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There is always something that happens in the world that everyone fears will happen to their town, city or country: natural disasters. The scariest part of it is that no one will ever see it coming. Though technology helps us prepare, but it never actually tells the people what time it’s going to hit, It is always estimated, but the result is never 100% accurate.

However, that is not the point of this article. Two different natural disasters in two different parts of the world have happened in the past few weeks. One is a major flood that has hit Louisiana in the United States. The other was an earthquake that hit Amatrice, Italy. However. there is a major difference in the news coverage (新闻报道) of the two tragedies.

As for the flooding in Louisiana, it is reported that this disaster is the worst to hit the United States since super - storm Sandy and it’ll cost at least $ 30 million. In only the first couple of weeks, 13 people had died. However, like me, many people did not hear about this tragic event. I did not learn about it until about three weeks after it happened.

In Italy, however, it covered all media instantly. The earthquake in Italy happened on Tuesday morning. That same day, I was on Twitter and that was all that was over the news feed. Every other post was about the earthquake. Some would have the opinion that Amatrice, Italy was one of the most beautiful towns in that country. I got in deep sorrow because there were more people killed in this quake than the flooding. So far, they have a total of 73 dead and over one - hundred missing.

I understand that technically the earthquake in Italy was worse than the floods in Louisiana. However, I believe that if a natural disaster happens, they all should be equally covered and taken equally as serious. We are one world united and should be there for all of the people out there who are in need of help. We may not be able to accurately predict disasters, but we can surely lend a hand out for the needy.

【小题1】What really concerns the author about the two natural disasters?
A.The death and the injured.B.The media report.
C.The government’s responsibility.D.Their economic loss.
【小题2】Why did the author learn about the flood so late?
A.He didn't care about the flood.B.He felt nervous about the news.
C.The media didn't cover it in time.D.The flood frightened the author a lot.
【小题3】How does the author feel about the earthquake in Italy?
【小题4】What does the author really want to say in the text?
A.Italy isn’t good at predicting the natural disasters.
B.All natural disasters should be covered equally.
C.The world should be united into one instantly.
D.America should help Italy predict natural disasters.
知识点:自然灾害与防范社会问题与社会现象议论文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

“On Earth, something is always burning,” experts at the American space agency NASA said. They explain that a wildfire could be started naturally by lightning. However, sometimes people using controlled burns to clear land for farming can accidentally start a wildfire. Between 2003 and 2022, 85 percent of wildland fires in the U. S. were caused by human behavior. This includes leaving campfires burning, burning rubbish, throwing lit cigarettes and starting a fire on purpose.

Wildfires can clear dead and dying plants to help new growth. However, wildfires create large amounts of smoke which is dangerous to breathe. Wildfire smoke contains hundreds of chemical compounds. Smoke from burning houses and buildings contains even more toxic chemicals. An increasing amount of scientific research points to possible long-term health damage from breathing in very small particles (微粒) of smoke. There are short-term issues as well. At-risk people can be hospitalized and sometimes die from smoke.

Officials in the U. S. have been moving quickly to better protect people from the harmful effects of wildfire smoke. However, they find it more difficult to communicate these dangers to people who live thousands of kilometers from the fires. Jeff Pierce is an atmospheric scientist. He said smoke loses its odor (气味), but remains harmful even when it travels long distances. A recent study found that people who live close to fires are more likely to be prepared.

If advised, avoid outdoor activities to reduce your exposure to smoke. Keep doors and windows closed. Run an air filter to clean the inside air. Face coverings, or masks, can protect against breathing in smoke. As with COVID-19, the most effective are N95 masks.

NASA satellite images show that wildfires are now burning on every continent. Large wildfires in Australia and the U. S. often attract the world’s attention. Dan Jaffe is a wildfire smoke expert at the University of Washington. He said, “These fires are going to be burning all summer. In terms of bad air quality, everywhere in the country will be worse than average this year.”

【小题1】What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.Different reasons for wild land fires.B.Certain damage caused by lightning.
C.The effect of human actions on nature.D.The necessity of environmental protection.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “toxic” probably mean?
【小题3】What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.Wind makes wildfire smoke travel very far.
B.The danger of wildfire smoke mainly comes from its odor.
C.People living far from the wildfire will suffer little harm.
D.Some people are not fully aware of the risks of wildfire smoke.
【小题4】Why are people advised to wear N95 masks in the last paragraph ?
A.N95 masks can help filter the odor of smoke.
B.N95 masks can decrease the rates flu.
C.N95 masks can improve one’s respiratory condition .
D.N95 masks can block the smallest harmful particles.

Being caught in a flood is incredibly dangerous. Like many other natural disasters, floods can occur with little to no warning. 【小题1】

● If a flood warning has been issued, seek shelter immediately, 【小题2】 It only takes six inches of moving water to knock a person of their feet, and being knocked unconscious by a fall into moving water could be fatal. Additionally, as little as one foot of flood water can sweep cars away.

● Watch out for damaged areas. 【小题3】 Avoid bridges that cross rapidly-moving water, as floodwaters can cause bridges to collapse. The soil under usual routes will be muddy and less able to support the weight of vehicles. Find alternate routes over high ground or wait for the authorities to indicate which roads are safe.

【小题4】 If told to evacuate (撤离), do so as quickly as possible.

● Stay inside a car trapped by fast-moving water. Only get out if the water begins to flood the car itself. then move to the roof of the vehicle.

● If trapped within a flooding building. move to the highest floor. Do not go into the attic, as it is possible to become trapped there without a way to escape. Only relocate to the roof if necessary. 【小题5】

● Avoid power lines, as they are often damaged or knocked down during strong storms and flooding. A downed power line can cause surrounding water to become charged. leading to electrocution.

A.Roads and other paths will have been destroyed.
B.Sit down with your family to establish a plan of action.
C.Listen to emergency broadcasts for further instructions.
D.Once there, signal for help, such as drawing SOS on it.
E.Here are some tips on how to survive a flood.
F.If you have to go through water, bring a stick.
G.Never attempt to walk, swim or drive through floodwaters.

More than 100 dolphins were found dead in the Amazon River during a severe drought and record-high water temperatures. The conditions in which the animals were found have caused fears that the rising global temperatures may be passing the tolerance level for vulnerable (易受伤害的) species.

The dead bodies of animals appeared at Lake Tefé, a branch of the Amazon River, alongside thousands of dead fish. Experts believe that the low river levels, added to the unbearable water temperatures, contributed to the dolphins’ death.

The Amazon River dolphin is native to South America. It is also known by the locals as boto, and can be pink or gray. Scientists noted that roughly eight of every 10 deaths are pink dolphins, which could represent 10% of their estimated population in Lake Tefé.

“The past month in Tefé has seemed like a science-fiction climate-change description,” Daniel Tregidgo, a British researcher living in the area, told The Guardian. “To know that one has died is sad, but to see lots of dead bodies, knowing that this drought has killed over 100 dolphins, is a tragedy.” The International Union for the Conservation of Nature classifies botos as endangered, and there are only six existing freshwater dolphin species left in the world.

The effects of the drought are also felt by the populations living on the edges of the river. The level of the Amazon River has fallen by 30 centimeters each day over the past two weeks. Since most food and fuel supplies are transported by boat, there are concerns that this could drive up prices and cause food insecurity. The drought has also impacted fishing, an activity that provides food and income for many families in the region.

The Amazon has historically been known for its biodiversity, as it is home to 10% of all the wildlife species we know about. Sadly, it now seems to be front row to the effects of global warming, affecting both endangered species and vulnerable communities. Now, the community is preparing for more droughts over the next couple of weeks, which could result in more animal deaths and further hardships for the region.

【小题1】What’s the function of the figures in paragraph 3?
A.To call for urgent rescue.
B.To present the research result.
C.To show the severe situation.
D.To analyze the types of dolphins.
【小题2】What can be inferred from Tregidgo’s words?
A.The disaster was really a shock to him.
B.The locals took no measures to tackle the drought.
C.Removing dead dolphins put researchers in trouble.
D.The massive deaths mainly resulted from high temperatures.
【小题3】What is a consequence of the drought according to paragraph 5?
A.Food shortage.B.Dolphins’ sickness.
C.Rising demand for food.D.Work-family conflict.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.Dolphins Are in Danger of Extinction
B.Dolphins Can’t Survive High Temperatures
C.The Death of Dolphins Alarms the Public
D.A Severe Drought Kills over 100 Dolphins
