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Seamus Blackley is well known as the man who came up with the idea for the Xbox game system. But Mr.Blackley was a scientist long before he worked on video games. Most scientists always want to study everything in the world, and that’s true of Mr. Blackley, too.“I had been baking when I was a child and I picked it back up 10 years ago.” he said. Now Mr. Blackley calls himself a “bread nerd”, and what really interests him is yeast (酵母).

When many people think of bread yeast, they think of something you buy at the store. But yeast is tiny living things found just about everywhere.

Though yeast is animate, it isn’t always active.When there’s not enough food ( like sugar or flour ), yeast becomes dormant (休眠的). Basically, it dries out and goes to sleep. It can stay dormant for thousands of years.

Dormant yeast can be made active again with warmth. In April, Blackley made bread with yeast that someone told him was 5,200 years old. But when he realized he had no way of knowing how old the yeast really was, he decided to colleet his own ancient yeast.

To do this, he worked with two other scientists: Richard Bowman, who studies tiny forms of life, and Serena Love, who studies and teaches about ancient Egypt. Dr. Love was able to connect the scientists with 4,500-year-old Egyptian clay pots (陶土罐) at two museums in Boston.The team successfully collected yeast from the tiny holes in the clay pots.Mr.Bowman took most of the samples (样品) to do other tests. Mr. Blackley kept one sample. He wanted to test it in his own way by making bread.

Mr. Blackley worked carefully to get the dormant yeast active again. Then he made a piece of bread using the yeast.Mr.Blackley said the taste of the bread was “unbelievable” and anyone could tell the difference. But he was still not 100% sure whether he’d baked with 4,500-year-old yeast. It’s possible that some more recent yeast got in the clay pots.

【小题1】What sort of man is Seamus Blackley?
A.A man who’s outgoing.B.A man who’s confident.
C.A man with wide interests.D.A man with a warm heart.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “animate” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题3】Why did Mr. Blackley work with Serena Love?
A.To get a sample of yeast.B.To learn tiny forms of life.
C.To make the yeast active.D.To make clay pots.
【小题4】What made Mr. Blackley doubt the age of the yeast?
A.He found the taste of the bread was wrong.
B.He doubted the clay pots were not that old.
C.He had done a terrible job in activating the yeast.
D.He thought there might be recent yeast in the clay pots.
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Pupils (瞳孔) respond to more than just light. They can indicate one’s interest or mental exhaustion. Pupil dilation (扩大) is even used by the police to detect lies. Now work conducted in our laboratory suggests that the pupil size is closely related to individual differences in intelligence. The larger the pupils are, the higher the intelligence is, as measured by the tests of reasoning, attention and memory.

We first uncovered this surprising relationship while studying differences in the amount of mental effort people used to complete memory tasks. We used pupil dilation as an indicator of effort, a technique psychologist Dani Kahneman popularized in the 1960s and 1970s. When we discovered a relationship between the pupil size and intelligence, we weren’t sure if it was real or what it meant.

Curiously, we conducted several large-scale studies in which we recruited more than 500 people aged 18 to 55 from the Atlanta community. We measured the participants’ pupils at rest while they stared at a blank computer screen for up to four minutes with an eye tracker. All the while, the eye tracker was recording. Using the tracker, we then calculated each participant’s pupil size.

To be clear, the pupil size refers to the diameter (直径) of the black circular aperture in the center of the eye. The pupil is surrounded by the colorful area known as the iris (虹膜), which is responsible for controlling the size of the pupil. Pupils become tighter and smaller in response to bright light, so we kept the laboratory dim (昏暗的) for all participants.

In the next part of the experiment, the participants completed a series of tests designed to measure “fluid intelligence”, the capacity to reason through new problems, “working memory capacity”, the ability to remember information over a period of time, and “attention control”, the ability to focus attention amid distractions and interference.

We found that a larger pupil size was correlated with greater fluid intelligence, attention control and, to a lesser degree, working memory capacity—indicating a fascinating relationship between the brain and the eyes. Interestingly, the pupil size was negatively correlated with age: older participants tended to have smaller pupils. Once standardized for age, however, the relationship between the pupil size and intelligence remained.

【小题1】Which of the following statements might Daniel Kahneman support?
A.Those with big eyes have good memory.
B.Pupil dilation can cause mental exhaustion.
C.The pupil size is related to one’s intelligence.
D.Pupil dilation can reflect one’s mental effort.
【小题2】Why did the researchers conduct the large-scale studies?
A.To complete their memory tasks.
B.To study the function of the pupil.
C.To test whether their discovery is true.
D.To find a way to record the pupil size.
【小题3】The laboratory was kept dim so that the participants could________.
A.wholly focus on the tests
B.better respond to bright light
C.control the size of their pupils
D.keep their eyes open comfortably
【小题4】What is a suitable title for the text?
A.Can you “see” the good from the bad?
B.The eyes do communicate various emotions.
C.The eyes may be the window to the brain as well.
D.Why does the pupil size correlate with intelligence?

The ocean is a huge body of saltwater that covers about 71 percent of Earth’s surface. An estimated 97 percent of the world’s water is found in the ocean. Because of this, the ocean has a very important impact on weather, temperature, and the food supply of humans and other organisms. However, it remains unknown. More than 80 percent of the ocean has never been mapped, explored, or even seen by humans, while a far greater percentage of the surfaces of Moon and the planet Mars has been mapped and studied.

Although there is much more to learn, ocean researchers have already made some amazing discoveries. For example, we know that the ocean contains big mountain ranges and deep canyons (峡谷), just like those on land. The height of the word’s tallest mountain Mount Everest in the Himalayas, measuring 8.84 kilometers (5.49mies) high-would not even break the surface of the water if it were placed in the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench or Philippine Trench, two of the deepest parts of the ocean. The average depth of the entire ocean is 3,720 meters

It is unknown how many different species call the ocean their home. With many ocean ecosystems suffering from rising sea temperatures, pollution and other problems, some ocean researchers believe the number of species is dropping. Still, there may be many positive surprises awaiting them in the years ahead. It could be that more than 90 percent of the ocean’s species are still undiscovered, with some scientists estimating that there are anywhere between a few hundred thousand and a few million more to be discovered. Currently, scientists know of around 226.000 ocean species. Since the ocean is so vast, there is plenty for future ocean researchers from all corners of the globe to explore and discover.

【小题1】Why does the author mention Moon and Mars?
A.To tell us that space exploration is more important.
B.To indicate people are determined to explore space.
C.To remind us that we need to learn more about space.
D.To show how little people know about the ocean.
【小题2】What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Why the ocean is so deep.B.How important the ocean is.
C.What we know about the ocean.D.Why mountains exist in the ocean.
【小题3】What’s the good news for the ocean researchers?
A.There are more new species to be found in the ocean.
B.They can solve many problems about the ocean.
C.They will get more help to study the ocean species.
D.The number of ocean species has stopped dropping.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Ocean Brings Benefits to People
B.The Ocean Deserves Our Further Study
C.We Must Stop Ocean Pollution Right Now
D.We Should Have a Positive Attitude to the Ocean

Babies don't learn to talk just from hearing sounds. They are lip­readers too. It happens during the stage when a baby's babbling (咿呀声) gradually changes from unclear voices into that first “mama” or “dada”. The baby in order to do like you has to figure out how to shape their lips to make that particular sound they are hearing, according to developmental psychologist David Lewkowicz of Florida Atlantic University, who led the study.
Apparently it doesn't take them too long to absorb the movements that match basic sounds. By their first birthdays, babies start changing back to look you in the eye again. It offers more evidence that quality face­time with babies is very important for speech development more than, say, turning on the latest baby DVD.
But Lewkowicz went a step further. He and his student Amy Hansen­Tift tested nearly 180 babies, groups of them at ages 4,6,8,10 and 12 months. How? They showed videos of a woman speaking in English or Spanish to babies of English speakers. They found that when the speaker used English, the 4­month­olds gazed mostly into her eyes. The 6­month­olds spent equal amounts of time looking at the eyes and the mouth. The 8­and 10­month­olds studied mostly the mouth. At 12 months, attention started changing back toward the speaker's eyes.
But what happened when these babies accustomed to English heard Spanish? The 12­month­olds studied the mouth longer, just like younger babies. They needed the extra information to recognize the unfamiliar sounds. That fits with research into bilingualism (双语) that shows babies' brains adjust themselves to distinguishing the sounds of their native language over other languages in the first year of life.
The continued lip­reading shows the 1­year­olds clearly still are fit for learning. Babies are so hard to study that this is “a fairly heroic data set”, says Duke University cognitive neuroscientist Greg Appelbaum, who found the research so fascinating that he wants to know more.
【小题1】According to the first paragraph, babies________.
A.might get its voice “mama” by lip­reading
B.learn to talk just from hearing the sounds
C.like to figure out how to shape their lips
D.communicate with parents through gestures
【小题2】What is necessary in developing babies' speech according to Lewkowicz?
A.Playing baby DVD nearby.
B.Teaching babies to read English.
C.Speaking with babies face to face.
D.Speaking different languages in front of babies.
【小题3】Which of the following shows the right change of babies' eye gaze according to the text?
【小题4】What would be the best title of the text?
A.Babies Have Different Methods to Talk
B.Babies Try Lip­reading in Learning to Talk
C.Babies Are Suitable to Learn Two Languages
D.Babies Can Easily Accept Foreign Language
