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Most students hate tests. The fear of failing them is really unpleasant. 【小题1】 Give these four study tips a try and see how much better you feel during your next exam.

1. Survey your textbook before you read.

Take a couple of minutes to find the word-list, index, questions and other important information. Then, when you sit down to study, you’ll know where to find the answers you are looking for. 【小题2】.These questions let you know what you can probably expect in any upcoming tests.

2. 【小题3】

As you read, summarize each section of the chapter on a post-it note. After you have read the entire chapter, go back and review the notes. It is an easy and efficient way to review information. And you can easily find the information you need.

3. Make your own practice test.

After you finish reading, pretend you are a professor writing a test for the chapter. Review the material you just read and make up your own practice test. Include all vocabulary words, study questions, and highlighted words you can find, as well as any other important information. 【小题4】   If not, go back and study some more.

4. Create visual flashcards.

Flashcards will help you remember important terms, people, places and dates. On the front of the card, write down the term or the question. This will help ensure that you grasp the study material.【小题5】 Review these cards and quiz yourself before the actual test.

A.Use sticky notes.
B.Prepare a note book.
C.Take the test to see if you remember the information.
D.If all the questions are included, there is no need to worry.
E.But there are a few tricks you can learn how to avoid the worry.
F.On the back write down the definition or the answer.
G.Make sure you read any study questions before you read the chapter.
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What’s your feeling if your friend recommends a comedy class to you, implying that you lack a sense of humor? I would feel depressed. 【小题1】

Yet according to Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas, humor is not something you are born with or without. 【小题2】 What’s more, finding our funny sides makes us appear more competent and confident, strengthens relationships, unlocks creativity, and makes us more likable. It helps in any life situation. 【小题3】

I turned to Aaker and Bagdonas and they agreed to teach me how to find my funny bones. In our first call, we discuss the common misconceptions that stop many of us in our comedy tracks. The first, Aaker says, is the belief that humor has no place in certain situations, especially at work. 【小题4】. But 98% of the top executives say they prefer employees with a sense of humor and 84%of bosses believe those employees do better work.

They are so convinced of the power of humor that they also advocate its ability to help people avoid difficult situations. 【小题5】 Research shows that people who watch a funny video before trying to solve a puzzle are twice as likely to be successful and when we do make mistakes, learning to laugh at them can have a positive impact on our psychology. It takes off the pressure and if you show colleagues that you aren’t afraid to laugh at your own mistakes, they’ll feel safer owning up to theirs.

A.Rather, it can be developed gradually.
B.We worry about not being taken seriously.
C.If you feel uncomfortable making the jokes, leave them to someone else.
D.Every joke follows the fundamental structure of set up and punch line.
E.This explains why people eagerly sign up for the humor course.
F.Some people just aren’t funny and I’m one of them.
G.Humor has been proved to increase creativity.

Although the finished work may be read in a few seconds, a short poem can be even more difficult to write than a longer one. You have fewer words to get your point across and to arouse the same emotion and meaning in the reader. For your first short poems, here are some instructions.

Start with a simple statement. This will be the basic subject of your poem.【小题1】You'll find the poetry as you open it up and dig deeper into it.

【小题2】. Brainstorm words and phrases that help open up each of the key words in your statement. Find some ways of describing that you can use to make your description unique.

【小题3】. The line break is what makes a piece of writing poetry, rather than prose. Line breaks give every poem a rhythm, even if you're writing in free verse with no rhyme or other inflexible structure.

Go longer in your first draft. It's far easier to cut than it is to add. When you sit down to write your first draft, don't worry about the form or length you've chosen.【小题4】.

Experiment with traditional forms. If you've never written a short poem before, the haiku can be an easy place to start.【小题5】. You'll write 17 syllables through 3 lines of text, most commonly in the 5-7-5 style.

A.Expand the description of your subject.
B.It's also a popular and recognizable form.
C.Other traditional forms are well worth a try.
D.Give your poem good rhythm and meaning.
E.Write as many words as you think you need.
F.Break lines to strengthen rhythm and meaning.
G.Your original statement doesn't necessarily need to be "poetic."

What should I do if my flight has been canceled or delayed?

Bad weather. Mechanical breakdown. Staffing shortages.【小题1】What if you’re one of the unlucky passengers caught up in these? Here’s some advice.


As bad as it is to find out your flight has been delayed or canceled, it’s better to find out from the comfort of home or a hotel room and make new arrangements from there.

Check your flight status before you go to the airport. Most of these notifications are not happening at the last minute. You can sign up for airlines’ free text alerts when you buy your ticket, or search for information online.

Head fast

Sometimes, the delays and cancellations happen after you’ve arrived at the airport.

Head fast as you can to the airline agents’ desk— and get ready to multitask while you’re in line. Fast is a key word here.【小题3】. It’s first-come, first-serve. Positioning yourself close to the desk can pay off.

Be nice

Whether you’re dealing with an agent in person or over the phone, how you approach things can make a big difference. Always bear in mind “honey attracts more flies than vinegar.”You should look at this from the airline agents’ perspective.【小题4】, Of course we should also be persistent in trying to get the situation resolved satisfactorily.

Get Help from other airlines

【小题5】When flights are canceled, many airlines have the option of putting you on another carrier’s flight. If you elect not to be accommodated on a later flight and you book a new ticket out of your own pocket, you are entitled to a cash refund, though that may not help you get to where you need to go. As we all know, last-minute flights are very expensive.

A.Avoid getting trapped at the airport.
B.That absolutely depends on yourself.
C.Make sure that you’ve got the right flight.
D.It’s going to make a difference who arrives first.
E.Asking nicely is far more likely to get what you want.
F.Cooperation between airlines could work in your favor.
G.Some air travelers may have already faced these this year.
