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I’ve had a chronic (慢性的) illness since I was a baby. It has caused me to ________ a lot of medical tests and treatments. When I was thirteen, I had a medical event and started breathing ________. I was taken to a children’s hospital and immediately put in a private room. After a few tests, I was put on oxygen, and connected to a bunch of monitors. Then,a new ________ came in.

Visibly nervous,he said, “Hi. I’m going to take some blood today.” I said, “Okav, no problem. I’m ________ blood work.”

The nurse continued to look ________ and started walking uneasily around the room, getting out supplies. I noticed that the ________ he pulled out was extremely large and wasn’t what is usually used for blood work when someone is ________ to a hospital.

He sat down, and I could see that his hands were shaking violently. He then cleaned my entire ________ with orange antiseptic (消毒剂), the kind used for surgical sites, I asked, “Why not just use the ________ alcohol wipes?” He didn’t answer but started putting a tourniquet (止血带) on my arm and handed me a stress ball. “________ that as hard as you can.”

The nurse was now ________ like a leaf in the wind. He said, “This is going to hurt…a lot. Stay ________; that’s really important. Don’t move at all, even if it ________.” “Okay...”

I had no idea what was going on or why a simple blood draw would hurt so badly. It seemed like it took forever, but ________ the tubes filled with blood and he pulled the needle out. Then, he just wrapped my arm and left, without acknowledging anything that had just happened.

It truly was one of the most ________ and horrible things I’ve ever experienced in a medical setting, and I never went back to that hospital.

A.anxious forB.consistent withC.used toD.dependent on
知识点:医疗 记叙文个人经历 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

After spending the last two years terrified of getting Covid-19, last month our three-year-old daughter-too young to be vaccinated-got sick. There was an________in her Pre-K classroom, so as soon as she got a temperature, we did an at-home test.

We spent a few_________nights fighting to bring her fever down as my kid coughed and struggled with congestion. Her doctor told us to only take her to the hospital if she had trouble breathing. The biggest “_________” I had to help our little warrior was over-the-counter medicine to reduce her fever.

________my little girl has now recovered, I can't stop thinking about how, as a country, the US just can't seem to________ prioritize the well-being of children. How could we so excitedly tout (吹捧) having a vaccine when it doesn't_________ the young kids? As kids across the country return to school without clear and accessible testing measures_________, how can anyone be claiming to put children’s safety or protection first?

At this point in the pandemic, the health of our children-not of our businesses-should be put first. For starters, that means we need a larger_________of tests and clear, consistent rules for isolating if _________or infected.

Even in the midst of the nightmare of my toddler testing_________, I was so________we had at-home tests. But the only reason we had them was because my husband had thought __________about our need for testing kits and masks during the holiday season. We were saved by pure________while many people have struggled to find tests. That is________.

As we enter year three of the pandemic, I have a_________ for the world’s richest democracy: Let’s prioritize children in 2022-their health and their rights because they’re the ones who have the highest price to pay.

And they’re already paying the bill.

A.in placeB.in lineC.in orderD.in sight

Today in Taiwan, people from all _________ of life are choosing to be stung (螫伤) by bees, often dozens of times in one sitting. Shourang Chen is battling multiple sclerosis, a disease which slowly causes the body’s nerve to deteriorate (恶化).

For six months, I was bedridden, I could not move, I would have symptoms of tingling and numbness in my hands. It was an awful pain.

Then Shourang heard about beesting therapy. For _________, she turned to Mr. Chenyi Chen, beesting therapy master, a trained master who has _________beesting therapy for 12 years. Every week, Mr. Chen and his assistants treat 200 patients and sacrifice 6,000 honey bees. The result, he says, can be astonishing.

After 600 bees, you will look 5 years younger than your contemporaries (同龄人).

But can beestings really help Shourang fight multiple sclerosis? She began an intensive force of therapy, receiving over 200 stings a week for months on end. Honey bees only sting once, and they die soon after. But even _________ from the bee, the stinger continues to inject venom into its _________. The body responds with a flood of histamines and white blood cells and soon the area becomes hot, red, swollen and itchy.

He gives me one sting. I don’t even have time to feel the _________ before he stings me again, and the pain _________ one hour. Many think it is based on the 5000-year-old practice of acupuncture (针灸), a proven treatment for pain. Although today Mr. Chen sees bee acupuncture as a labour of love, even he once considered it a taboo. In fact, like most of us, he was afraid of bees. 30 years ago, Mr. Chen was an executive for a textiles company. Then his wife began to _________ arthritic pain, so severe she couldn’t cook or even _________ straight. Western medicines didn’t do much good. But when she told her husband she wanted to get stung by bees, he thought the idea was ridiculous.

Naturally, as an educated man, I was __________ it, we just did not understand bees.

But Mr. Chen completely changed his mind when he saw his wife’s sudden __________.

After 3 months, her red blood cell count __________. Her headache disappeared. I was so surprised, I decided to dive into this mysterious treatment and I collected all the information that I could.

Mr. Chen made up his mind to __________ his life to bringing beesting therapy to others. After 6 months of beesting therapy, Shourang Chen has seen a dramatic change. She insists the therapy has __________ her multiple sclerosis and given her a new lease on life. While most western trained doctors would likely say her illness is in reignition, Shourang is convinced the stings have helped her walk again. It will take years of study __________ we know whether beestings can relieve arthritis, or mutiple sclerosis or even the common cold. But whether Shourang’s recovery is in her head, or her hands and feet, for the first time in more than a year, she feels she can resume living. A therapy most of us would find taboo, is allowing her to face the future with renewed hope.

A.gone on withB.practicedC.performedD.made
A.separatedB.farC.differentD.put away
A.burden withB.go throughC.suffer fromD.suffer
A.lieB.stand upC.sleepD.sit
A.againstB.object toC.forD.in favour of

Jones Thando was a 16-year-old senior high school student, who had an idea for a new method of finding pancreatic cancer. When Jones was 15 years old, her aunt died of this kind of cancer, which_______her deeply. This disease is_______serious because there is no way to detect it as early as possible. By the time_______tests determine the patient has the possibility of cancer, it’s often too late to do anything!_______that it was often the case, Jones was determined to do whatever she can to develop a test that could_______problems as early as possible.

The way ahead seemed_______for Jones. She was_______a senior high school student, and what she_______to create was something no one else had tried. So Jones read_______about this kind of cancer, wrote a letter of advice about her idea, and sent it out to more than 500 medical ________. But only one expert, Dr. Amy Maitra ________to her timely and enthusiastically. Dr. Amy promised to cooperate with Jones and gave her some assistance as well as________to a lab.

Another great reward for Jone’s________was winning the big prize at the World Science and Technology Conference. This grand award is presented to young creators that have got a ________ idea. It’s bound to take many years to develop a new test way, ________Jones hopes the way will ________enhance people’ lives and maybe save them, so she insisted on trial and error. Luckily, Jones is not alone as a young creator.________, there were nearly 1500 other competitors for the International award, all of whom had ground-breaking________. For Jones, growing up in a family that is attracted to science and________innovative thinking offered him many advantages. But the key for Jones is that reading, experiment, survey and________are just for fun, and the possibility to enhance the world around her during the process makes it much better.

A.All in allB.First of allC.After allD.At all
