideas to make the invasive species into treats.

Chinese cuisine is widely known and enjoyed all around the world. Who doesn't long for a favorite Chinese dish? But there is one interesting concept concerning Chinese food which is almost unheard of in the West, and which is becoming increasingly ignored by the youth of the East-the ancient custom of “tonic (滋补品) food”.

Tonic food is food which is consumed to improve one's well-being or avoid sickness. For instance, it was once the custom for new mothers to eat a sesame oil (芝麻油) hot pot every day for the first month after giving birth. It was believed that this dish would benefit the muscles, reduce pain, improve circulation, stimulate sweating, and warm the body. Some foods, such as goat meat and spinach, are seen as being "hot", while others, such as Chinese cabbage and radish, are seen as being "cold". One should be careful not to eat too much of either "hot" or "cold" food. However, how much "hot" or "cold" food one should eat depends on the time of the year, how the food is prepared, what it is prepared with, and the individual's health.

The custom of employing tonic food for a healthier life also influences the catering industry. Chinese herbal medicines, such as wolfberry (枸杞子), can be found on many a restaurant menu, either added to fruit tea or as a tonic addition to a dish. These herbs attract customers, such as overworked office staff, in need of a modest pick-me-up.

So, whether you need to boost your strength with a large helping of chicken soup, or increase your mental powers with a serving of pig's brain soup, you may find that this ancient Chinese custom could be just the tonic food you were looking for.

【小题1】What is the present situation of tonic food?
A.It is catching less attention.
B.It is well known worldwide.
C.It is becoming increasingly popular.
D.It is enjoyed by many young people.
【小题2】What is believed to benefit new mothers?
A.Chinese cabbage.B.Fruit tea.C.Sesame oil hot pot.D.Pig's brain soup.
【小题3】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Charm of Chinese Cuisine.
B.The Popularity of Tonic Food.
C.An Introduction to Chinese Tonic Food.
D.Differences Between Hot Food and Cold Food.
