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Thirty years ago, Switzerland-based artist Klaus Littmann came across a great drawing, titled The Unending Attraction of Nature. The drawing, by Austrian artist and architect Max Peintner, displays a scene in which nature is so detached (独立的) from the environment that it becomes just a small piece, preserved for amusement. Given that we are now losing 18. 7 million acres of forests each year, Peintner’s drawing was prescient (有预见性的), to say the least.

“When I first saw the pencil drawing, I was fascinated. I knew that one day this work would be the starting point for a major art project in public space,” says Littmann.

Now, decades later, Littmann has achieved the vision with the installation (安装) of FOR FOREST: The Unending of Nature. The installation sets a native central European forest in the middle of Worthersee Football Stadium in Klagenfurt. With nearly 300 trees planted, some weighing up to six tons each, it is Austria’s largest public art installation.

In the face of climate crisis and deforestation, FOR FOREST comes with the more pressing urgency. As explained in a statement about the installation: “In support of today’s most pressing issues of climate change and deforestation, FOR FOREST aims to challenge our understanding of nature and question its future. It seeks to become a memorial, reminding us that nature, which we so often take for granted, may someday only be found in special spaces, as is already the case with animals in zoos.”

The actual creation of the man-made forest was managed by landscape architect Enzo Enea and his company, Enea Landscape Architecture. It includes many kinds of trees. Having opened on September 8, it attracts surprised and happy creatures to the field. Regretfully, the installation will close soon. In a short video about the work, Littmann says his goal was never to make something that would last forever; rather, he says, “My goal is for this picture to remain in people’s heads for a lifetime.”

【小题1】How did Littmann get the inspiration for his later artistic creation?
A.From a video.B.Through social media.
C.From a drawing.D.Via the Internet.
【小题2】What is the significance of the installation of FOR FOREST?
A.It offers new ways to tackle the climate crisis.
B.It warns people of environmental issues.
C.It shows the uncertainty of the future.
D.It will be Austria’s largest artistic work.
【小题3】What can we learn about the man-made forest from the last paragraph?
A.It won’t last for a long time.
B.It was made and managed by Littmann.
C.It didn’t attract much interest.
D.It includes some special animals.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.A large painting is installed in a stadium.
B.An artist seeks to create nature-themed works.
C.A painting is used for environmental purposes.
D.An artist plants a living forest in a stadium.
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As children, Anaa Jibicho and Lamah Bility lived in the same St. Paul, Minn., neighborhood and quickly found out they had a similar past. For both of their families, there was much less safe drinking water than needed, and they suffered because of the global water crisis (危机). When Jibicho was 2 years old, he, too, became ill from contaminated (受污染的) drinking water. While Jibicho was struggling in Ethiopia, Bility, now 24, was in Liberia. He walked every day for three hours to gather water. When Jibicho was 7 and Bility was 11, their families moved to the United States.

As they started settling into their new lives, the water crisis in their home countries appeared in their minds. Millions of Africans, as well as countless others around the world, lack access to safe drinking water, mainly because of poor infrastructure (基础设施).

That’s why “it’s important for us to tell our stories,” Jibicho said. “People typically see numbers and they don’t really know what that means. Those numbers are real people.”

In summer 2020, they launched a water bottle company called Didomi, which means “to give” in Greek. The company uses 50 percent of its money from selling its products to fund projects aimed at improving access to clean water in African nations. They say that they have provided nearly 50,000 people with access to safe drinking water for 10 years.

The company’s commitment to fighting against the water crisis recently caught the attention of the George Washington University (GWU), which plans to distribute (分发) Didomi bottles to all students, staffers, and faculty members this year.

Didomi is on track to broaden its reach, particularly through its partnership with GWU. Jibicho and Bility said the partnership will provide nearly 30,000 people with clean water for 10 years. When the university agreed to distribute Didomi water bottles, “we were just in disbelief,” said Jibicho, a student at Pomona College in Claremont, Calif.

【小题1】What did Jibicho and Bility have in common?
A.They were from the same country.
B.They suffered from the same disease.
C.They dreamed of going to the United States.
D.They had trouble using cleaning water in childhood.
【小题2】Why did Jibicho and Bility tell their stories?
A.To warn people of the danger.B.To make people realize the facts.
C.To give people some suggestions.D.To encourage people to take action.
【小题3】What do we know about Didomi?
A.It has been going for more than ten years.B.It donates money to some projects.
C.It has helped about 5,000 people.D.It is a global company.
【小题4】What was GWU’s attitude to Jibicho and Bility?

Researchers were surprised to find green snow caused by blooming algae(藻)in the Antarctic Peninsula is expanding as temperatures increase.

Green snow alga is type of tiny organism(微生物)that can't be seen without a microscope. But when the organisms grow all together, they turn the snow bright green, which can even be spotted from space.

The algae are provided with more "habitable" environments to grow as warming temperatures create more wet snow.

Patches of green snow algae can be identified along the Antarctic: coastline, mostly in warmer areas, where average temperatures are slightly above 0℃ during the Southern Hemisphere's summer months of November to February. Researchers have found I, 679 separate growths of green algae on the snow surface, which cover an area of 1.9 square kilometers.

"The Antarctic Peninsula is the part of the region that is being affected by the most rapid warning , " said the researchers. This February abnormal temperatures hitting around 20℃ were recorded.

Researchers believe the organisms will expand as global temperatures rise.

However, while more algae will grow as snow melts faster, the distribution of the organisms is inseparable(分不开的)from bird populations, whose excrement(粪便)contains the substances that speed up the growth of the algae. "As the number of birds, especially penguins, is affected by warming temperatures, the snow algae could lose sources of nutrients to grow, " said Dr. Andrew Gray, the lead researcher of the study.

"An increase in the blooms could also lead to further melting of snow, " he continued. "A green snow algal bloom will reflect about 45% of light hitting it while fresh snow about 80%, so it will increase the rate at which snow melts in a localized area. "

According to the researchers, almost two-thirds of the algal blooms were found growing on small, low-lying islands. Besides, as the Antarctic Peninsula gets warmer, these islands could end up losing both their summer snow cover and algae, though most of the organisms lie in areas where they can spread to higher ground when snow melts.

【小题1】What can we learn about the green snow algae?
A.They can even be seen from space.
B.They can only be found in Antarctica.
C.They grow well when there is wet snow.
D.They grow better when the temperature is below 0℃.
【小题2】What may happen to the algae if Antarctica keeps getting warmer?
A.The algae may turn the whole Antarctica green.
B.The algae may move to smaller and lower-lying places.
C.The algae may grow more slowly for lacking nutrients.
D.The algae may reduce the number of birds in Antarctica.
【小题3】What's the researchers' attitude toward the future of green snow algae?
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Green Snow Puts Antarctica in Danger
B.Antarctica Is Experiencing Abnormal Weather
C.Green Snow Algae Is a Dangerous Threat to Snow
D.Climate Change Is Turning Snow in Antarctica Green

Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth. It is also the remotest, a fact which demystifies its unspoiled environment. It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive. 【小题1】

【小题2】 .They never melt. Even though Antarctica receives more sunlight than the equator, the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space. Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered (瑟瑟发抖) through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.

Once completely inaccessible, 【小题3】 gold, uranium and oil are just some of the valuable resources which lie beneath the continent’s icy covering.

For centuries, Europeans wondered about the existence of a South-pole continent, but no one actually knew for certain Antarctica was there until 1820 when European explorers “discover” it. Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure, testing their abilities. 【小题4】

【小题5】 Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind. Currently, countries are working to ensure that the damage to Antarctica’s environment is minimized, and that the last wilderness on Earth will remain an unspoiled place.

A.The cold climate is responsible for maintaining the continent’s year-round ice fields.
B.It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.
C.Measures are being taken to protect Antarctica.
D.Yet, Antarctica’s fragile and complicated ecosystem is threatened by its human visitors.
E.In the icy covering are buried few precious resources,
F.Antarctica has more recently been playing host to adventurers seeking excitement and companies looking to exploit this wild zone for profit,
G.Several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.
