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In February of 2005, Phil Belfiore was teaching one of Robert Frost’s poems Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. He liked it that he recorded it on his home answering machine, which would lead to one of the most unusual friendships of his life.

When Phil returned from Easter vacation, he listened to his voice messages, one gentleman caller apologized for dialing the wrong number. But, he added that he’d really enjoyed the poem. Phil just laughed and thought nothing more of it——until the phone rang a enjoyed the poem few days later.

Phil recognized John’s unique voice immediately. John said sorry to bother, but he said the poem was impressive and he was eager to hear it once more. The two men talked. It turned out that John’s brother’s phone number was different from Phil’s by one digit (数字) thus the wrong number. Before hanging up, Phil told John to call back anytime, whether to hear the poem or just to have a chat.

That was years ago. They’ve spoken on the phone a few times a month ever since. It is John who is still the starter of most calls. However, Phil will ring if a long while has passed. Not surprisingly, John has been in poor health. And his special voice is just the contribution of some heart trouble. They seem to always connect when there has been a big sports event. The men like to discuss football most, John will also update Phil about his life. Slowly, their conversations have grown much more personal. When asked what drew them together. Phil said that they were born to be friends. They planned to meet twice, but circumstances went against them. Their friendship is based on the simple act of picking up the phone. “My best friend is someone I’ve been in touch only on the phone,” says John.

【小题1】How did Phil react to John’s first voice message?
A.He took it seriously.B.He felt bothered by it.
C.He cared little about it.D.He appreciated it
【小题2】Why did John call Phil for a second time?
A.He planned to make an apology.B.He meant to bring a surprise to Phil.
C.He failed to call the right number.D.He intended to hear the poem again.
【小题3】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.A Special Link Between Two PoetsB.A Friendship Starts With a Wrong Call
C.Best Friends Share a Beautiful PoemD.A Call Can Bring About Big Changes
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It's said that making friends gets harder when you get older. People settle into their existing friendships during childhood or at university. However, new research suggests that's not what happens. According to a recent survey, the age group that feels least confident in chatting to strangers is those aged 18 to 24. Similarly, it was found that 59% of Millennials   (千禧一代) spend more time chatting to friends on social media than they do seeing them in person

Author and expert on friendship, Kate Leaver, said, "Young people are not confident when speaking to strangers not only because they're afraid of refusal, but also because they've really been socially conditioned not to. Previous generations had a much stronger sense of community in public, shared spaces. We don't have as much access (接近) to that because the way we structure our modern lives means we are less in touch with our communities. Shared public spaces like parks and libraries - places where people might get close to a stranger - are being shut down."

Laura, 27, hates meeting new people. The majority of her friends are from university days. "I'm pretty chatty and open when I get to know someone, but during that first meeting, I'm very shy. I get very anxious about what to talk about, and people judging me or just not understanding my sense of humor."

But not all young people feel the same way. Hayley, 31, regularly meets people in unusual ways and makes friends with them. "I became good friends with someone who I met on the plane," she said. "It just shows how you can really connect when you're offline."

If you're comfortable with your present friendship situation, that's great. But, if you do want to enlarge your social circle, here are some tips. Avoid unpleasant silences by searching for people with common interests - join a book club or a local sports team. If it is too stressful, there are some friendship apps that you can use.Or, strike up a conversation with someone in a public place.

【小题1】What can we get from the recent survey?
A.Seniors prefer to make friends online
B.Teens spend less time on friends than before
C.Making friends gets harder when you're older.
D.Young people build relationships with difficulty.
【小题2】The underlined word "that" in Paragraph 2 probably refers to "
B.a stranger
C.the sense of community
D.the social condition
【小题3】What problem does Laura have when socializing?
A.She fails to contact her old friends.
B.She is skilled at making new friends.
C.She prefers to make new friends online.
D.She is unwilling to get close to new people.
【小题4】What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?
A.Developing a sense of humor.
B.Enlarging friend circles offline.
C.Joining groups with shared interests.
D.Keeping strong ties with old friends.

Here's a surprising truth—one of the most powerful weapons to enhance your life is your own tongue!

【小题1】 Concentrate on the qualities of other people that you can affirm instead of on their faults.This alone should do wonders in relieving stress in your relationships.Doctors know that prolonged anxiety harms you,but encouraging words can remove stress and a peaceful mind leads to improve physical health,too.【小题2】

Avoid fueling verbal fire.When someone starts to blow up all at you,be careful about your response.Why burn your relationship house down with your own mouth?Try spraying water on an argument with calm words instead of using a flamethrower.How many marriages have been destroyed when in a fit of anger people spew out hurtful accusations to one another that are never forgotten!【小题3】 “A soft answer turns away wrath(狂怒),but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Stop complaining.We all know people who complain all the time,especially about the fault of others.【小题4】 Nothing is ever going well for them,and probably nothing ever will—as long as they keep complaining and putting their energy on what they really don't want.

Do think before you speak.【小题5】 It is useless regretting.It doesn't matter how unintentional they may be,words can sometimes cut a lot deeper than a sword.Very often you'll hear people say,“I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.”Well,if you didn't want to hurt feelings why couldn't you be thoughtful before you let the unpleasant words escape your loose lips?

A.You should practice waiting a while before answering someone when you are angry.
B.Practice speaking positive words instead of negative ones.
C.We store in our minds in a kind of mental art gallery what others have said to us.
D.Once the words leave your mouth,it is impossible to take them back.
E.The longer you think,the better you'll speak.
F.The more they do so,the more they are disliked.
G.Think twice before speaking.

How to Rebuild TrustTaking Responsibility for Your Actions

Maybe you lied to your sweetheart, stole the guy or girl your friend had an eye on. Trust between two people means that they can be vulnerable with each other. Maintaining trust is very important to having satisfying relationships. Losing trust is a two-way street, and so is rebuilding it. 【小题1】 Here’s what you need to do from some angles.

Come clean.

If you have betrayed someone, coming clean at your own expense tells the other person that their well-being is more important than your own. 【小题2】 Even if there are parts that you can keep hidden without getting caught, you should still reveal them to the other person. Only in admitting all your mistakes can you be forgiven for all of them.

Expect an emotional reaction from the other person.

【小题3】 On the contrary, you can expect an emotional outburst—yelling, crying, and so on—from the other person when she hears you admit your betrayal. But remember, the best way to move on is by putting it all into the open.


【小题4】 How you approach saying your apology will influence whether or not the apology is accepted and you both can move on.


When you violate someone’s trust, you may feel so regretful that you have a hard time forgiving yourself for the violation. While a repentant heart is an essential part of making up with the person you betrayed, you also need to accept and learn to forgive yourself after you put the effort into making amends.

A.Apologize first.
B.Forgive yourself.
C.Admit all of your mistakes.
D.Let him know why you are apologizing.
E.This one should be obvious, but unfortunately, sometimes it gets overlooked.
F.Admitting that you betrayed someone is not going to make things easier immediately.
G.Both parties must want to rebuild lost trust.
