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People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. This becomes a problem, because most families love home cooking! The food tastes good and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one another at the same time.

Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. A parent who makes some cookies is not just satisfying a child’s sweet tooth. She or he is sending a message. The message says, “I care about you enough to spend an hour making cookies that you will eat up in 15 minutes if I let you.”

There is also something about the smell of home cooking. The smell of home cooking pleases people of all ages. It makes most of us feel good and loved, even if we are the ones doing the cooking! Next time you smell a cake making, stop for a moment and pay attention to your mood(心情).

【小题1】Why do fewer people cook now?
A.They don’t like family meals.B.They are lazy.
C.They are too busy.D.Many people don’t like cooking.
【小题2】A parent spends an hour making cookies ________.
A.often to show her or his loveB.just to satisfy her or his child’s sweet tooth
C.only to send a messageD.to let a child eat up in 15 minutes
【小题3】The writer thinks the smell of home cooking ________.
A.makes us love othersB.makes us happy
C.makes us be interested in cookingD.makes us pay attention to our mood
【小题4】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Homemade cookies taste betterB.Family meals are important.
C.How to make cookies.D.People are too busy to cook.
知识点:家庭生活 社会问题与社会现象说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

For parents, how to set rules for their children is one of the hardest things. They are often afraid that if they set bad rules, their children will hate them. So, many parents set fewer rules for their children and allow them to do A they like.

However, this always causes a lot of troubles for parents. ①important, children, rules, set, it’s, to, for, way, the, in, right. Here are some helpful suggestions.

Discuss feelings with children. It is important to discuss feelings with children while setting rules for them. This helps them to understand and agree with the rules. At the same time, remember to listen to children’s ideas. Their ideas may help to improve the rules.

Tell children about the results of their actions. ②It is necessary to tell children the results of their actions. They need to know that if they do something wrong, they should make up for it. The results should be reasonable. For example, if they miss classes, they won’t be given money for that month. Then they can’t buy their favorite things.

Setting rules in the B way can cause troubles for parents. However, by following the above suggestions, you can set some good rules.

【小题4】任务四:请回答问题:Why should parents listen to children’s ideas according to the passage?

I’m still not sure how I got talked into it, but last year I agreed to throw a New Year’s Eve party. It took me days to prepare. Then there were lists to be made and shopping to be done in the crowded supermarket. After shopping, I really wanted to have a rest, but I hurried to make food in the kitchen.

The night before the party, my husband helped me set up tables. I felt pleased. On the morning of the party, I woke to the sun shining. Everything was ready. It was going to be a lovely evening.

At 4:00 pm, my husband was working in his company and would be home in an hour. At 5:00 pm, I texted him, “Are you on your way? Everyone will be here in an hour.” He replied, “I’ll be held up here for a few minutes. Sorry.” At 5:45. pm, I texted him again. He answered, “Sorry. I’m still tied up.” I was worried I’d be holding the party alone. I kept texting him as guests arrived.

I felt embarrassed and unsure of how to hold the party. By 7:30 pm, stomachs were growling (低声吼叫). We were hungry. So we all sat for dinner, with one empty chair beside me. My husband texted me and promised he would be home before dinner was done.

At 9:30 pm, my husband called, “Honey, I never imagined this could have happened. Things are crazy here. Some employees made mistakes in the numbers of our products. Now we have to recount them all. I’m the manager. Everyone is mad at me because they have to stay instead of being at home with their families.”

I realized what the night had been like for my husband. “Will you forgive me?” he asked again. “Yes.” I took a breath. “I’m sorry for being impatient. Take your time. Happy New Year.” My husband said, “Thank you! Happy New Year!”

【小题1】How was the author feeling when she was busy preparing for the party?
A.Confident and calm.B.Tired but delighted.C.Energetic and excited.D.Worried but happy.
【小题2】What did the author realize after her husband’s calling?
A.He didn’t have enough employees.
B.He was a little angry about her impatience.
C.He had a busy and upsetting evening at work.
D.He couldn’t make a balance between work and family.
【小题3】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.The husband always had much work to do.
B.The couple had a bad relationship in the past.
C.The woman once had a similar experience with her husband.
D.The couple showed understanding for the feelings of each other.

School's out for the day. But what should you do with the kids? 【小题1】 Public school teacher and blogger Chelly Wood believes that "it's important for kids to get at least one hour of playtime after school, regardless of age. That's 'real' playtime, but not for video games or TV programs." Here are some creative after-school activities for kids.

Design a comic strip(连环漫画).

This is a great indoor activity for kids of all ages and is sure to get the creative juices flowing as children invent characters and story lines. 【小题2】 Measuring the strip boxes can also add an educational element to the activity.

Become a scientist.

Grab a notebook and a pencil and head outside. Whether in your backyard, a park or a playground, spot a bird or other animals and pretend your kids are scientists. 【小题3】

Recycle objects.

【小题4】 Transform a cereal(麦片)box into something that flies or into a mask. Use the cereal box as a prompt to think through where the box came from and how it was made. This activity is great for understanding the world in which we live, how things are made, etc.


Are your neighbors celebrating a victory or have they been sick or out of town? No reason is really necessary to have your kids give a hand to someone else. Bake cookies, make a card or plant some flowers in a pot. The possibilities are endless.

A.Do something nice.
B.Keep positive people around.
C.It is really important for children to learn disappointment.
D.Track an animal and note what it does from minute to minute.
E.Artistic drawing skills can be improved by coloring these characters.
F.Time to come up with some creative ways to keep the kids entertained.
G.Take something from the recycling bin and make it into something else.
