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Exercise is good for physical and mental health, but with coronavirus cases surging across the country, exercising indoors with other people could increase your chance of infection. So, as gyms reopen across the country, here are some things to consider before heading for your workout.

Assess your own risk

It starts with you. You have to make your own assessment of how risky it is based on knowing your medical situation and whether you are someone who’s at high risk of infection. People aged 65 and over are at higher risk of getting a severe case of COVID-19. 【小题1】, it may not be worth the risk.

Consider alternatives for working out

Exercise outdoors is a great low-risk alternative. When you are outside, it’s easier to control how close you get to other people.【小题2】. Outdoors you have sunlight which has been shown to quickly inactivate the virus. And outside airflow and humidity (湿度) help weaken it.

Assess your gym’s safety measures

There are things gyms can do to help decrease the risk of infection.【小题3】. Are they taking your temperature? Are you seeing them regularly clean equipment? And are staff and other clients in the gym wearing a mask?

Pay attention to air flow

Your best bet is going to be a gym that is larger, able to have windows open or have multiple floors or levels to allow for physical distancing. That’s because more space and more air flow decrease the concentration of the virus in the air and likely reduce the risk of transmission.【小题4】.

Location, location, location

【小题5】. Exercising indoors in hot spots where cases are surging is riskier than in areas with low infection rates, says Bruno Murtha. So check out this color coded tracker to look up the COVID-19 risk in your county, and nearby counties.

A.If you fall in a high risky category
B.Make a checklist before you go
C.If you don’t meet the age requirement
D.Your geographic site should be considered
E.Avoid small gyms and those with little things
F.Working outside brings you all-round benefits
G.And the risk of transmission is lower outside than inside
知识点:方法/策略锻炼/健身(个人) 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A news release (释放,发布)is a tool of communication,through which information is passed to even the farthest end of the world.It keeps us well informed of the happenings of the world which would otherwise remain unknown.
When writing a news release,keep in mind that the media receive hundreds of releases every day.Try to follow these guidelines:Keep it short and professional.Come up with a ____headline that will grasp someone's attention.Sometimes the title will take more time to come up with than writing the release.That's okay-the headline could be critical for getting an event covered!
Cover the 5 W's in your first paragraph.Those are who you are; what you are doing;where,when you are doing;why you are doing it,which help us understand the details about the event.Besides,any opinions in the news release should be put in quotations from your designated spokesperson.Include things that the media finds newsworthy,which is the most essential.
Make the time on your news release at least half an hour later than the time you have told activists to show up at an event.This will ensure that activists are prepared and in place by the time the media arrive.
Choose a spokesperson for the event who can be quoted in the release and will be available for calls at that number the day before the event.
Have someone proof the release for spelling,grammar and content (determine whether what you are trying to relay is clear and right).Sometimes the person who writes the release may not notice mistakes that a fresh pair of eyes will catch.
Accuracy is the last but not least important in terms of your content and the location and time that you tell the media.If you do make a mistake,it is critical that you call and notify the media of the correction.
【小题1】What's the main purpose of the passage?
A.To tell us the importance of the news release.
B.To tell us how to avoid mistakes in the news release.
C.To make us know how to make the news release.
D.To ask us to read news release on the latest events.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “catchy” in Para 2 probably mean?
【小题3】What is the most important for a news release according to the passage?
A.Make sure the 5 W's in your first paragraph.
B.Choose a proper spokesperson for the event.
C.Make the news release newsworthy and accuracy.
D.Ensure activists are prepared for the events in advance.

How to Properly Recycle Your Paper and Cardboard

If you receive pizza deliveries or packages regularly, you probably have a pile of empty boxes sitting somewhere in your house. 【小题1】 For example, the pizza boxes you’ve been “recycling” are actually getting thrown away by employees at the recycling center. 【小题2】 Due to Earth Day, we’ll help make sure you’re recycling them the right way.

According to the University of Southern Indiana, one billion trees’ worth of paper is thrown in the trash annually — and that’s just in the US. I spoke with some recycling experts and here’s what I found out about the right way to recycle paper and cardboard.

【小题3】 For example, you can recycle a delivery box, but not a contaminated(受污染的)pizza box. This is because the oils from the pizza saturate(浸透)the cardboard, making it unrecyclable. 【小题4】 A recycling center employee advised cutting out the contaminated part of the cardboard and placing it in your compost(堆肥)bin.

Before you bring the cardboard to your nearest recycling center or put it in a bin for pickup, break the boxes down so that they’re lying flat. 【小题5】 If possible, remove the tape from the boxes before taking the cardboard to the recycling center, as well. Saving the employees a step can help make the recycling process more efficient.

A.This helps make more room in the bin.
B.It helps protect the other materials in the bin.
C.There’s a right way to recycle your paper and cardboard.
D.Therefore it’s important that we make sure to recycle as much as we can.
E.However, it is not completely impossible to recycle contaminated boxes.
F.While you may think you can recycle any cardboard and paper, that’s not the case.
G.The same goes for the shiny wrapping paper you thought would be fine to put into the paper recycling.

Behind the sweaty hands, racing minds, and a general sense of misfortune, anxiety carries a lesser-known power. It can push us toward what matters to us. 【小题1】.

Connect. We are social creatures. Connection is one of the strongest coping mechanisms (机制) we have. You don’t have to talk to someone about what is bothering you to benefit from this. 【小题2】.

【小题3】. In my own life, and those of others I know who have experienced anxiety either for a temporary situation or a long-term one, it is common, upon emerging from an anxiety, to feel an increased level of empathy (共情) for other people who are suffering in the world. This is beautiful. We can take that empathy and change it into kindness.

Acts of Kindness. A research study found that participants who participated in acts of kindness reported a greater decrease in anxiety when compared to controls. 【小题4】. A smile, encouraging words, or baking cupcakes for your housemates are all simple acts of kindness.

Take in the Beautiful Things. Mindfulness of the present moment allows us to surf through the anxieties we experience. 【小题5】. On the other hand, when we try to shut out anxiety, we also run the risk of shutting out the pleasant things.

A.Let us experience compassion
B.Let your anxiety fuel compassion
C.This has to be something extreme
D.It also opens us to the beauty around us
E.This doesn’t have to be anything extreme
F.What follows are things to do with anxiety
G.Just being in the presence of others sharing life is enough
