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Economists have long tried to calculate the value of unpaid housework. In terms of inputs and outputs, the_______of a stay-at-home parent can easily be overlooked, hidden in the _______ of freshly ironed shirts and the contents of a full belly. The courts, too, have tried their hand at putting a price on housework.

Last month China was shocked when a court ordered a man to pay his wife $7,700 for housework during their live-year marriage. The wife, known as Ms Wang, told a judge in Beijing that she "looked after the child and managed the household _______ while her husband did not care about or participate in any other household affairs besides going to work". On average, Chinese women spend four hours a day on housework, compared with about an hour and a half for men.

The court ruling was widely _______. But on Weibo many users were disappointed with the amount _______ to Ms Wang. One user commented: "Women should never be stay-at-home wives. When you divorce, you are left with nothing whatsoever." The government has adopted policies aimed at advancing co-parenting and protecting women's rights. Most provinces, for example, have in recent years introduced _______ leave for new fathers. But many people argue that it is too short—an average of just two weeks—to _______ new mothers, who receive a minimum of 98 days, from child care.

In the West, where the starting principle is an equal split of the couple's assets on divorce, claims for extra compensation are _______ by the courts. Housework is seen as equivalent to financial contributions, so neither spouse _______ financially by doing more cooking and ironing than their partner.

In Britain, the concept of compensation fell out of use for over a decade before resurfacing in 2020, bringing the question of pay for housework into the ________. Last year a woman was compensated and received £400,000 ($520,000) for giving up her legal career to focus on the family. When her marriage broke down and the couple's assets were divided, she asked for an additional sum to ________ the sacrifice she had made by cutting her career short. The judges agreed, but only because she was already a high earner and could prove she had been on track to become one of her firm's leading money makers. She was compensated not for the housework, but her forgone legal career. So Ms Wang's claim for extra compensation would probably have failed anywhere in Europe. But she may never have felt the need to make it ________.

Many women have no option but to leave the workforce when they start a family—the cost of child care might ________ the benefits of a second salary, particularly if working hours and earnings are reduced to ________ family responsibilities. Legal and financial recognition of unpaid domestic work would change this calculation. But it would be simpler (and fairer) to share domestic burdens more evenly. More important than writing new rules about compensation for housework is strengthening existing ones that ________ shared parental leave. With both spouses more involved in parenting, family responsibilities can be shared. Why wait until the divorce to quibble over who did the housework?

A.gives outB.loses outC.misses outD.wears out
A.at first glanceB.for the first timeC.first of allD.in the first place
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Long sunny days can be ideal fora visit to the beach, especially during summer. Beachgoers __________ the sun and they sometimes get exposed to its rays for several hours. Not everyone seems to listen to experts’ warnings about __________ sun exposure, which creates the __________ for a new approach to the issue.

How about providing the lovers of the sun with another __________ they possibly have? Happiness Brussels, a communication agency, has __________ found a reason to keep the beachgoers in the shadow and it’s called Shadow Wi-Fi.

Shadow Wi-Fi is an innovative Wi-Fi __________ that works close to a wall, providing Internet access to the users that __________ under the wall’ s shadow! People feel isolated from the __________ world while on the beach, and __________ their love for the sun, a stable Internet connection is probably more __________ to them. That’s how Happiness Brussels __________ this creative idea, starting with placing a wall on a __________ in Peru.

Supported by League Against Cancer, Happiness Brussels __________ to raise awareness about skin cancer, one of the most common cancers in the world. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, almost 5 million people are __________ for skin cancer every year in the US, while one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the _________ of a lifetime. Shadow Wi-Fi works as an ideal way to help people change habits, even with the presence of this huge wall on the beach. Happiness Brussels is expanding the project to New Zealand and San Francisco, hoping to reach more beaches in the future.

Happiness Brussels proves through this ambitious project that creativity leads faster to the desired goals, achieving both protection and education for the target audience!

A.got away withB.looked down onC.made up forD.came up with

More Parents Shifting Careers to Achieve Work-life Balance

As a television news host, Cynthia Demos’ schedule made her home life a challenge. Working nights and weekends meant she rarely put her 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter to bed, or spent Saturdays at the park. So, three years ago, Demos began testing the waters to see if operating her own business making marketing videos would create an option for more _______ time.

Last month, Demos took a leap. Instead of renegotiating her _______, she left her job to take her venture to the next level — building her own video production/media training company. It’s a career shift on a path to work-life balance that more _______ are making.

New research shows the top reason why people leave their jobs is to _______ opportunities with a better work-life balance. Those who make the _______ say there almost always is a main cause, either work- or home-related. It could be a life-changing event like the birth of a child, or it could be a new demanding boss, change in job responsibilities, or too many missed milestone events. It might even be a more _______ job offer.

For Denie Harris, the main cause was the attraction of a better _______ situation for a mom with young daughters. Harris had been marketing director for two companies in South Florida when an opportunity came her way to hold a similar position at her daughters’ school. It was a decision that required _______ all factors. The upside included seeing her children during the workday and sharing the same _______ with them. The downside was leaving the corporate world and earning less. “Everything in life is a give-and-take,” Harris says. “For a mom, working at your children’s school is the best possible place to be.”

In the ________ to achieve work-life balance, working mothers having been “quitting” jobs for more than a decade, choosing to stay at home with their children when ________ possible. But today, both men and women are making job changes, choosing work options that better fit their ________ lifestyle. The shift often means serious consideration of ________, including salary, advancement and fulfillment.

Doug Bartel, who left his job as a TV news producer more than a decade ago, says that what working fathers often look for is predictability and control over their schedules. They are starting their own law firms or becoming self-employed consultants to gain that ________.

Big salaries aren’t necessarily the golden handcuffs (手铐) they used to be. With the traditional 40-hour workweek becoming out of date, a survey of nearly 9,700 full-time workers by the global firm of Ernst & Young found that most parents are willing to make ________ and financial concessions (让步) for work-life balance.

A.give upB.seek outC.act onD.substitute for

There are many types of English around the world. Some well-known ______ in Asia include Manglish in Malaysia, Singlish in Singapore and Japanese English. In Tokyo, ______ can be seen everywhere. But they’re just not always ______. Now, a group of eight women ______ experts has formed the Association for the Betterment of Public English in Japan to help.

The experts say the government uses online translation too much. They think computer translation creates strange and ______ words and expressions. Many of them look funny to ______   English speakers. They are now getting local governments to pay attention to the English translation on official websites and public brochures.

The researchers worry this could bring harmful ______ on Japan’s image(形象). “We’re not trying to look down on people. But it just ______   us to see errors in the English translations. With the Olympics probably happening this year, we just want to ______ the official English is correct.” One of these experts said.

The volunteers have started ______ local governments and have so far received positive replies. Local authorities in Urayasu have set up a working group to ______ the city’s multilingual(多语种) online services later this year.

“And foreign people living in Japan should at least be given correct, understandable ______, especially if they need to evacuate after a natural ______. It could be a matter of life or ______. Public signs in good English may increase their chances of ______. Those that are wrongly translated may get them killed.”

A.make senseB.check inC.make sureD.focus on
