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Robotic surgery is one thing, but sending a robot inside the body to carry out an operation quite another, which has long been a goal of some researchers to produce tiny robotic devices being capable of traveling through the body to deliver drugs or to make repairs without the need for a single cut, the possibility of which has just got a bit closer.

However, unlike the plot of one film— which featured a microscopic crew and submarine traveling through a scientist’ s bloodstream— this device could not be inserted into blood vessels (管) because it is too big. While other types of miniature swallowable robots have been developed in the past, their role has mostly been limited to capturing images inside the body. In a presentation this week to the International Conference, Daniela Rus and Shuhei Miyashita of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology described a robot they have developed that can be swallowed and used to collect dangerous objects accidentally taken in.

To test their latest version, Dr Rus and Dr Miyashita designed a robot as a battery hunter, which might seem to be an odd task, but more than 3,500 people in America alone, most of them children, swallow the tiny button cells used in small electronic devices by accident every year. To start with, the researchers created an artificial esophagus (食道) and stomach made out of silicone (硅胶). It was closely modeled on that found in a pig and filled with medical liquid; the robot itself is made from several layers of different materials, including pig intestine (肠), and contains a little magnet. This is folded up and encased in a 10mm×27mm capsule of ice. Once this reaches the stomach the ice melts and the robot unfolds which is moved and guided with the use of a magnetic field outside the body. In their tests, the robot was able to touch a button battery and draw it with its own magnet, and during dragging it along, the robot could then be directed towards the intestines where it would eventually be gotten rid of through the anus (肛门). After it, the researchers sent in another robot loaded with medication to deliver it to the site of the battery burn to speed up healing.

The artificial stomach being transparent on one side, the researchers were able to see the batteries and visually control the robots. If not, that will require the help from imaging system, which will be a bit more of a challenge, but Dr.Rus and Dr.Miyashita are determined to succeed.

【小题1】The robot described by Dr.Rus and Dr. Miyashita is a breakthrough in that ______.
A.they can capture images inside the body
B.they can travel through the body to make repairs without a single cut
C.they can be swallowed and collect dangerous objects accidentally taken in
D.they can be inserted into blood vessels
【小题2】According to Para.3, which statement about the experiment is NOT true?
A.It’s an odd task to design the robot as a battery hunter.
B.The experiment use artificial esophagus and stomach.
C.The actual size of the robot may be larger than the capsule of ice.
D.After the battery is removed, another robot will be needed to speed up heeling.
【小题3】What benefits may the experiment bring to medical world?
A.Few children will swallow the button cells.
B.Patients will suffer less for some surgeries.
C.Patients will no longer go through any operation.
D.The surgeries will cost patients much money.
【小题4】How do Dr.Rus and Dr.Miyashita see the prospect of their robot?
A.It’s challenging but promising.B.It’s challenging but successful.
C.It’s certain and successful.D.It’s uncertain and hopeless.
【小题5】Which can be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.The Robotic Voyage in BodyB.An Exploration of Robot
C.The Robotic OperationD.An Experiment on Robot
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Technology that connects computers to telephones has developed very fast in the last ten years. This is clear in the development of the fax. A traditional fax can include many documents and is simple to send. It is rather like a copier combined with a telephone. First, you insert a document into the fax machine, enter the fax number and then turn on the machine. If it connects, the sending fax machine reads the document and sends it to the receiving fax machine. At the same time, the receiving machine receives the document and then prints it.

But technology never stays still. New technology like PC fax programs and LAN fax servers (局域网传真服务器)have recently been introduced to improve fax communications. The latest improvement is the IP fax which uses Internet Protocol(因特网协议)to send faxes.

  There are two basic ways of sending information using the IP fax system: store-and-forward or real-time. Store-and-forward ways of sending messages are widely used. In this mode, the entire document is sent to a network-based server that stores it and then sends it on to the receiving fax. Real-time IP faxing is closer to sending a fax in the traditional way. Real-time mode allows two fax machines to directly communicate and send the material more efficiently.

IP fax can send a fax document from one person to another. A fax machine or a computer can be used to send or receive the fax. IP fax also allows e-mail to be used to receive faxes. This   enables users to receive faxes anywhere at anytime as long as they have an Internet fax address.

【小题1】The passage deals mainly with ________.
A.PC fax and LAN fax
B.technology of connecting computers to telephone
C.information technology
D.new machines
【小题2】The IP fax system can use all of the following to send and receive a fax except ________.
A.a fax machineB.a cellphone
C.a computerD.e-mail
【小题3】In real-time IP fax mode ________.
A.two fax machines communicate directly
B.a network-based server is used
C.users can receive faxes anywhere
D.the PSTN has to be used

Artificial Intelligence Develops an Ear for Birdsong

We can learn a lot from nature if we listen to it more — and scientists around the world are trying to do just that. From mountain peaks to ocean depths, biologists are planting audio recorders to eavesdrop (窃听) on the whistles and songs of whales, elephants, bats and especially birds. This summer, for example, over 2,000 electronic ears will record the sound scape of California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range. 【小题1】

“Audio data is a real treasure because it contains vast amounts of information,” says ecologist Connor Wood, a Cornell University postdoctoral researcher, who is leading the Sierra Nevada project. “We just need to think creatively about how to share and access that information.” 【小题2】 Fortunately the latest generation of machine-learning AI systems can process thousands of hours of data in less than a day.

Stefan Kahl, a machine-learning expert at Cornell’s Center for Conservation Bioacoustics and Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, built BirdNET, one of the most popular avian-sound-recognition systems used today. Wood’s team will rely on BirdNET to analyze the Sierra Nevada recordings. 【小题3】 The neural network then teaches itself which features can be used to associate an input (in this case, a bird’s call) with a label (the bird’s identity).

【小题4】 Although they analyze audio much more quickly than humans, they still lag behind in filtering out overlapping sounds to home in on a signal of interest. Some researchers see this as the next problem for AI to tackle. Even the current imperfect versions, however, enable sweeping projects that would be far too time-consuming for humans to tackle alone. “As ecologists,” Wood says, “tools like BirdNET allow us to dream big.”

A.A wealth of such data already exists for common birds.
B.They altogether will generate nearly a million hours of audio.
C.These machine-learning AI systems still have room for improvement.
D.Such recordings can create valuable snapshots (简介) of animal communities.
E.This is a tricky problem because it takes humans a long time to decode recordings.
F.Such systems start by analyzing hundreds of recorded bird calls, each “labeled” with its corresponding species.

Working robots are typically big, simple and strong. They are large pre-programmed units working in dangerous and dull jobs. But the growing trend towards cooperative robots , or cobots ,which work in harmony with humans is changing robotic use worldwide.

The fact is that most industrial robots were not designed to do with unpredictable human environments.By cutting robots down to the desktop size and embedding(嵌入) them with sensors and AI , the next generation of cobots will feel our presence , learn from us and combine with us better. Lightweight and portable cobots can work in less space and share it with people rather than being caged off. Decreasing costs for robotic systems make them more affordable to small businesses , and their ease of setting up and programmability makes them simple to develop.

Although the cooperative robot is relatively novel , the initial concept was invented in 1996.Acobot patent was filed in 1997 , which detailed "an instrument and method for direct physical interaction between a person and a general-purpose operator controlled by a computer".The idea of robotic feedback(反馈) was also built-in so that cobots would redirect or control motions that originate with the operator through physical guidance.

The future of cobot working is likely to change as newer interfaces and ways of interacting are developed.Voice commands are bound to be a feature as natural language processing systems become more widespread.Robotic movements and interactions will be controlled using non-invasive brain control interfaces.Unplanned changes to production and safer interaction with humans will then require a step-change in robot learning.

Cobots will learn directly from human interaction or even from virtual simulations(模拟) that will help them adapt to real-world situations.Open robotics platforms , such as Carnegie Mellon University's LoCoBot or Elephant Robotics' Catbot , mean that programmers can share the skills they have developed via the cloud.Cobot carers , such as ElliQ , the companion robot , ceiling-mounted rail robots , or even IKEA' s robotic furniture , promise a nice future of cooperation.

【小题1】What makes cobots more suitable to small firms?
A.The desktop size.B.Sensors and AI.
C.Cheap robotic systems.D.Their ease of programmability.
【小题2】What does the underlined word "interaction" in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】Which of the following is a characteristic of the future cobots?
A.Voice control.
B.Unplanned production changes.
C.Working in dangerous environments.
D.Direct physical interaction with humans.
【小题4】What does the author suggest doing about cobots?
A.Learning from humans.B.Combining with humans.
C.Opening robotics platforms.D.Sharing programming skills.
