阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用2 组卷204

Have you noticed that many people can spend a lot of time comparing prices while shopping online, but always make decisions casually in the critical moments of their life?

【小题1】 Many people choose their current major simply because they “liked” it, or because they had heard that it is a promising industry in this era. However, few people consider carefully what they do in college and what they will be doing after graduation.

To explore this issue, we must first understand three concepts: strategy, tactics(技术), and guideline. 【小题2】 If you can’t figure out the difference among them, then it’s not surprising that you’ve messed up your life.

Simply put, “strategy” is “what to do”, that is, to choose a direction. The “tactics” have to be lower than strategy, which means that they decide “how to do it” after the strategy has been established. 【小题3】 Many people find that they lack the ability to choose. Others tell you how to do it, and you remember it, then you make things happen, nothing more. 【小题4】 They are using tactical and guideline diligence to hide their strategic laziness.

Strategy is a ruler’s learning. For each person himself, whether to consider strategic issues determines whether you are the master of your own life. Maybe you can live successfully according to the guide given by others, but is this life really worth it? This is not a life, but a performance, because you actually have no dominance in yourself. 【小题5】

A.We constantly make choices.
B.Take choosing college major for example.
C.These people may be reliable but they can’t create things.
D.Many people seem to focus only on the “guideline” level.
E.The key to strategy is making choices and bearing its consequences.
F.At first glance, they seem to be similar, but in fact they are totally different.
G.“Guideline” is even lower, referring to doing things as others have done them.
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When we shop online, most of us assume everything will be safe and easy. But online shopping can be risky. Want to avoid danger? Follow these simple tips.

1. Always keep your PC protected

A PC free of viruses and threats is a closed door to any hacking attempt. We recommend that you have the highest security measures on your operating system or that you install an antivirus.

2. 【小题2】

To know if a website is trustworthy, the first tip is to check the URL: does it start with https? Great! You’re good to go. If it starts with http, get out. This means that its security protocol is weak or nonexistent. Other tips to check if a website is trustworthy: look to see if its customer service is visible and accessible. 

3. Be careful with crazy bargains

【小题3】 You should keep an eye out for an unrealistic bargain that hides low-quality fakes or even products that never arrive. Don’t trust pages with extravagant (夸张的) bargains, which are likely to be unreliable.

4. Control your personal data

It’s normal for an online store to ask for certain info to place an order, such as your address and ID/Passport. Make sure that this info doesn’t end up in the wrong hands by reading the privacy policy on the site about how data is used. Also, on many forms, they ask you if you want to release your data to third parties (第三方). 【小题4】

5. Make sure your payments are secure

When paying, make sure that the website has a secure payment platform. Also, we recommend that you should choose payment methods that are easier to claim if the item isn’t what you expected.   【小题5】 Once the payment is made, check your banking statement to see if you’ve been charged the correct amount and that no additional unspecified charges have been made. If this happens, you should cancel your order as soon as possible and get in touch with your bank to make a complaint.

A.So, it’s better to pay with Paypal or credit card than making a money transfer.
B.Nobody is going to sell you a $200 brand-name pair of shoes for $20.
C.How to shop online safely.
D.Shop in a real store around you.
E.A good bargain will save you a large sum of money.
F.Only shop on trusted websites.
G.If you don’t want to, uncheck this option.

Money habits are the small daily decisions we make that influence how we spend and save our money. 【小题1】 With a little awareness and effort, however, we can make improvements that will help us achieve our financial objectives.

Taking a careful look at your existing spending habits is one of the first steps in improving your money habits. 【小题2】 It can make you realize the potential issues on your spending habits, which help you identify areas where you can adjust your spending patterns.

Next, set up clear financial objectives for yourself. Having a specific objective in mind will help you keep motivated and focused, whether it’s saving for a down payment on a home, removing credit card debt, or creating an emergency fund.

【小题3】 A budget ensures that your spending is focused on your priorities and that you set aside enough cash to achieve your objectives. Impulsive(冲动的)purchasing is a crucial habit to break. It’s critical to take action to stop the habit of impulse shopping because it can significantly reduce your bank account. Making a list of the items you require before you go shopping and sticking to it is one approach to achieve this. Additionally, wait a day or two before making a purchase. 【小题4】

Finally, it’s critical to pay attention to your financial habits and adjust them as needed. Track your spending and goals, and be prepared to adjust as required. Keep in mind that adjusting your spending patterns is a process, and its effects might not be seen right away. 【小题5】 By doing so, you can achieve your financial objectives and strengthen your overall financial health.

A.Setting and sticking to a budget is also crucial.
B.It might be challenging to change these habits.
C.Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.
D.This action can help you determine if you still want the item.
E.Make sure to include a category for savings and use it consistently.
F.With a little knowledge and effort. you can make positive changes.
G.This involves tracking all your spending for a month and then analyzing the data.

New Year’s resolutions: turning vows to deeds

Luckily, for those who fail at seeing their resolutions through, there is always a way to achieve your desired goal. Through a carefully designed plan for action, there is a way to achieve your goals. 【小题1】.

● Aim for what is in your control

The first thing to note is that New Year’s resolutions are not wishes! 【小题2】. Ambiguous things like “I want to find love” or “I want to get a promotion” are unrealistic goals as they are determined by external forces that are out of our control. You cannot achieve what you can’t control. Only work towards achieving what you are capable of. For instance, since we have no say as to who gets a promotion at work, this desire of being promoted can be broken down into achievable goals of increasing productivity and being more assertive(自信果敢的).


Just because we have set a goal that we need to achieve this coming year does not mean we should start it on the first day of the first month of the year. Starting anything is not easy, and it requires mental and physical preparation. 【小题4】. That can lead to easy failure or giving up.

● Track your progress

Maybe there are some ways to know you are on course to achieve your goals. 【小题5】. One can only be certain they are making headway on their resolutions if they have a way of determining their progress. To know we are headed towards the goal, we need to know how far we have come and how much further we have to go.

A.Have a game plan
B.Start when you are ready
C.Here are some easy steps to turn the written hopes into fruition
D.The best is to establish a method that quantifies your improvement
E.We have all made New Year’s resolutions that have not worked in the past
F.Avoid writing down things you desire but are not 100 percent in your control
G.To say you will start on January 1st is to start too early and without preparedness
