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Bei Bei’s 2019 departure from the Smithsonian’s National Zoo, to join the giant panda breeding program in China’s Wolong Nature Reserve, left a big blank for fans. What made the loss of the adorable panda even more upset was the belief that his mother, Mei Xiang, was too old to have more cubs. However, on August21, 2020, the 22-year-old proved experts wrong by giving birth to a healthy cub.

“Giant pandas are an international symbol of endangered wildlife, and with the birth of this precious cub we are thrilled to offer the world a much-needed moment of pure joy,” said Steve Monfort, director of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. “Because Mei Xiang is of advanced pregnant age, we knew the chances of her having a cub were slim. However, we wanted to give her one more opportunity to contribute to her species’ survival. I am incredibly proud of our animal care and science teams, whose expert knowledge and skills in giant panda behavior were vital to this conservation success.”

The zookeepers, who witnessed the “miracle” birth on the live panda camera, say Mei Xiang took to her new cub instantly and has since been seen lovingly caring for it. Nutrition is significant for the survival of the precious cub. Newborn pandas, which weigh just three to five pounds at birth, are unable to crawl or see for about two months. They, therefore, entirely rely on the mother’s warmth, milk, and protection. It will be several days before the cub, whose sex is still unknown, can be brought out from its mother for a thorough physical exam. However, thus far, the cub, which can be heard squawking on the live camera feed, appears to be perfectly healthy.

The newborn’s parents, Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, are part of the Zoo’s cooperative breeding agreement with the China Wildlife Conservation Association. Similar to its brothers and sisters-Tai Shan, Bao Bao, and Bei Bei-upon turning four, the new baby panda will be sent to China to try to increase the numbers of the endangered species, which currently total just 1,864 specimens in the wild.

【小题1】Why was Bei Bei sent to China in 2019?
A.To reunite with his mother Mei Xiang in China.
B.To satisfy fans' desire in Wolong Nature Reserve.
C.To give birth to a cub in Wolong Nature Reserve.
D.To make contributions to the breeding of its species.
【小题2】What contributed most to the birth of the cub?
A.Mei Xiang's advanced age.B.Mei Xiang's good physical health.
C.The efforts of the science team.D.Careful management of the zookeepers.
【小题3】What can we infer from paragraph 3?
A.The cub was blind due to an unexpected rare illness.
B.The cub’s parents were looking after it at present.
C.Panda lovers saw the birth of the cub on a live camera.
D.The zookeepers were not sure about the sex of the cub.
【小题4】How many pandas are mentioned in the text?
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Though I know that I can do little to help the animals, I often check dog rehoming websites. Looking through page upon page of pitiful faces looking up, you might be forgiven for thinking that the only dogs to be abandoned in this country are fierce-looking or large and unruly dogs.

Recently, it seems there are some new additions in dog homes. Dogs Trust — the country’s largest dog welfare charity-says that in the past year over 400 “toy dogs” were handed in, a 44% increase on the year before.

“Toy dog” is the traditional term for all little dogs, but in recent years they’ve increasingly been referred to as “handbag dogs” after the ridiculous manner in which famous people like Paris Hilton carry them around in their $ 1,000 handbags, making these dogs the most wanted for impressionable teens. As the popularity of Hilton has waned, however, these dogs are being rudely tipped out of the handbags and given up to charity.

In spite of the sad ending that this trend brings for some of these dogs, it can only be a good thing if people become aware that the toy types are still dogs, not dolls to be carried around. If you really are prepared to stick with them, a small dog is just as capable of bringing joy without the need to dress him or her up. A large dog won’t sit on your lap while you read the papers or travel happily on the train with you. And a park full of pugs (哈巴狗) would be a happier and safer place than one full of teenage boys and badly trained large dogs. As Edith Wharton said, “My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet.”

【小题1】What is the author’s new finding in the dog rehoming websites?
A.More “handbag dogs” are given up.
B.Some dogs in Dogs Trust are large dogs.
C.Teens are likely to play with their “toy dogs”.
D.The number of abandoned dogs is increasing.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “waned” most probably mean?
【小题3】What does the author seem to suggest about dogs in the last paragraph?
A.Large dogs and children make a good park.
B.Keeping small dogs can bring joys in a way.
C.“Handbag dogs” should be forbidden in public places.
D.Ifs good to dress dogs up before carrying them around.

Conventionally butterflies were regarded not as fascinating subjects for close observation but as symbols of shallowness. But Eleanor Granville treated them with scientific seriousness.

In her thirties, though suffering from a marriage where the husband was violent and even turned her family against her, Granville sought comfort by studying moths and butterflies. She travelled around the countryside with local girls, beating bushes to catch falling larvae (幼虫), and recruited her servants as assistants to collect specimens (样本). Because of unusual generosity in paying for a fine specimen, she soon accumulated a substantial collection of butterflies. After bringing larvae home, she meticulously logged their growth, providing some of the earliest detailed accounts of insect life cycles.

However, wandering the countryside with a collecting net was considered weird behavior for anyone back then, let alone a woman, and she was accused of going out dressed like a “gypsy”.

Besides her own extensive research, Granville exchanged letters and butterflies with other collectors. Another enthusiast William Vernon reported that she had owned “the noblest collections of butterflies, all English, which has shamed us”. She sent 100 examples to the Royal Society and also sent James Petiver, England’s most celebrated butterfly expert, boxes of carefully pinned butterflies, including several that had been previously unknown, and notably the one later named the Granville fritillary whose wings carry striking brown and yellow patterns, a species of special concern due to the decline of the total number under the influence of food loss and hotter weather.

Eleanor Granville remains the only British naturalist to have left their name to a native butterfly species. A pioneer in the study of entomology (昆虫学), Cranville helped make it an academic subject. Regretfully, only two moths and a butterfly of Granville’s precious specimens are still preserved in London’s Natural History Museum. Her name lives on the butterflies she loved.

【小题1】What do we know about Granville?
A.She paid generously for every specimen.
B.She was accused of deserting her family.
C.Studying butterflies provided an escape from her life.
D.Working with local girls earned her a good reputation.
【小题2】What can we learn from Paragraph 4?
A.James Petiver greatly influenced Granville.B.Granville’s efforts shamed the Royal Society.
C.The Granville fritillary is an endangered species.D.Granville’s work was academically recognized.
【小题3】How did Granville contribute to the field of entomology?
A.By naming butterflies and moths.B.By studying rare butterfly specimens.
C.By offering up her collections for research.D.By introducing entomology into universities.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.A Battle Against Social ConventionsB.A Woman Who Collected Butterflies
C.An Adventurer Trapped in a WomanD.An Undertaking That Changed History

A humpback, a kind of big whale, can weigh as much as 40 tons and reach 50 feet from nose to tail. That means they can easily overturn small boats and it can be a great trouble to anyone who jumps on the back of the animal.

But that was just what Sam Synstelien did when he saw a humpback in trouble in Central California’s Morro Bay. The animal was hopelessly tangled (缠绕) in a rope that was attached to a buoy (浮标).

Synstelien, along with his partner Nicholas Taron, had already tried reporting the poor animal to the U.S. Coast Guard — but they were told it would be hours before rescuers could come. Hours, the fishermen thought, this whale didn’t have. “If we wanted the humpback to survive we had to go to get it,” Taron later said. “We thought there was no other choice for the whale; we decided to go for it. We were so excited then. I don’t think we were that scared.”

It’s easy for Taron to say, of course. His role in the rescue was mostly in the cheering department. In the video, you can hear him shouting “Swim! Swim! Move! Just get it! Get it!” from the side of the boat while filming the entire rescue. “The humpback was just swimming in circles,” Taron said. “You could tell it was stressed and being held to the bottom.”

The very agitated whale didn’t take well to human intervention (介入) and even hit the boat with its huge tail with a lot of force. But Synstelien hung in there, and at last cut through the rope. And then with a sudden move, the humpback swam deep down beneath the waves. It wasn’t much of a thank you, but Synstelien and Taron were happy.

【小题1】What did Synstelien and Taron do first when they found the humpback in trouble?
A.They wrote a report about it.B.They asked for professional help.
C.They guessed its size and weight.D.They decided to save it at once.
【小题2】What did Taron do in the rescue effort?
A.He was cheering Synstelien on.
B.He tried to control the humpback.
C.He directed and recorded the rescue effort.
D.He tried to remove the rope from the humpback.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “agitated” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Sad and painful.B.Puzzled and brave.
C.Stupid and impolite.D.Nervous and upset.
