翻译-单词释义 适中0.65 引用1 组卷73
A. reach the standard of ability or knowledge needed to do a particular job
B. make sth develop or sb.become more active; to encourage sb.
C. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of sb.
D. expect or predict sth
E. things or people increases greatly in number or amount
F. the detailed study or examination of sth. in order to understand more about it
G. go to sb for information or advice
H. closely connected with the subject you are discussing or situation you are thinking about
I. be made up of
J. express disapproval of sb./sth. and saying what you think is bad about them
K. mention or speak about sb./sth.
L. rest while you are doing sth. enjoyable, especially after work or effort
【小题1】The report is critical of the department’s waste of resources.
【小题2】The analysis of a problem is the starting point for its solution.
【小题3】A good teacher should stimulate students to think independently.
【小题4】If I am given the job, I won’t let you down.
【小题5】In her autobiography, she did refer to her unhappy schooldays.
【小题6】If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
【小题7】Who can anticipate the result of the war between Russia and Ukraine?
【小题8】Their diet is believed to consist largely of vegetables.
【小题9】This training course will qualify you for a better job.
【小题10】Relevant work experience will give you an advantage in an interview.
知识点:analysis(pl. analyses)consultrelevantstimulaterefer to动词词义辨析形容词词义辨析criticalconsist ofanticipatequalify 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A. reach the standard of ability or knowledge needed to do a particular job
B. make sth develop or sb.become more active; to encourage sb.
C. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of sb.
D. expect or predict sth
E. things or people increases greatly in number or amount
F. the detailed study or examination of sth. in order to understand more about it
G. go to sb for information or advice
H. closely connected with the subject you are discussing or situation you are thinking about
I. be made up of
J. express disapproval of sb./sth. and saying what you think is bad about them
K. mention or speak about sb./sth.
L. rest while you are doing sth. enjoyable, especially after work or effort
【小题1】The report is critical of the department’s waste of resources.
【小题2】The analysis of a problem is the starting point for its solution.
【小题3】A good teacher should stimulate students to think independently.
【小题4】If I am given the job, I won’t let you down.
【小题5】In her autobiography, she did refer to her unhappy schooldays.
【小题6】If the pain continues, consult your doctor.
【小题7】Who can anticipate the result of the war between Russia and Ukraine?
【小题8】Their diet is believed to consist largely of vegetables.
【小题9】This training course will qualify you for a better job.
【小题10】Relevant work experience will give you an advantage in an interview.
