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If it weren’t for passionate people, this would be a dull world indeed.

Peter Cavanagh, of Lopez Island, certainly qualifies in the passionate category, having taken 600, 000 pictures of birds all over the world in the past 13 years. Cavanagh, 73, is a retired professor in the University of Washington. He minored in math and is an instrument-rated pilot. His pictures mostly capture birds in flight, not on a perch (栖息).

“I have a sense of wonder at flight because it is the most highly complex form of movement in the entire animal kingdom,” says Cavanagh. “Humans have spent more than six centuries trying to imitate bird flight but still have not produced flying machines with all of the complexity, flexibility and performance that is commonplace for birds.” For birds, the math of it all just happens. A small bird such as the American kestrel, the smallest falcon (猎鹰) in our region at about 4 ounces, sits and waits for prey.

Meanwhile, to achieve fight, a 90-ton commercial jet is filled with electronics and computer systems. “Birds have flying abilities we have not come close to matching in airplanes,” says Cavanagh. The Royal Aeronautical Society in London, in a January 2021 posting, told how researchers at the University of Denmark did computer design of a Boeing 777 wing based on a bird’s wings. It was 5% lighter, which matters in fuel costs. In 2019, Airbus produced a “Bird of Prey” design that mimicked the eagle’s wing and tail structure for flight control.

Cavanagh enjoys every minute of waiting, and waiting, and waiting, starting at sunrise to capture those images. “I am happiest in truly wild places where the human is a tolerated guest and they are the world of wild animals.”

【小题1】What is Peter Cavanagh’s passion?
A.Math education.
B.Bird photography.
C.Airplane engineering.
D.Wilderness exploration.
【小题2】Why did the author mention the American kestrel?
A.To compare the sizes and weights of the birds.
B.To show the importance of math in biomechanics.
C.To prove the unmatched flying abilities of birds.
D.To stress the diversity of native American species.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “mimicked” mean in paragraph 4?
【小题4】Which word best describes Peter Cavanagh’s attitude to nature according to the last paragraph?
知识点:动物人与动植物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The animal kingdom is dotted with species that give birth to spotted young, from deer to birds and fish. Even species that we don’t typically associate with spots, such as lions, wear the pattern as babies, only to lose it later in life.

But what purpose do these spots serve, and why do only some species seem to have them? Kiyoko Gotanda, a biologist at Brock University, said it is likely so common because spots are useful in keeping babies hidden from their enemies.

Spotted young tend to be more common in species that live in habitats with some three-dimensional structures, Gotanda noted, and less common in environments that are uniform or featureless. Indeed, baby seals born on pack ice are pure white, and develop spots only when they leave the ice for rocky beaches. But in habitats with some cover, spots function as the sunlight passing through leaves or tall grass, making an animal hard to be discovered in its background.

“It is not as overt a pattern as something like a stick insect that becomes something else entirely, which can be clearly identified. But spots do create these three-dimensional effects that help some species hide better,” said Gotanda.

In other rarer cases, spots actually help babies stand out. Young garibaldi — orange marine fish found along the coast of California and Mexico — have bright-blue spots that advertise their lowly status to highly territorial (有地盘意识的) males. As the fish grow and start to engage in the social order, their spots fade.

In fact, many species grow out of their spots, and the reasons aren’t entirely understood. According to Gotanda, patterning is typically considered more energetically costly to produce than a single, solid color. But spots don’t take a lot of energy to grow and maintain at least in the case of white spots. There must be other reasons to explain their loss, he said.

【小题1】Where are spotted baby animals more likely to appear according to Paragraph 3?
A.In the desert.B.On the ice.C.In the forest.D.In the lake
【小题2】What does the underlined word “overt” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
【小题3】Which statement might Gotanda agree with?
A.Animals with spots on the body are more energetic.
B.Spotted animals often exist in uniform surroundings.
C.The growth of animal spots will consume lots of energy.
D.There are more to explore about the loss of animal spots.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the text?
A.How Are Spots Protecting Baby Animals?
B.Why Do So Many Baby Animals Have Spots?
C.Where Can You Find Baby Animals with Spots?
D.What Causes the Loss of Spots on Baby Animals?

Why can’t penguins fly?

Even the very smallest penguin,the fairy penguin,weighs 1 kg,which is about as much as a herring gull (银鸥). But herring gulls have a 1.4-meterwingspan,compared with just 32 centimeters for the fairy penguin. Water is 784 times denser (密度较大的) than air,and around 62 million years ago,penguins began making adaptations for swimming underwater. Their bones are filled with heavy bone marrow (骨髓)rather than air and they have much larger stomachs for making long fishing trips away from the nest.

How do squirrels find buried nuts?

It was once thought that they just used their noses to sniff out buried nuts and that the majority were never actually located. But a study at Princeton University showed that squirrels actually have a good memory and can build a map of the route from one hidden nut to the next.

Why don’t horses have toes?

Early horses such as Hyracotherium, which lived 55 million years ago, did have toes, but they were much smaller animals. For taller animals, extra weight at the end of their legs has a much bigger influence on their speed. A recent study at Harvard University, the USA, found that one broad hoof (蹄) is almost as strong as many smaller toes, but much lighter.

Do animals have blood types?

Yes, they do! As long as the animals in question have blood (not all do)then they will have species-specific “blood groups”. As with humans, these groups are determined by the structure of the blood based on the presence or absence of antibodies along with the make-up of the proteins that sit on the outside of red blood cells.

Humans are usually one of four main blood types. Thirteen types have been identified for dogs, eight for horses and three for cats.

【小题1】Why can’t penguins fly?
A.Because of their physical characteristics.B.Because of their poor adaptation.
C.Because of their habits of swimming.D.Because of their changing environment.
【小题2】How many blood types do horses have?
【小题3】What can we infer from this text?
A.Squirrels find buried nuts by chance.B.Horses are stronger without hooves.
C.All animals have their blood types.D.An animal is a book with secrets.
【小题4】What could be the best title for this text?
A.Questions you may be interested inB.Questions on the animal kingdom
C.Secrets to discover in natureD.Knowledge around you

A group of researchers studying the behavior of Amur tigers, also known as Siberian tigers, have found that they have different “personality” types that help them survive and raise their baby tigers.

According to the previous investigation, Amur tigers are definitely the largest cuts in the world. They live in vast forests in wildness areas of eastern Russia and in protected areas of northern China. There are about 400 of these tigers left in the wild, although there are probably hundreds more living in zoos or reserves.

The researchers based the study on a human test called “The Big Five”, which scores people on five personality features. They asked feeders working with 248 cats in two shelters to spy on the tigers and give an account of their personalities. The results divided the tigers into two groups, which the researchers described as having either “majesty” or “steadiness”. Tigers in the majesty category were those that appeared “dignified (高贵的) and ambitious”. The tigers in the steadiness category were “sincere and tolerant”.

Majestic tigers had a higher social status, spent more time hunting live animals, and mated and ate more. The steady tigers seemed gentler and loving toward one another. Rosalind Arden, co-author of the study, said, “It’s pleasant to see that you don’t have to be dominant, fierce, competitive, and aggressive in order to succeed as a tiger, which doesn’t correspond with people’s traditional insights into tigers.”

There were female and male tigers in both categories. In fact, female Amur tigers are rare and feel exhausted after giving birth to baby tigers so that fathers often help raise the baby tigers. Having a steady personality, especially for male ones, could play a significant role in the relatively long amount of time — two to three years — that baby tigers stay with their parents. The researchers say both personalities have advantages that help the tigers survive threats, including loss of habitat and hunting. The team hopes the study will encourage more support from all walks of life in a bid to guarantee the tigers’ conservation.

【小题1】What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?
A.To justify an argument.
B.To add background information.
C.To summarize the previous paragraph.
D.To introduce a new topic for discussion.
【小题2】The researchers conducted the study on Amur tigers by
A.categorizing them for inspection
B.scoring them on 5 personality features
C.doing comparison experiments in the lab
D.observing them through a personality test
【小题3】What does Rosalind Arden think of their findings?
A.They improve Amur tigers’ welfare.
B.They change the tigers’ living conditions.
C.They help the reproduction of Amur tigers.
D.They contradict traditional ideas about tigers.
【小题4】What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Few sex-related differences exist in tigers’ personalities.
B.A steady personality decreases tigers’ chance of survival.
C.Greater conservation efforts have been made due to the study.
D.Personality types of baby tigers are influenced by their parents.
