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Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. species   B. labelled   C. expanding   D. informed   E. underestimate   F. sustainable
G. brief        H. rare          I. involves        J. valuable   K. endangered

Eating Jellyfish Could Come to the Rescue

According to the IUCN Red List 32,000 species are threatened with extinction—everything from birds and mammals. Despite national and international efforts being gathered to protect

【小题1】 species, we actively fish for many of them. For those seafood lovers, the news is sad, but the researchers have come up with an unusual way we can help—and it 【小题2】 eating jellyfish.

Between 2006 and 2014,92 vulnerable or threatened 【小题3】 were being caught, recorded, and sold. When they are sold, it is 【小题4】 that fish and invertebrate (无脊椎的) species are required to be 【小题5】 according to species, so consumers have no way of knowing what they’re eating.

It is stressed that only a/an 【小题6】 view of the real problem is shown. “A lot of the ‘seafood records’ are listed in groups like ‘marine fish’. Here we didn’t look at those vague records, we only looked at records where the actual species was listed — so we’ve made a huge 【小题7】 of the actual catch.

There are some ways to untie the mess we’re creating in the world’s oceans, including 【小题8】 our idea of seafood to include jellyfish. That might sound a little off the theme, but it’s not the first time scientists have suggested it as a food source.

There are other ways to help keep the lovely marine lives off the menu. “We need to improve the labelling of seafood so that consumers can have all the information to make a/an 【小题9】 choice,” conservation scientist Carissa Klein told Science Alert.

And these choices, at least in some places, are easier than you might imagine. In Australia, where the researchers are based, there’s even official guides providing the 【小题10】 future both on your table and at sea.

知识点:动物环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. luckily   B. alerts C. established   D. entrances   E. contact   F. habitat
G. measures     H. wandered     I. studying     J. rewards     K. enjoy

Fifteen wild Asian elephants that left their 【小题1】 in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve(保护区)in Yunnan province have so far not caused any trouble in the provincial capital(省会), Kunming, thanks to local authorities’ effective measures. By Thursday afternoon, the herd(兽群)had moved to Shuanghe county, Jinning district in Kunming’s outskirts, according to the Yunnan Forestry and Grassland Administration, which has 【小题2】 a special work team under the guidance of the provincial government.

Provincial forestry police have followed the elephants’ movements round the clock, using drones(无人机)and cameras. Experts from both the national and provincial forestry departments are advising on 【小题3】 to control the elephants. Police and firefighters in Kunming are working to prevent the elephants from coming into 【小题4】 with residents. Trucks(卡车)and digging equipment have been put in place at the 【小题5】 of villages to try to stop the pachyderms’(厚皮动物)entry.

A woman from Ganhe village, where the elephants 【小题6】 around for several hours on Thursday, told local media that they had received 【小题7】 from the village committee. “All my family members moved to the second floor of our house on Wednesday. We were very nervous last night, but 【小题8】 no one was hurt,” she said.

Although it’s not known when the elephants left the Xishuangbanna reserve, experts believe they may have started roaming(徜徉)last year and are now about 500 kilometers away from the reserve.

The Asian elephants, which are listed as endangered(濒危的)on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species, 【小题9】 Class-A protection status in China, the same level afforded(给予)the giant panda. Yunnan is the only home to wild Asian elephants in China and has 300 of the animals. However, more than two-thirds of the population live outside nature reserves, said Chen Mingyong, a life sciences professor at Yunnan University who has been 【小题10】 wild elephants for decades.

Directions; Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. webs   B. occasionally   C. pick     D. continuously   E. feeding   F. belong
G. bite     H. generally     I. dropping   J. exceptions     K. trap

The world is full of many tiny creatures besides insects. There are snails and slugs that creep along the ground, worms that dig holes underground, and many more. Some, like insects,【小题1】to a huge group of little creatures called arthropods, which also includes spiders and other arachinids, centipedes, and woodlice.

Spiders are found in almost everywhere in the world. They are most plentiful where there is plenty of vegetation, but you can encounter spiders in the darkest cellars and down the deepest mines, as well as high on mountains. Spiders are hunters,【小题2】mainly on insects and other arthropods though a few large “bird-eating” species, or tarantulas,【小题3】eat lizards and small rodents. Unlike other hunting animals, spiders【小题4】have poor eyesight. They usually have eight simple eyes, not the compound eyes of insects, and hunt by “listening” to vibrations in the ground, which they【小题5】up with their legs. Jumping spiders, with wolf spiders and ogre-faced spiders being【小题6】, have very keen eyesight.

Different species of spider have different methods of catching prey. Many weave silken nets called【小题7】. Some are simple tube-shaped webs inside holes, others are elaborate orb webs. The web is usually sticky, so any insects flying into it are stuck fast.

Spiders such as tarantulas and sun spiders destroy their victims with their powerful fangs, but most species use their poisonous【小题8】to kill or disable their prey. Some spiders, such as the black widow and funnel-web spiders, have a bite so poisonous that it can be fatal to humans.

Not all species of spider make webs. Some catch their preys by【小题9】a silk net on them. Others, such as the Australian trapdoor spider,【小题10】their prey from a hole with a carefully-fitting and well-masked flap. Hunting spiders follow their preys secretly and leap on them from a distance.
