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As I put down the exercise equipment, my brain tries to focus on what my trainer has said.

“Describe that to me,” asked Rob. He is looking for an answer that required me to connect my brain to my body.

Yes, I know. My brain is connected to my body — the thing that has been carrying my head around for the last 56 years. Since completing my undergraduate degree I have been increasingly immobilized by my working life. Sitting still at a desk, staring at a screen, it’s mostly through my fingers that I connect to my brain.

“I felt great,” I reply. “I could feel it in my back.” Rob is quick to encourage and set up more weight. Then cheerfully he’ll say “okay, next set.”

Every accomplishment in my life has been centered in my head — grades, degrees, promotions, published papers and teaching. But on reflection, I wasn’t paying much attention to my body.

Weightlifting is different. Rob is a trainer and manager at my local gym, my guide in helping me with a single goal — get strong. Despite my age, size and beginner status, Rob has made me feel safe. He is always close by, watching and posing questions. Like “where did you feel that?” or the more general request, “Describe that for me.”

Early on I took these as rote (机械性流程) pleasantries (客套话). Over time I realized he wanted more than just routine answers. Having shown me how to do an exercise, Rob would encourage me to think about the muscle or chain of muscles as they moved. The questions were a test of that connection. Gradually, I started thinking my way back into my body. Not my body as a whole but as individual, connections to newly identified places. Intentionally. Specifically. Magically. It’s surprisingly difficult.

I am five months into a new way of living with this 56-year-old body. It talks to me in a tally different way now. It reminds me of my capabilities, my muscles calling me to move, demanding to be challenged. And I long to continue this dialogue so that I’m ready the next time Rob says: “Describe that to me.”

【小题1】What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.The author is allergic to exercise.
B.The author has been living an active life.
C.The author doesn’t understand the trainer.
D.The author’s fingers may be flexible.
【小题2】Why did Rob ask the author to describe what she felt?
A.To help her release pressure.
B.To help her feel her muscles working.
C.To keep her focused on work.
D.To stop the embarrassing atmosphere.
【小题3】What does the last sentence imply?
A.The author’s gratitude to Rob.
B.The author’s solid determination.
C.The author’s recommendation to readers.
D.The author’s confusion about weightlifting.
【小题4】Which of the following may be a suitable title of the passage?
A.A brand-new lifestyle.
B.An effective way of exercise.
C.Weightlifting: my favorite exercise.
D.Keeping muscles connected.
知识点:体育健身 记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Following the crowd may not always be in a person’s best interest.But new research suggests that teens who go along with their friends may end up healthier as adults.

Scientists have known that close friendships help boost health.That’s true for both teens and adults.The finding inspired Joseph Allen,a psychologist at the University of Virginia,and his team to study whether experiences during teen years would influence adult health.

So they followed 171 teens,starting when the kids were just 13.They interviewed each one every year for five years,and also spoke to these teens’closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25,26 and 27.This time,the questions surveyed each person’s overall health.When the researchers analyzed the data they found a strong connection between a teen’s behavior and adult health.Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults.Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to a close friends also influenced later health.Those who held back were more likely to be sick as adults.The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight,family income and drug use were all examined.So were mental health issues,such as anxiety and depression.And in these people,such other factors did not explain adult health as well as teen friendships did.

Going along with the crowd may have benefits,says Allen,but there are also drawbacks.Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work.And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky behavior,such as smoking,drinking or using drugs.Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge,Allen acknowledges.“Finding the right balance is the key.Teens shouldn’t lose heart for not finding this easy.”And,he adds,“Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens face.”

【小题1】Where can you probably read this passage?
A.Science fiction
B.Health column
C.Fashion magazine
D.Entertainment newspaper
【小题2】We can learn from Allen’s study that _______________.
A.many other factors have a greater influence on adult health than teen friendships
B.mental health issues have nothing to do with adult health
C.the same 171 teens were interviewed each year from 13 to 27
D.the teens who couldn’t express themselves grew up to be unhealthier
【小题3】According to what Allen said,we can know that _______________.
A.in order to do better at school,teens should not follow the crowd
B.though it’s challenging for teens to deal with peer pressure,they should not give up
C.teens will engage in smoking,drinking or using drugs when facing peer pressure
D.parents should understand their teens and stop them going with friends
【小题4】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.There is nothing bad for teens to follow the crowd.
B.Close friendships are the most important for people’s health.
C.Teen friendships may turn out healthier adults.
D.Adult health is only influenced by teen friendships.

As we all know, sleep is very important and necessary. I would love everyone to develop the following four habits to have better sleep without needing the alarm(闹钟)wake-up call.

【小题1】If you eat much food an hour before you go to bed, your body will hate you, because your body needs time to digest while you are still awake.

【小题2】When I hear on TV that people just need 30-minute exercise a week, I think that’s wrong. Every person should get 30-minute exercise every day. When you exercise, your body uses energy and feels tired. You have to recover from the tiredness. 【小题3】 The harder you exercise your body, the faster it falls to sleep and the better it sleeps.

Turn the TV off. There are a few shows I still watch, but they will never get in my way of (妨碍) sleep. The bedroom is only for sleeping and rest. 【小题4】.

【小题5】A question to ask yourself: If I didn’t have an alarm, what time would I get up? If that time is the time you need to get up, you should probably throw away the alarm. If the time you actually get up is much later than the time you need to get up, make great changes to your way of life and the time you go to sleep. No one should need an alarm.

A.Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
B.Don’t eat any food 4 hours before you sleep.
C.Throw away the alarm.
D.Sleep is one of the most important things in our lives.
E.Your body recovers when you are sleeping.
F.Try to get up as early as you can.
G.Take the TV out of your bedroom.

Improving as a runner is about more than just running all of the time.【小题1】In that case, you can make large improvements as a runner in a relatively short time, no matter what your sport, race, or running habits.

【小题2】It is common for runners to push themselves about the same amount each time, running similarly challenging runs and gradually increasing difficulty. Outstanding runners, however, alternate(交替)an easy, resting run with a very challenging one. It is during these difficult runs,when you really push yourself, that your body snakes the most significant gains.【小题3】Rather, it is helping rebuild and relax the muscles needed for your big runs.

Keep a relaxed but strong upper body to conserve energy efficiently. You want to keep your chin(下巴)up and your shoulders back, with loose, relaxed arm and hand muscles. Your elbows are bent at 90 degrees but swing freely. If anything, the only muscles you want to focus on keeping strong and tight are the ones in your core(核心).【小题4】

Use your light run to work up a light sweat. A higher body temperature ensures your muscles are loose and flexible, and your body is pumping blood effectively throughout. For everything other than easy runs, use the first five to ten minutes to build a light sweat and get your body ready for exercise.【小题5】Slowly pick up speed for short 10 second runs, then return to normal warm-up pace. This helps prepare your muscles for speed.

A.Don't feel like an easy day is "cheating".
B.Alternate easy and hard runs to build strength rapidly.
C.Even five minutes of walking is a good way to get started.
D."Warming up" truly means you want to warm up your body.
E.You are to pay a little attention to details and a smart training plan.
F.That's because this will naturally help you efficiently channel energy.
G.Remember to relax your face and neck muscles instead of tensing them
