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Among a row of village houses with gray walls and wooden doors, a two-story building stands out not just for its height but also for the words hanging at the entrance:“Jiahe Museum”. The museum was founded by Wang Jijia, a 53-year-old farmer in Northwest China’s Gansu Province.

Wang exhibits old items he has collected over the past 30 years in his museum that he established on the second floor of his house. “As a farmer, I am full of emotions about what happens on the land,” he said.

When he was in high school, Wang was fascinated by what he found at home—a pile of documents and certificates featuring the lifestyle of the older generations. “Looking at those yellowish papers from the old age, I can’t help wondering the stories behind,” he said.

That’s how Wang’s interest in collectibles began. Since then, he devoted all his spare time to wandering around salvage stations, bookstalls, and neighborhoods to collect old stuff, such as books, certificates, old farm tools and other items of daily use.

In 2017, inspired by an exhibition in the province, he had the idea of establishing a museum displaying his collections. He borrowed money from the bank and used his knowledge from visiting various public museums across the country to design his own museum.

In two years, Wang built the museum that covers about 500 square meters with over 20,000 exhibits, ranging from items as old as several thousand years to new objects from his parents’ generation.

“Older people are nostalgic, and some of them have experienced ups and downs that were totally different from today. I hope to offer them a chance to recall those past days,” Wang said. In his museum, he expects the older generation can recall the unforgettable days while youths can be aware of the changes brought by their parents, including their sacrifices.

Since its opening in September 2019, the museum has received more than 16,000 visitors, including culture lovers, elderly villagers, and museum colleagues.

【小题1】What do we know about “Jiahe Museum”?
A.It is a public museum.B.It is a private museum.
C.It is an art museum.D.It is a science museum.
【小题2】What inspired Wang Jijia to collect old items?
A.A pile of old papers.B.A set of ancient farm tools.
C.A visit to a museum.D.A group of yellowish photos.
【小题3】When Wang started to build his museum, he ______.
A.got support from his friendB.was made fun of by villagers
C.didn’t have enough moneyD.was discouraged by his wife
【小题4】What does the underlined word “nostalgic” in Paragraph 7 mean?
A.Listening to people attentively.B.Talking endlessly to other people.
C.Forgetting what has happened easily.D.Thinking affectionately about the past.
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Tobacco ruins lives, leading to over 400,000 hospital admissions a year, and ultimately kills two in three lifetime smokers.

Over the coming weeks, MPs (议员) will debate new laws to create a “smoke-free generation”, meaning no one born on or after 1 January, 2009, can be legally sold a cigarette. This is a truly transformative piece of public health policy that could see an end to tobacco use in England.

The policy will see the legal age for being sold tobacco rise by one year each year from 2027. While the proposed age increase approach is novel, we know that raising the age of purchasing works. Smoking rates dropped by 30 per cent among young people within a year when the legal age increased from 16 to 18 in 2007. The drop was closer to 40 per cent among the target age group when it was raised from 18 to 21 in the US.

There are concerns among some that the new policy could drive an illegal market, but the evidence doesn’t back this up.

Since 2000 the illegal market for tobacco has declined from 22 per cent to 11 per cent despite raising the age of purchasing to 18, banning smoking in public places, introducing plain packaging, and continued price rises. Furthermore, the focus of the policy is to prevent people taking up smoking — no one who can currently buy tobacco will be unable to do so — making it unlikely there will be an increased demand for illegal tobacco.

Online sales may also present their own difficulty as the new policy comes into force, with digital retailers (零售商) having responsibility to check on the age of customers remotely. The government is promising “enhancing online age verification (验证)” but it would be far simpler to ban online tobacco sales altogether, as recommended in a recent independent government review.

【小题1】Who will be restricted by the new policy?
A.Heavy smokers.B.Cigarette sellers.
C.The tobacco growers.D.The tobacco advertisers.
【小题2】What is mainly talked about in paragraph 3?
A.The benefit of the policy.B.The novelty of the policy.
C.The target people of the policy.D.The content of the policy.
【小题3】What do some people worry about?
A.The price of tobacco will go up.B.More people will pick up smoking.
C.The tax from tobacco may decrease.D.The illegal tobacco markets will boom.
【小题4】What will happen to online tobacco sales with the new policy in effect?
A.It will encounter resistance.B.It will face a new challenge.
C.It will have simplified process.D.It will make more profits.

Java’s Cafe is a fundamental extension of the Rochester experience, opening its arms to comfort coffee, tea, and dessert lovers alike. For the typical UR students, the Java’s on Gibbs St. has become a place of solace during stressful testing times, and on more heartwarming occasions, a social hub.

Slowly approaching its thirties, Java’s has enjoyed a good reputation in its local. In 1978, Java Joe created a coffee farm in Hawaii. With great dedication to his craft, the great master of coffee beans made his way to Rochester then. In 1992, Joe decided to start selling coffee at the Public Market and opened up a store on Gibbs St. with the help of Michael Calabrese. This location, next to the Eastman School of Music, is the first of many shops Java Joe opened. As a lover of the blues, Joe enthusiastically decorated this flagship store with artistic and musical influence.

After Gibbs location, Joe planted Java Joe’s where he was first starting out — in the Public Market. Later, Java Joe’s moved to a nearby building, and received a name change — Java’s at the Market Coffee Roasters. This building served as a place where those who visited would often catch a glimpse of Joe skillfully roasting his coffee beans in the dancing flames and cultivating his drinks with care. However, in 1997 he licensed “Java Joe’s” to Calabrese, who then renamed the Gibbs Cafe to what we know today — Java’s Café.

Joe remained in the Public Market location until he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Joe died of lung cancer at 68. The influence he had poured into his business is well-known and highly regarded. He has won many awards in his life.

The next time you head down to Gibbs St. for your morning cup, keep in mind the extraordinary story of how that cup came to be, all thanks to Java Joe.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “solace” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
【小题2】What is true about Java’s Café on Gibbs St.?
A.The name of the shop keeps unchanged up to now.
B.It was popular with the locals and students as well.
C.Java Joe had the ownership of the shop in 1997.
D.It is the flagship store and has won several awards.
【小题3】What is special about Java’s at the Market Coffee Roasters?
A.Joe’s specially-made coffee beans.
B.Its super-quality coffee and service.
C.Joe’s demonstration of coffee-making skills.
D.Its attraction to the music school students.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The popularity of Java’s Cafe.
B.The development of the coffee industry.
C.The contribution Joe made to Rochester.
D.The founder and development of Java’s Cafe.
We know that the earth has become warmer over the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program, reports that the average surface temperature of the earth has increased during the twentieth century by 0.6°+ 0.2°C.(The + 0.2°C means that the increase might be as small as 0.4°C or as great as 0.8°C). This may seem like a small shift, but although regional and short—term temperatures do fluctuate(变动) over a wide range, global temperatures are generally quite stable. In fact, the difference between today’s average global temperature and the average global temperature during the last Ice Age is only about 5 degrees C. Indeed, it’s warmer today around the world than at any time during the past 1,000years, and the warmest years of the previous century have occurred within the past decade.
We also know that human activities—primarily the burning of fossil fuels—have increased the greenhouse gas content of the earth’s atmosphere significantly over the same period. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases, which trap heat near the planet’s surface.
The vast majority of climate researchers agree with these overall findings. The scientific disagreements that do still exist primarily concern detailed aspects of the processes that make up these largely accepted general themes.
You can think of this website as a window into the world of scientific research. In this primer, you’ll find a general discussion of the physical processes underlying the earth’s climate, an outline of the kinds of data that may shed light on how the climate is changing—and the role of human activity in these changes—and a description a some of the questions and uncertainties that researchers continue to explore. This primer is organized into four interconnected sections: the Atmosphere; the Hydrosphere(水圈); the Cryosphere(低温层); and the Biosphere(生物层).
【小题1】We know from the text that “IPCC”___.
A.engages in the climate and changes about the earth.
B.is a group by scientists who like to walk around the moon
C.works in the World Meteorological Organization
D.often greets the passers-by from the outer space
【小题2】We know from the text that carbon dioxide ___.
A.is one of the most important greenhouse gases
B.has fossil fuels
C.traps cold near the planet’s surface
D.exist in human activities
【小题3】From the text, we know when we say the temperature of something has increased by about 0.7+ 0.2°C, the + 0.2°C means___.
A.the increase might by as small as 0.3°C or as great as 0.7°C
B.the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.8°C
C.the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.9°C
D.the increase might by as small as 0.4 C or as great as 0.8°C
【小题4】What would be the best title for this text?
A.What Are the Scientific Disagreements
B.You Can Think of This Website
C.What Do We Know about Global Climate Change?
D.The Vast Majority of Climate Researchers
