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Ways to Boost Your Energy

Are you sleepy as the afternoon wears on? When low energy drags you down, don’t look to a candy bar, a cup of coffee, or an energy drink for a lift. The sugar and caffeine might give you an immediate pick-me-up, but after that quick high wears off, you’ll crash and feel even more tired. 【小题1】 Here are some ways:

Let the sunshine in.

Research suggests that just a few minutes of walking outside on a warm, clear day may enhance mood, memory, and the ability to absorb new information. Going outside can even improve your self-esteem. 【小题2】

Chew a piece of sugar-free gum.

It’s not exactly clear why, but numerous studies have shown that chewing gum increases attentiveness. Even before science confirmed it, during World War I, American soldiers were issued gum to help them focus.


When you’re stressed, it’s natural to breathe shallowly, which can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches cells. To counteract that, try breathing in through your nose for four seconds, holding your breath for four seconds, and then slowly breathing out for four seconds.

Have a drink of water.

【小题4】But you do want to drink enough water to keep your body functioning well. Try to get to the fridge or water cooler for a refill every few hours. The walk there will also help you wake up.

Belt out your favorite tune.

Singing gives you a kind of emotional high while it reduces levels of stress in your body. 【小题5】 If you’re at work and don’t want to face others’ puzzled stares, you might want to save your beautiful voice for the car.

A.Have a bite.
B.Take a few deep breaths.
C.If you absolutely can’t get out, at least open the shades.
D.So grab a hairbrush, put on your favorite song, and sing away.
E.What you need is a lasting solution to helping you feel refreshed.
F.You don’t necessarily have to follow the “eight glasses a day” rule.
G.Expose yourself to natural sunlight, especially in the early morning.
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Suffering from chronic fatigue (慢性疲劳)? Read on to know how to deal with it.

Let your brain waves relax before sleep. If you want to feel energized in the morning, you need to change your evening and bed time routines. 【小题1】 Besides, stay away from your phone, laptop, TV and any device that gives off the blue light.

Never skip your meals. No matter how busy or depressed you are, never skip your meals, Have wholesome breakfast, a light lunch healthy snacks and a delicious dinner every single day.【小题2】

Take a nap(小睡). If you are suffering from chronic fatigue and you have trouble surviving the afternoon, taking a nap (15-20 minutes) is a healthy wav.【小题3】 Or let your boss know that youneed to take a nap every afternoon due to health issue.

Give tea a try.【小题4】 However, since it has poor energy boosting properties, it is time to try something new. Earl Grey tea or black tea is a better option when it comes to energy-boosting drinks.

【小题5】 Taking a cold shower in the morning is an excellent way to wake yourself up and give yourself plenty of energy. However, if you have a weak immune system, this method is not for you. Drinking a glass of cold water as soon as you wake up is a safer way to pump your energy levels.

A.Choose ice water instead of a cold shower.
B.Increase your body’s oxygen.
C.Coffee has always been a favorite morning drink for many people.
D.Ask your co-workers not to disturb you for 15 minutes.
E.Taking a deep breath and muscle-tensing exercise helps your enter a state of relaxation.
F.If your body doesn’t get enough nutrients, chronic fatigue is unavoidable.
G.Do not overload your brain with unnecessary stuff and avoid negative talks.

Many of us work hard to achieve a successful career. We spend years in school, and then get a well-paid job that we think will bring us a comfortable life. Then one day we realize that all we seem to do is work and have forgotten how to relax.There's nothing wrong with being ambitious.The problem is that we don't keep a good work-life balance.

Here are some simple activities that can help you find more peace and balance in your life.

Take a warm bath

A warm bath will help you relax physically and mentally. The warm water will relax your muscles and in addition, the environment will help calm your mind and improve your mood.

Go outside

The fresh air and change of scenery can help you clear your mind. In addition, seeing the rest of the world helps you put things into a larger perspective.It helps you see things beyond your own busy lives.

Try meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool to help you relax. Basically, all you have to do is sit quietly for a few minutes and follow your breath. You don't have to do it perfectly,and you don't have to meditate for long periods to get the benefits.

If you want more balance in your life, then make relaxation a part of your daily life. Not only will you feel better, but also you will be more productive and gain more satisfaction from your work and your personal life.

【小题1】What is this article about?
A.What a comfortable life is like.
B.The best ways to enjoy yourself.
C.Activities that you should do for your success.
D.How to live a peaceful and balanced life.
【小题2】Which of the following does the author agree with?
A.People should be relaxed instead of working hard.
B.Taking a warm bath is less useful for sportsmen.
C.Going outside can broaden your mind and horizon.
D.The more relaxation you have, the better you will work.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “meditate" most probably mean?

Keeping pence with your roommates will not always be a walk in the park. 【小题1】 You may also have to adjust yours as a form of cooperation and respect. Here are some steps you could follow to be at Peace with your new roommates:

【小题2】.This is the foundation of every friendship-familiarity with one another. Organize an open discussion about your roommate's personality. Know his likes and dislikes as well as his pet peeves(难忍之事,痛处). Have the necessary information in case of emergencies. This will allow each one of you an opportunity to understand one another more as well as reconcile(调解) differences if there is any.

Keep your messy stuff at bay.【小题3】 You must be mindful on your own share of the room's dirt and mess. Keep your things organized and generally out of anyone's way. Learn to be tidy and clean at all times. Create a duty schedule with your roommate, have an honest and fair agreement on it and stick strictly to it.

【小题4】 Good communication is the key here. You must accept that your roommate may be in a calm manner with your complaints. It is best to keep only in the room what happened in the room. It is not respectful if you would talk to other people that have no concern at all about your complaints.

Roommates are perfect candidates to be your lifelong friends. Learn to treasure your relationship rooted in mutual(相互的) respect to each other. 【小题5】

A.Mind your basic manners.
B.Get to know your roommates more.
C.Deal with conflicts in a calm manner.
D.This will surely make your new room a home away from home.
E.Rather, you may have to face and deal with different personalities.
F.Nothing is more annoying than having a messy work and living space.
G.Provide your roommate with necessary time and space to make him feel the privacy he used to enjoy.
