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Building a better tree house—TREEHOTEL HARADS, SWEDEN

Tree houses aren’t generally equal to splendor (壮丽). But the seven cabins at Sweden’s Treehotel could easily give The Swiss Family Robinson a run for its money. To begin with, the outside is extraordinary: one resembles a UFO, another resembles a bird's nest, and the bottom of the latest cabin—named the 7th Room—features a life-size photograph of the canopy (天蓬似的树荫)view. Inside, the cabins are equipped with fashionable, minimalist furniture and comfortable lounge areas. Although some guests may have to travel to a separate facility to shower, fans argue that that's a small sacrifice to make for a one-of-a-kind camping experience.

An ancient forest reborn—

When Chinese businessman Ma Dadong discovered that a forest of ancient camphor trees would be destroyed in China's Jiangxi Province, he undertook a mission to relocate thousands of them to the outskirts of Shanghai—700 km away—where they now surround 24 Ming Dynasty style suites and several villas (别墅) at Amanyangyun, which opened in January,201. It also nods to the past, making use of recycled wood and brick from centuries-old homes. Facilities include a club lounge, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a spa and a variety of luxurious dining spaces, including a 200-seat banquet hall. Calligraphy (书法) lessons and tea ceremonies are available to help guests feel part of “this monumental story”.

【小题1】What does the author say about the Treehotel?
A.It is a seven-story building.B.It has an in-built shower.
C.It is expensively decorated inside.D.It has unique design features.
【小题2】What can guests do in Amanyangyun?
A.Admire ancient Chinese architecture.B.Pick tea leaves themselves.
C.Learn the history of the Ming Dynasty.D.Attend a fitness class.
【小题3】From where is the text most probably taken?
A.An exhibition review.B.A hotel comment.
C.A travel website.D.An official report.
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How to Be a Good Tourist

We travel not only for work but also for fun and learning. Restaurants, galleries, temples and architecture...These places are like homes for people who live and work there. How would you want visitors to behave in your own home? 【小题1】 There are many ways of doing this without sacrificing our own holiday.

Do your homework. 【小题2】 Guides will help you when you get to the site, but is that the best place to go? Is it popular only because the one-day tourist can see it easily or because it is really a worthwhile place to visit?You’d better check it out.

【小题3】 Walk around, even if in the streets closest to your hotel. Eat in local restaurants. Talk to the locals. Learn a few in the local language and use them. You will surely get a smile from the hotel staff and street sellers.

Help preserve the sites. Most of the sites you visit may be visited by millions of people a year, so care needs to be taken to allow others to enjoy them as well. Some of these monuments are so old and fragile that they are sensitive to the touch of hands or bags and shows. 【小题4】 This way, you don’t encourage the use of those plastic bags that fly all over many sites.

And here’s the big one — good manners are nearly universal. 【小题5】 If that doesn’t sound like you, then give the world a break and stay home.

A.Experience the place.
B.Always have a cloth bag with you.
C.Read about the places you want to visit.
D.Try to buy something from the local stores.
E.A good tourist is polite, positive and eco-sensitive.
F.We’ve cleaned up after ourselves and taken only good memories.
G.I think we would like them to make it a little better because of their visit.

Siberian Tiger is the largest feline (猫科动物) in the world and is known as the king of the forest. In the 1980s, it was listed as one of the first­class national protected animals of China. To preserve this valuable species, the Siberian Tiger Park was built in 1996 in Heilongjiang Province.

The park is located on the north bank of the Songhua River to the northwest of Harbin, occupying an area of 1,440,000 square meters. It is the largest natural park for wild Siberian tigers in the world at present. There are over 500 purebred (纯种的) Siberian tigers here. What’s more, visitors can also see white tigers, lions, leopards, and pumas as well as Bengali tigers.

It is a large park divided into ten areas, including the mature tiger area, the young tiger area, the walking area and the platform area for viewing the tigers.

The mature tiger area has an area of 360,000 square meters with 30 unruly (难驾驭的) Siberian tigers wandering there. The tigers in this area are all about 7 or 8 years old. And in the young tiger area, there are over 40 young lovely, active tigers about 2 years old. Visitors can see some of them playing and fighting with each other in a pool nearby, and others are kept in the walking area, staying together.

For visitors who love to see exciting activities, the park is also a perfect place. In addition to viewing the tigers walking leisurely in the open air, visitors can buy animals to feed them, including ducks, chickens, and even cows. Park employees will set the living animals free among the tigers. Visitors can see the unique live action of tigers preying on (捕食) them.

In addition, there is a free Popular Science Exhibition Hall in the park. In the exhibition hall, people can see information on tigers in pictures and samples as well as in words, which helps to complete what we know.

【小题1】What can you see in the young tiger area?
A.There are 40 Siberian tigers wandering.
B.All the Siberian tigers are around 7 years old.
C.Some young active tigers are playing in a pool.
D.Some unruly tigers are preying on some animals.
【小题2】The exhibition hall in the park tells us that the information on tigers ________.
A.is very simple
B.is unknown to most people
C.is entirely shown in detail
D.lets you know all you want
【小题3】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.The Valuable Species — Siberian Tiger
B.The Largest Feline in the World
C.Popular Science Exhibition Hall in the Park
D.The Siberian Tiger Park

Voluntourism is a type of tourism in which travellers participate in volunteer work, usually for a charity or a non-profit, Most often, voluntourists travel for the specific purpose of volunteering in an organized way for specific causes, but others simply include volunteer aspects to a traditional vacation experience.

Much like sustainable tourism as a whole, the legitimacy (合法性) or success of a voluntourism program depends highly on how it is managed. When done the right way, it can help communities grow and truly provide benefits to a specific cause. But it’s up to the individual volunteer, too, who has the added responsibility of staying informed and setting their destinations up for success. Ken Budd, author of the award-winning memoir The Voluntourist, says that countless organizations around the world create lasting results. The writer, who volunteered in at least six countries, speaks for it, such as teaching English in a Costa Rican elementary school that relied on volunteers when they couldn’t afford teachers.

However, not all voluntourism programs are helping. A reporter for The New York Times wrote in 2016 about their experience with a group of people building a school in Haiti: “These people knew nothing about how to construct a building. Collectively they had spent thousands of dollars to fly here to do a job that Haitian bricklayers could have done far more quickly. Imagine how many classrooms might have been built if they had donated that money rather than spending it to fly down themselves. Perhaps those Haitian bricklayers could have found weeks of employment instead of out of a job, at least for several days.”

If an organization can get free labor from an unskilled volunteer, they’re not spending money hiring locals to do the same work for a fee. In a poverty-stricken economy where residents are already struggling to find jobs, funds that go towards digging a well or building a school will have more of an impact if they stay within the local economy. Taking work from locals can prevent developing communities from self-establishment. Not to mention, volunteers who are untrained in whatever service they are providing can sometimes actually end up holding back progress.

【小题1】How does the author introduce the topic “voluntourism”?
A.By explaining its origin.B.By presenting its concept.
C.By discussing its classification.D.By sorting out its causes.
【小题2】What helps guarantee the success of a voluntourism program according to the passage?
A.The purpose and legitimacy of a program.
B.Participants’ previous voluntary experience.
C.The degree of involvement of each volunteer.
D.Proper control of the program and responsible volunteers.
【小题3】What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.Voluntourists’ donations to their destinations.
B.The enthusiasm of people for rebuilding Haiti.
C.The invisible problem brought by voluntourists.
D.Voluntourists’ determination to make contributions.
【小题4】What’s the author’s attitude to voluntourism?
