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China: Making Graduates Employable

Universities in China are facing similar demands to improve the employability of their graduates as those in the UK, new research among employers has revealed. 【小题1】 In Britain, the government has set up its own internship scheme to help graduates find work during the recession.

But what are the skills employers want and how much do they differ between the two nations? 【小题2】 The partnerships are funded by the government through the British Council under the second phase of the Prime Minister’s Initiative for International Education. In this scheme, universities are encouraged to exchange ideas and develop programmes aimed at improving the entrepreneurship and employability of graduates. “We found employers in both countries put a great emphasis on leadership qualities and initiative – things that are learned through the activities students engage in and the responsibilities they take on during their time at university,” Heffernan told a conference in London organized by the council, which is inviting proposals for 10 new UK-China partnerships.


Generally, it includes family and friends and links with people working in other companies, voluntary organizations, or leisure activities. The Chinese also tend to take more time building up relationships with people before getting down to business. The University of Plymouth and its partner China Agricultural University in Beijing are working to determine the skills most likely to lead to employability and successful careers. Staff at both universities have conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews with local employers of graduates in three areas, marketing, human resources and finance-accounting.

【小题4】 In the UK they chose communication including written and verbal communication, networking skills and foreign language ability - as the top priority followed by the ability to work in a team.

“Students in China generally lose touch with society and they need help to understand how companies work and what is involved in the different jobs and professions. They know very little outside the campus and that is where I think they differ from students in the UK. We can share our experiences.”

A.“However, there are some clear differences in the emphasis put on different attributes, such as the value placed by the Chinese on ‘guanxi’, the network of connections that a person has built up.” he said.
B.Employers in both countries valued the personal skills of graduates seeking work in human resources.
C.The Chinese employers said the person who could complete a job and get things done was highly prized
D.That is the question Dr. Troy Heffernan, a senior lecturer in marketing at the University of Plymouth, set out to answer through his involvement in one of 13 partnerships between institutions in the UK and China.
E.A draft of a report to be published later this year shows marketing executives in both countries put a high emphasis on good communication skills.
F.The Chinese government issued a circular earlier this year urging universities and colleges to strengthen their efforts in preparing students for the workplace.
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The phrase "digital nomads(游民)" suggests joyful people who escape their daily work to travel the world, working with laptops on beaches. Relevant statistics regularly made the headline: “There will be one billion digital nomads by 2035".

I started researching digital nomads in 2015, and it took me three years to develop an understanding of what might be going on. I've met hundreds of people who think of themselves as digital nomads and many more who have dreamed about becoming one. The first thing I learned is that how people feel about the label “digital nomad" changes over time. People starting out often assume it's a permanent lifestyle, but that's rarely the case. One of my respondents explained, “I don't go around calling myself a digital nomad now. It's a bit silly." Indeed, there's still debate about whether it's a buzzword(时髦用语) or a real phenomenon. Some have even tried to figure out how “authentic" a digital nomad is, by how much they move from place to place. And there has been heated debate online about who's a real digital nomad, and who is merely self-promoting.

Most of the digital nomads I spoke to, who once had well-paid jobs, told me that they were escaping from deeply-rooted problems in the contemporary Western workplace. One of my respondents, Zeb, was working three restaurant jobs to pay the rent in San Francisco. The city sucked up all his time and money. This made him abandon his plans to sell recycled products online. Swapping expensive California for affordable South-East Asia helped Zeb to launch his own business. Lisette a skilled translator from Hamburg, Germany, is able to produce high-quality work quickly. She soon tired of the culture of presenteeism (出勤主义) at her workplace. She explained, “I'm efficient and I like to get the work done and leave on time. :Others were obviously scared to leave first, so they would sit at their desks and play with their computers."

Nearly 40% of British adults believe their jobs don't make sense. Their housing is of poor quality and too expensive, and the economies don't provide young people with wages they can live on. With these challenges, it's hardly surprising that those new to the world are already desperate to escape. Yet there are certain complexities that come with living as a citizen of the world. As Lsstte said, "Digital nomads can quickly become isolated." Digital nomads have to shoulder responsibility for almost every aspect of modern life: their mental health, daily routine, income, safety and shelter. Most digital nomads travel on tourist visas, which requires them to move regularly ---an experience my participants have described as disorienting (使人迷失方向的).

For those digital nomads who make a living as professional bloggers, it's also part of their job to sell the life-style. As a result, many try to present a stable and happy image online. Lissette explained, "There 's a danger---when my aunt sees my picture online, she thinks that everything looks so happy here on the beach. Of course, my digital identity always looks happier than my real life." But at some point, most of my research participants feel sorrow for the loss of some aspects, such as location dependence, regular work hours. or an office party. They miss some of the things they were escaping. Many nomads I've interviewed just pack up and go home without telling anyone. Being a digital nomad can be rewarding and offers an escape from the boring office hour. But it’s important that digital nomads think deeply about the importance of community and mental health in their lives. Freedom does not mean the same thing for everyone.

【小题1】What does the author think of digital nomads?
A.Easy to get on with.B.Difficult to define.
C.Extremely popular.D.About to disappear.
【小题2】What led Lissette to escape from her workplace?
A.Fierce competition.B.Economic pressure.
C.Rigid working system.D.Violation of personal space.
【小题3】What is an attractive aspect of being a digital nomad according to paragraph 4?
A.Travelling the world.B.Enjoying more free time.
C.Receiving steady incomes.D.Being free from real-life pressures.
【小题4】What does the author advise us to do in the last paragraph?
A.Think twice before becoming a digital nomad.
B.Share your real life and job on the Internet.
C.Have a much more comfortable lifestyle.
D.Resign from a dead-end job as soon as possible.
【小题5】What would be the best title of the passage?
A.Digital nomads: what future jobs will be like
B.Digital nomads: a trend that will take over the world
C.Digital nomads: an effective way to escape your everyday work
D.Digital nomads: what it's really like to work while traveling the world

In order to make an organization run smoothly, there has to be a great team in place. While the employees get all the work done, the managers ensure that all the work is done well enough. Therefore a good manager is very important for any company. There are certain skills that a person must have in order to become a good manager.

The most important skill that makes a good manager is his ability to communicate well with his team. Unless he is able to communicate with his team and explain to them what the management expects from them, there will be no results achieved.

In the course of achieving a goal, a team will be faced with several problems and difficult times. In such a situation, it is necessary that the manager is good at decision-making and problem-solving.

A good manager should also be able to organize and plan well. This becomes necessary in order to meet the goal that has been set. For this to happen, he must also have knowledge of effective time management.

There are various ways in which a person can handle different situations through various leadership roles. A good leader should be able to give advice to help his teammates perform well. Leadership does not mean dominating (支配) people. It means encouraging them to work to the best of their abilities and produce positive results.

Team building is not a simple task and the test of a good manager lies in whether he can build a great team. For this it is necessary that he learn what each team worker can do and make use of them in the best possible manner for the good of the greater goal. He must have the ability to listen and encourage his team as well. For a team to perform efficiently, a good manager should be able to motivate the team. He should also make the most of others’ talents. In case of people with poor performance, he should handle the situation with professionalism in order to reach a positive conclusion.

It is very important that a manager keeps himself constantly updated about the workings of his field. This is necessary so that he can use the knowledge and make positive contributions to the goal. A good manager should also have long-term goals for the benefit of the company. He should plan the future steps for the development of the company.

Skills needed to be a good manager
General introductionIn order to make sure that a company develops well enough, a good manager is necessary.
Great 【小题1】A good manager must have the ability to communicate with his team and explain clearly what they are expected to do.
Problem-solving and decision-makingA good manager should have the ability to make decisions and solve problems in order to achieve a(n) 【小题2】.
Good organizationA good manager should organize and plan well, for which 【小题3】 management is very important.
Ability to 【小题4】A good manager should 【小题5】 his teammates to do their best rather than dominating them.
Building a great 【小题6】●A good manager should learn about each team member’s 【小题7】 and make great use of them.
●A good manager should motivate his team to finish their tasks well, as well as encouraging talents.
●When his team performs 【小题8】, a good manager should deal with the situation with professionalism.
Being 【小题9】 and far-sighted●A good manager should constantly 【小题10】 his knowledge about his working field.
● A good manager should have long-term goals in making plans to develop the company.

You can get a clear picture about Deep Work by Cal Newport in 5 minutes. Deep Work tells us professional activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive (认知的) capabilıties to their limit. These efforts create new value and improve your skill. The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our economy. As a consequence, the few who develop the skill, and then make it the core of their working life, will thrive (蓬勃发展)

The book tells us the core abilities for thriving in the new economy, which are the ability to quickly master hard things, the ability to produce a high level, in terms of both quality and speed. If you can’t learn, you can’t thrive. If you don’t produce, you won’t thrive- no matter how skilled or talented you are. If you haven’t mastered deep work, you’ll struggle to learn hard things. To learn hard things quickly, you must focus intensely without distraction.

The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and habits to your working life designed to minimize a state of unbroken concentration. To master the art of deep work, therefore, you must take back control of your time and attention from the many entertainments on the Internet that attempt to steal them. Adopt a tool only if its positive impacts on these factors substantially outweigh its negative impacts. It’s crucial that you figure out in advance what you’re going to do with your evenings and weekends before they begin.

In the end of Deep Work, we can know that the ability to-concentrate is a skill that gets valuable things done. If you’re struggling to use your mind to its fullest capacity to create things that matter, then you’ll discover, as others have before you, that depth generates a life rich with productivity and meaning.

【小题1】What is presented in the first paragraph?
A.Accurate analyses.B.Practical examples.
C.Daring expectation.D.Theoretical introduction.
【小题2】Who will have a particular advantage in this new economy?
A.Those who’re the best at what they do.B.Those willing to give others a hand.
C.Those who’re very skilled or talented.D.Those easy to get along well with.
【小题3】Which of the following can help develop a deep work habit?
A.Forming a simple habit.B.Making a flexible schedule.
C.Quitting social media.D.Using on-demand distraction.
【小题4】What is the text?
A.A news report.B.An exam paper.
C.An economic article.D.A book review.
