书面表达-读后续写 较难0.4 引用1 组卷54

A few years ago, at a clinic, an elderly woman sat on a waiting room chair belting out (引吭高歌) the Celine Dion tune “My Heart Will Go On.” Her sweet, high-pitched voice exploded into every corner of the clinic. I had fun watching how people reacted. There was a lot of shifting in scats and a couple of stony sideways stares, but mainly they awkwardly averted (转移) their eyes and tried to pretend that there was nothing special happening.

I was at the clinic with my dad, who was getting a routine blood test, when the woman first arrived. She settled into the seat directly across from my dad. Because she was so tiny, she was forced to sit on the edge of the chair so her feet could touch the floor. The position made it seem as though she was sitting forward to engage in conversation with my dad. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

I was concerned about how my dad would react to the invasion on his space. He was 77 years old at the time and had been living with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症) for several years. Alzheimer would damage a person’s patience and restraint. Since his diagnosis, privacy and personal space had definitely been his thing, and he had considered it wholly bad mannered to bring undo attention to oneself. Moreover, he had begun to abandon any effort to nod politely or insert a smile in appropriate places. I couldn't help but think that this melodic woman was playing with fire.

Her singing began gently, like a quiet hum. I glanced over at Dad to see his response. His smile was gone, and he was staring right at her. She was staring back. I couldn't read his expression initially, but it seemed to be something like confusion.

By the time the woman got to the chorus, “Near, far, wherever you are...” it was full-tilt belting. She was motionless, with her eyes shut and her arms crossed elegantly over her chest.

Paragraph 1:

Now Dad looked a little shocked, which made me feel there was something wrong.

Paragraph 2:

When her song ended, my dad looked directly at her and said, “that was beautiful.”

知识点:家人和亲人 生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

One day, during the long summer holiday, Mrs. Martins took Brendon and his younger brother and sister to the beach. As soon as they got there, the three children raced down to the sea to try out their new surfboards. They were soon swimming out to the waves and riding back on their boards.

After a while, Brendon noticed that Kim was floating away from him and his sister. “Come back, Kim, "he shouted. "Mum said we have to stick together(团结). "Kim put his arms over the side of his board and began paddling (划水), but instead of getting closer, he began moving further away.

“Brendon, help!” called Kim."I' m caught in a rip(离岸流)." Brendon quickly paddled over to his brother.

“Hold on to the back of my board and I’ll pull you in,” Brendon told the frightened boy. But the rip was too strong and soon both Brendon and Kim were moving further from the beach.

“Kylie, come and help,” Brendon yelled to his sister. Soon all three children were floating away from the beach.

" It's no use fighting, "said Kylie, "We’ll just tire ourselves out. We have to stick together and hope the current takes us onto the beach again. "For the next 20 minutes, the frightened children held onto each other’s boards and let the current pull them along.

Paragraph 1:

“I can’t even see the beach any more,” cried Kim. …

Paragraph 2:

“Thank goodness!” cried their mother running up to hug them.…


In my first years of college, I was still an angry adolescent. I hated my father for his controlling ways and I wanted to break free from his grasp. One day, I had a serious fight with him, and I stormed out of the house, missing my bus to school. As I walked towards the classroom, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to bring the assignment that was due: a thought card.

Professor Simon had explained that every Tuesday we must bring along a thought card, on which we wrote a thought, a concern, a question or anything that was on our mind and that he would return the card every Wednesday with his comment or answer on it. He stressed that the card was our admission to class on Tuesdays. Now, I raced down the hallway, ten minutes late to class. Just outside the door, I took out a thought card and wrote on it “I am the son of an IDIOT!”, as I could only think about the conflict I’d just had with my dad. Then I dashed into the room, handed the card to Professor Simon and took my seat. The moment I reached my seat, I regretted telling him that about my dad. I didn’t want to expose myself to him.

On the Wednesday morning I got to the class early and hid in the back. Professor Simon began returning our thought cards. On my card was written, “What does ‘the son of an idiot’ do with the rest of his life?” His question got right to the heart of the issuer: Whose problem was it? Whose responsibility was it?

Professor Simon’s comment kept coming up in my mind over the next few weeks. “What does ‘the son of an idiot’ do with the rest of his life?” The question gnawed at (困扰) me, like a mouse gnawing at a rotten piece of wood until it finally falls apart. It was a simple question, but it opened up a Pandora’s box of emotions and thoughts.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I found myself thinking about what he had said more and more often.


I began to make changes in my life.



George was a driver and he spent so much time at his work that he could hardly have a meal together with his wife and three children. In the evenings he attended classes, seeking to get knowledge that one day would help him to find a better paying job.

George’s family often complained that he was not spending enough time with them, but his only answer was, “I am doing all this for you and I work hard to provide my family with the best that I can.”

Soon after George had passed his exams, he received a good job offer with a salary, which was significantly higher than he had before. So now George could provide his family with more expensive clothes, some luxury items or vacations in foreign countries. It was like a dream come true, but family still did not get enough attention from George, as he continued to work very hard and often, he did not get to see his family for most of the week.

Time passed and George’s hard work paid off-he was promoted. He decided to relieve his wife from domestic works, so he hired a maid. He also decided that their flat was not big enough for their family and they needed a more spacious one. Thus he needed to work even harder and, moreover, he continued his studies, so that he would be promoted again. George worked so hard that sometimes he even had to spend his Sundays with his clients instead of his wife and children. And again, whenever family asked for his time and complained that they did not spend enough time together, he answered he was doing all this only for them.

A bit later George was promoted, and he could buy a spacious house with a beautiful view. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, George told his wife and kids now he decided not to take any studies or work not so hard so that he could spend more time with his beloved family.

1. 续写的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。

The next morning, George suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach.


The day finally came when George recovered from his illness.

