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Dear fellow students,

All in all, let’s take action from now on!

Jieyang Huaqiao High School

知识点:社会问题与社会现象 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Cell phones are used everywhere, but on the road they are a dangerous distraction (分心) to drivers and should be forbidden.

The New England Journal of Medicine reported that "drivers using a cell phone were four times more likely to have an accident than those not using a phone." The major problem is that the driver is not focused on the road, but on his or her conversation. Cell phone drivers are very unpredictable: they drive too fast or too slow, make improper turns, run red lights and even stop at green ones. It's not only annoying; it's dangerous. Accidents related to cell phones include off a road and crashing into a tree, fences, and buildings and even turning over.

In October at the California Traffic Safety Summit, experts showed that "cell phones used by drivers lead to at least 1,000 deaths per year in California." These are the same problems that occur with drunk driving, which is against the law and strictly enforced. For the same reasons, California needs laws that ban the use of cell phone in cars.

Until we take action to pass new laws, drivers at least need to be more responsible when using cell phones. The American Automobile Association recommends that drivers pull off the road before using a cell phone, have a passenger use it for them, or use voice mail to answer calls. Another suggestion is to keep the phone off while moving or simply not to use it in the car. Before using a cell phone, drivers should ask themselves, "Is this call really that important?"

Cell phones can be a very important link in emergencies, but drivers need to use them wisely. As professional NASCAR racer John Andretti says, "Driving safely is your first responsibility." The best road to safety is to just hang up and drive.


“Helicopter parents” is a description of parents who are hovering over their children in a state of extreme concern. They always show up to solve their children’s problems, protect them from real or imagined harm, resolve stressful situation, offer advice and get them out of trouble, even if they misbehaved. Although out of love and concern, it can have harmful effect on their children’s emotional development and future autonomy.

Children learn through their mistakes. But if you intervene(介入) at first sign of struggle and finish your child’s homework, he’ll miss out on valuable learning opportunities. You’re sending him the message that he needs to be perfect and failure is not an option, otherwise you wouldn’t always take over for him.

By constantly rescuing your child from stressful situation, you’re sending him a message that you don’t believe he’s capable of taking care of himself. Children develop self-esteem by learning how to complete challenge on their own. If you are always intervening, he’s denied this vital stage in his growth. As a result, your child may lack the confidence necessary to do well in school, pursue hobbies and interests, and develop friendships.

If you’re always taking care of everything for your child, it’ll be more difficult for him to become independent. As an adult, he might find it hard to take care of himself, because he’s never developed coping skills to deal with life’s challenges. He might suffer from irrational fears, anxiety and depression, which could lead him to drop out of college or frequently change jobs, according to Dr. Michele Borba. Instead of developing healthy relationships, he might seek a partner who will take care of him or controlling, as his parents were.

You can help your child become more independent by allowing him to complete tasks and challenges on his own without your intervention. Even if he fails at first, don’t interfere—encourage him to start again. Show that you have faith in his abilities to succeed without your help. Allow him to learn natural consequences. Even small things can help him become more independent—making his own bed, preparing his own lunch, shopping for his own clothes and doing homework without your help.

