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Durham County will use a combination of recycled tyres and plastic waste to create more long-lasting and environmentally friendly road surfaces.

Concrete and cement (水泥) are responsible for 8% of greenhouse gas emissions (排放) globally and with a lot of the cement produced today used for the surfacing of roads, many organizations are looking for alternative materials that are less costly to the environment.

In a bid to reduce their carbon foot print, Durham has announced that they will be working with the road surfacing builder, Rainton Construction, to create roads that will be resurfaced with plastic and tyre waste.

A typical single truck load of the surfacing material amounts to 1, 064 plastic bags and 51 car tyres. Rubber from tyres was previously an un-recyclable material, but Rainton Construction will combine waste from the tyre recycling process, with plastic and tarmac (柏油路) to create a more long-lasting road surface.

The combination of the rubber and the plastic improves the performance of the road. The materials provide a water-resistance surface that reduces the damage caused by freezing weather and is less likely to break and change shapes in hot weather. The new surface is also expected to last longer than traditional materials and when the road surface needs replacing, the materials can be reprocessed and used again.

Managing director of Rainton Constructions, David Elliot said, “It is great for us as a business to have a partner like Durham County who are as enthusiastic as we are about the re-use of end of life wastes, that would normally be got rid of. We have and will continue to spend money on the development of these products in order to maximize our findings and obtain the best value both economically (经济上) and environmentally.”

In related news, researchers at the University of the West of England, Bristol, stated that recycled waste material could play a major role in the construction of roads in Europe, bringing both environmental and economic benefits.

【小题1】What does the author think of the new road surface?
A.It’s very easy to make.B.It’s made of concrete and cement.
C.It’s less costly to the environment.D.It’s more likely to break in hot weather.
【小题2】What’s the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.The materials of the new road surface.B.The benefits of the new road surface.
C.How to make the new road surface.D.Why to make the new road surface.
【小题3】What’s researchers’ attitude to the new road surface according to the last paragraph?
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper can we find the text?
A.Tech & Science.B.Entertainment.C.Art & Culture.D.Business.
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In Thailand, people use about eight plastic bags each day, almost 200 billion bags each year. As for causing ocean plastic pollution, Thailand is in the sixth place in the whole world. Thailand is waking up to the harmful effects of plastic pollution on our environment

A supermarket chain in northern Thailand is returning to natural materials for everyday packaging(包装) use, including banana leaves. At first sight, Rimping supermarket in Chiang Mai looks just like other supermarkets that use banana leaves to wrap (包裹) food across Thailand. However, it is unusual to see this traditional, biodegradable (可生物降解的) way used in a big way. Rimping Supermarket says that it no longer provides plastic bags every Wednesday for customers upon entering the place. In the supermarket, something different can be seen on the goods shelves of fresh vegetables. Instead of plastic, fresh products are wrapped in banana leaves. The leaves are great for packaging and once the customer is done with the packaging, the leaves are biodegradable, greatly reducing the need for plastics.

“We have discussed our environmental programme for a long time in our company,” a manager of Rimping Supermarket said. “We tried other materials before, but banana leaves are our final choice since there are plenty of banana leaves in Thailand. But the difficulty is to find a way to keep the products fresh. Some vegetables are not suitable to be wrapped in banana leaves as it becomes too wet and doesn’t keep its freshness,” the manager said.

Rimping Supermarket’s store programme can be seen as a huge step for a greener, plastic-free earth.

【小题1】What is the problem described in the first paragraph?
A.Thai shop too frequently.B.Thai overpack their food.
C.Thai pollute rivers seriously.D.Thai use too many plastics.
【小题2】What can we learn about using banana leaves to wrap food?
A.It isn’t something new in Thailand.
B.It is supported by the Thai government.
C.It first started from Rimping Supermarket.
D.It will be put into practice in more supermarkets.
【小题3】Why did Rimping Supermarket finally choose banana leaves to wrap food?
A.They are cheap.
B.They are easy to get.
C.They are the most environment-friendly.
D.They are perfect for wrapping fresh food.
【小题4】What’s the text mainly about?
A.A supermarket finds best ways to sell fresh food.
B.Plastic packaging causes serious problems.
C.Banana leaves replace plastic packaging.
D.Supermarkets shouldn’t offer plastic bags.

Half of the world's beaches could disappear by 2100, a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change suggests.

Michalis Vousdoukas, of the European Union's Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy, was the lead researchist. "Tourist areas which have sandy beaches as their main selling point will probably face strong consequences," he said. Aside from economic value, beaches play an important environmental role. "Sandy beaches are important habitats supporting a wide range of species. They also protect the coast from the effects of storms, so without sandy beaches other inland environments can be affected by the effects of waves and saltwater entering," Vousdoukas added.

The main causes are rising sea-level and erosion (侵蚀)from storms, the study says, which warned of the near-disappearance of almost half of the world's sandy beaches by the end of the century. Beaches in the United States will be   “greatly affected”,as will shorelines in Canada, Mexico, China and Chile. In the U. S. , beaches along the East Coast and the Gulf Coast will experience the most erosion.

Michalis Vousdoukas and other researchers used satellite images to track the way beaches have changed over the past 30 years and patterned how global warming might affect them in the future. They found that West Africa will see some of the worst losses, where more than 60% of sandy coastline may be lost in countries such as The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau. Australia will also take a hit:when the total length of sandy beach projected to be lost is analyzed, Australia would be hit the hardest, with more than 7,000 miles at risk.

【小题1】What mainly caused the disappearance of half of the world's beaches?
A.Over population and more tourism.B.Severe erosion and coastline losses.
C.Global warming and climate change.D.Sea-level rise and storm destruction.
【小题2】Which country possibly loses more than half of sandy coastline according to the study?
A.Chile.B.The Gambia.C.Australia.D.The United States.
【小题3】Why are beaches important to wildlife?
A.They can provide habitats for species.
B.They can block out waves and storms.
C.They can be popular tourist attractions.
D.They can stop erosion from happening.
【小题4】What is the author's purpose in writing this text?
A.To introduce beaches.B.To make a comparison.
C.To protect environment.D.To explain a study.

For 21-year-old Malhar Kalambe, weekends are not about hanging out with friends. Instead, they have a different mission — cleaning the Datar Beach. Collectively, they have made such a huge difference to the beach that the United Nations has recognized their contributions.

“Actually the idea stemmed from my vacation to Bali, the clean beach leaving a great impression on me. After returning, I found our beaches in shambles. During a conversation with my mother, I was complaining about how bad our beaches are compared to beaches in Bali, and my mother just said, 'Don't complain, if you care, just go and clean. ? and thus 'Beach Please'," Malhar said. “It began on September 10, 2017 and since then cleaning the garbage on the beach has become a weekend routine. Currently, there are 25 odd volunteers spending our weekends cleaning the beach.”

After cleaning the beach for months, Malhar and his friends realized that it was of a little help and there is no end to this. They needed to contain the source which dumps garbage in the ocean. They found that the Mithi River is being used to dump the industrial waste, construction waste and even domestic waste into the ocean and they decided to also clean the river. Now on Saturday, they clean the Mithi River and on Sunday, they focus on the Datar Beach. In order to make a sustainable (可持续的)difference, they must make people understand that they have to stop dumping garbage into any source. “Awareness, recycling and cleaning up are three steps which can bring a change. I hope people realize it's their duty to   keep their surroundings as well as the ocean clean,“ Malhar added.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “in shambles” in paragraph 2 mean?
【小题2】What do we know about Malhar Kalambe?
A.He likes hanging out with his friends.B.He encourages his mother to join him.
C.He volunteers to clean the Datar Beach.D.He complains his vacation to Bali to his friends.
【小题3】What is the top priority (优先事项)to make the Datar Beach clean continuously?
A.Recycling most of domestic waste.
B.Calling for people to make a green trip.
C.Raising people's awareness of protecting the ocean.
D.Seeking for the source of the ocean pollution.
【小题4】Which of the following best describes Malhar Kalambe?
