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When I was a young man, I had a big ego (自负) and very little empathy (同理心). I thought I knew everything. I looked forward to fame and success. I can even remember proudly telling one of my friends in college: “If only everyone listened to me, they would all be happy.” I finally left school, ready to take on the world. Little did I know the world was about to take on me.

In the years following college, instead of success, I found struggles. I had trouble finding work. The jobs I did work at were either temporary or back-breaking and none of them paid well. When my wife and I had children, we were shocked to learn that not one but both of our sons had autis (自闭症) and would need to be taken care of for the rest of their lives. I had no idea why this had happened to us and I was very angry with the world.

In time, however, I began to change. My formerly massive ego was shrinking fast and my empathy was beginning to grow. Instead of finding joy in success, I found it in moments of love. Playing and laughing with my sons brought me so much happiness. My boys taught me more about peace, patience, kindness, joy, and unconditional love than I could have ever learned on my own. I began to share the lessons I learned through my writing and my life.

I finally realized that my purpose in this world had nothing to do with fame or success but everything to do with allowing love and light into my life and sharing it with everyone I could.

【小题1】What was the author like when he was young?
A.He was popular.
B.He was a top student.
C.He was overconfident about his abilities.
D.He was warm-hearted to others.
【小题2】After graduating from school, the author ______.
A.found a tiring but well-paid job
B.wanted to live a challenging life
C.didn’t want to have children early
D.suffered many difficulties in life
【小题3】What made the writer change greatly?
A.The time with his family.
B.The books he wrote.
C.The difficulties in his work.
D.The improvement in his life.
【小题4】What does the author intend to tell us with his story?
A.Life can be very hard for some people.
B.Parents need to be patient with their kids.
C.It’s important to learn how to be a father.
D.The purpose of life is to share love.
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One day, two old friends were walking through the desert. During the journey they had a quarrel, and one friend couldn't control himself and hit the other one in the face.

The one who was hit was hurt, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend hit me in the face."

They kept on walking until they found an oasis(绿洲). They decided to get some water. The one who was hit fell into the mire(泥潭) and was in danger, but the friend saved him.

When he felt all right, he wrote on a stone, "Today my best friend saved my life."

The one who had hit and saved his best friend felt surprised and asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand but now you write on a stone. Why?"

The other friend replied," When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can blow it away. But when someone does something good for us, we must write it in stone where no wind can ever blow it away!"

Since then the two friends have never quarreled with each other again and they got on better with each other.

【小题1】Why did one friend hit the other in the face?
A.Because he didn't win the quarrel.B.Because he won the quarrel.
C.Because he couldn't express himself.D.Because he couldn't control himself.
【小题2】Why did the one who was hit write in the sand?
A.Because he wanted to remember his being hit.
B.Because he wanted to express his anger.
C.Because he wanted to forget his being hit.
D.Because he wanted other people to know his friend was cruel.
【小题3】Why did the one who was hit write on a stone?
A.Because he wanted to forget his friend.
B.Because he wanted to remember his friend.
C.Because he didn't want to forget his friend's kindness.
D.Because he wanted others to learn from his friend.
【小题4】What is the best title for the article?
A.Remember a friend's kindness and forget his shortcoming(缺点)
B.Forget your friend's shortcoming
C.How to forgive a friend
D.It is difficult to make friends
The meaning of the word “volunteer ” may be a little different in different countries, but it usually means “one who offers his or her services.” There are many different ways in which people can volunteer, such as taking care of sick people, working in homes for homeless children, and picking up garbage(垃圾) from beaches and parks. Volunteers may work within their own countries or in other countries. They are often people with a strong wish to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. Volunteers don’t expect any kind of pay.
At the root of volunteering is the idea that one person may have the ability to offer services that can help other people. Tracy, a good friend of mine, however, recently came back from India with a ____ of what being a volunteer means. She worked for two and a half weeks in one of Mother Teresa’s homes in Calcutta. The following is her story.
“I first heard about Mother Teresa in my high school, we watched a video(录像) about her work in India and all over the world. I was so moved by her spirit to help others and her endless love for every human being that after I graduated from high school, I too wanted to try her kind of work. So with two friends I flew to Calcutta for a few weeks.”
“I was asked to work in a home for sick people. I helped wash clothes and sheets, and pass out lunch. I also fed the people who were too weak to feed themselves and tried to cheer the up. I felt it was better to share with them than to think that I have helped them. To be honest, I don’t think I was helping very much. It was then that I realized that I had not really come to help, but to learn about and experience another culture(文化) that helped improve my own understanding of life and the world.”
【小题1】According to the text, a volunteer refers to a person who ______.
A.is willing to help those in need without payB.can afford to travel to different places
C.has a strong wish to be successfulD.has made a big fortune in life
【小题2】Tracy started her work as a volunteer _______.
A.after she met Mother Teresa
B.after she finished high school
C.when she was touring Calcutta
D.when she was working in a hospital
【小题3】Why did Tracy choose to be a volunteer?
A.She liked to work with Mother Teresa.
B.She had already had some experience.
C.She was asked by Mother Teresa’s example.
D.She wanted to follow Mother Teresa’s example.
【小题4】What is Tracy’s “new idea” (Paragraph 2) of being a volunteer?
A.Going abroad to help the sick.
B.Working in Mother Teresa’s home.
C.Doing simple things to help the poor.
D.Improving oneself through helping others.

When Spring cleaning season rived this year I decided that it was time to get rid of more than just a Winter’s worth of dust and dirt. It was the time to get rid of years worth of accumulated (累积的) stuff as well. This stuff was lining my walls, filling my shelves, and crowding my closets. This stuff was filling my home and my mind and not bringing me one bit of happiness. I couldn’t even remember how I got some of it, but I knew I wanted it gone.

It turned out to be an even bigger job than I thought. Twenty-year-old bills and receipts were thrown in the trash. Piles of papers were no longer necessary or needed. Broken bowls, dented pans, and cracked knickknacks were finally thrown away. Unworn clothes were taken out of the closet and packed to be given away to the local charity. Old books were boxed up to be passed on for others to read and enjoy.

It took several days to get it all done, but in the end I was able to walk through a home that seemed a little less messed. My heart was a lot lighter too. It felt so good to be able to get rid of all the junk and to just focus on the essential stuff in life again.

What is the essential stuff? What is the stuff that brings meaning to our days? A loving heart is essential. A joyful spirit is essential. A soul full of goodness and God is essential. And a life full of sharing all of these things is absolutely essential. The essential stuff can’t be bought, sold, or stored. It can only be chosen, created, and given away. The essential stuff is the stuff we all really want. It is the stuff we all really need.

【小题1】Which word can describe the author’s feeling towards accumulated stuff?
【小题2】What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 2 imply?
A.It is a pity that 1 should store so much stuff.
B.I really don’t want to throw away such stuff.
C.The essential stuff is actually everywhere.
D.There is more unnecessary stuff than I think.
【小题3】In which section of a magazine can we read this text?
【小题4】What is the best title of the text?
A.It’s Time To Move OnB.What Matters Most
C.How To Get Rid Of JunkD.What Is Junk
