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Memory and thinking skills naturally slow with age. Scientists are now looking inside living brains to tell if depression might speed up aging. The scientists report that some of the signs they have found are worrying.

Depression has long been linked to some cognitive (认知的) problems. Depression late in life even may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Yet how depression might harm the ability to remember things and think clearly is not known. One possibility: brain cells communicate by sending messages across connections called synapses (突触). Generally, good cognition is linked to more and stronger synapses. With the weakening of cognitive ability. Those connections slowly become less and die. But until recently, scientists could count synapses only in brain cells collected after the person dies.

Yale University scientists used a new method to study the brains of living people. They discovered that patients with depression had a lower density (密度) of synapses than healthy people of the same age. The lower the density, the more serious the signs of depression. Yale University researcher Irina Esterlis says this is especially true of the problem of loss of interest in activities patients once enjoyed. She thinks depression might be speeding up the normal aging.

Esterlis has announced plans for a study of synaptic density on larger numbers of people as they get older, to see if and how it changes over time in those with and without depression. The volunteers would be asked to put a radioactive substance (放射性物质) into their body and this substance links up to another substance in the containers used by synapses. Then each volunteer would be given an imaging test. During the lest, areas with synapses would light up, so researchers would be able to see how many synapses there are in different parts of the brain.

Normal cognitive aging is a process difficult to understand, which refers to other health problems, such as heart disease. It might be that depression does not worsen synaptic weakening. And it could just make the problem more noticeable.

【小题1】The scientists are trying to use living people to research ______.
A.if it’s necessary to study living brains
B.why old people are likely to be depressed
C.if depression could make people’s brain age more quickly
D.signs of people suffering from depression
【小题2】What can we infer about depression from Paragraphs 2 and 3?
A.It could destroy a lot of brain cells.
B.It may slow the development of the brain.
C.It could cut off connections between synapses.
D.It may harm the cognitive ability by affecting the density of synapses.
【小题3】What do Esterlis’ new plans focus on?
A.Changes of synaptic density with age.
B.Ways to give volunteers imaging tests.
C.How to choose suitable people to take part in the test.
D.What effects the radioactive substance may have on the test.
【小题4】What is the writer’s attitude towards the research?
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Contrary to the long-held belief that plants in the natural world are always in competition, new research has found that in severe environments adult plants help smaller ones and grow well as a result.

The research, led by Dr Rocio, studied adult and seedling (幼苗) plants in the ecological desert in the south-east of Spain.

Dr Rocio said, “If you’re a seedling in a poor land — the top of a mountain or a sand hill, for example—and you’re lucky enough to end up underneath a big plant, your chances of survival are certainly better than if you landed somewhere on your own. What we have found, which was surprising, is an established large plant, called a ‘nurse’, protects a seedling; it also produces more flowers than the same plants of similar large size growing on their own.”

Other benefits of nurse-seedling partnerships include that more variety of plants growing together can have a positive effect on the environment. For example, vegetation areas with nurse plants with more flowers might be able to attract higher numbers of pollinators (传粉者) in an area, in turn supporting insect and soil life and even provide a greater range of different fruit types for birds and other animals.

“The biggest winner for this system of nursing a plant is biodiversity (生物多样性),” Dr Rocio said. “The more biodiversity an area, the greater number of species of plants, insect life, mammals and birds, and the better the chances of long-term healthy functioning of the environment and ecosystems.” This system is win-win for adult and seedling plants in unfavorable environments.

The research is of value to those who manage and protect plants in tough environments. Most home gardeners and farmers plan to ensure their soil and conditions are the best they can be for plant growth, but the findings might be of value to those who garden in bare places.

【小题1】What is a common understanding of plants?
A.They can help each other.B.They can survive ill conditions.
C.They compete with each other.D.They grow well on their own.
【小题2】What will happen to seedling plants if they grow under adult plants?
A.They will produce more flowers.B.They will die owing to competition.
C.They will make adult plants larger.D.They will benefit from adult plants.
【小题3】Who will benefit from the new research?
A.People studying organic farming.
B.People protecting plants on sand hills.
C.People wanting to change biodiversity.
D.People keeping more animals on the farm.

The unusual day of February 29 comes up on the calendar only every four years. In American English, February 29 is called a leap day. And the entire 12-month period with a February 29 in it is called a leap year. The year 2020 is such a year.

As a verb, the word “leap” means to jump, or to move quickly. “Leap” can also be a noun, meaning a jump or a sudden move. In a leap year, the dates jump over one day of the week. In 2017, the last day of the year December 31, fell on a Sunday. In 2018, it fell on a Monday. In 2019, it fell on the Tuesday. But in 2020, December 31 will fall on a Thursday. It just leaps right over Wednesday. “Leap” is also an important word for two American expressions. One is a kind of warning. If you want someone to investigate a situation completely before taking action, you might say “look before you leap”. The other expression is a phrase of hope. Urging someone to “take a leap of faith” invites the person to take action, even if not everything about a situation is known.

Interestingly, both phrases are completely reasonable to say to someone who is about to get married.

On that note, some people choose to marry on February 29 because it is an unusual day. But some ancient people would likely tell couples not to do it. Leap years were believed to be difficult, and leap days were unlucky and a bad time to begin anything new.

Whatever you think about them, the changes in the calendar will be gone soon enough. Then we can return to normal, and leap over February 29 as usual.

【小题1】If December 31, 2121 is Wednesday, what day is December 31, 2124?
【小题2】When can you use the phrase “take a leap of faith”?
A.When you encourage someone to take action.
B.When you advise someone not to hold a wedding.
C.When you warn someone not to make a decision quickly.
D.When you want someone to investigate a situation carefully.
【小题3】What did some ancient people think of leap days?
A.They were good days to try new things.
B.They were normal days in leap years.
C.They were a bad time for getting married.
D.They were a good time for moving house.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Lucky Days for Couples
B.Leap Days and Leap Years
C.The Changes in the Calendar
D.The Importance of February 29

Rising ocean temperatures killed about 14% of the world’s coral reefs in just under a decade, according to a new analysis from the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network. In other words, the amount of coral lost between 2008 and 2019 equals more than all of the living corals in Australia. The report — the first of its kind since 2008 — found that warming caused by climate change has placed coral reefs under “continuous stress.”

But it also found signs of hope, noting that many of these reefs may be able to recover if immediate action is taken to fight future warming. “People around the world depend on healthy coral reefs and the services they provide for food, entertainment, and protection from storms,” said Jennifer Koss, director of the NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program. “It is possible to reduce the losses we are seeing and save these reefs, but doing so relies on us as a global community making more environmentally friendly decisions in our everyday lives.”

NOAA calls this the largest global analysis of coral reef health ever made: “The analysis used data from nearly two million observations from more than 12,000 collection sites in 73 countries over 40 years (1978 to 2019), representing the work over 300 scientists.” The study identifies “coral bleaching (褪色) events caused by rising sea surface temperatures” as the biggest cause of coral loss.

They also observed some recovery in 2019, with coral reefs regaining 2% of their coral cover. “This suggests that if pressures on these critical ecosystems ease, then coral reefs have the ability to recover, potentially within a decade, to the healthy reefs that were common pre-1998,” reads a GCRMN release. On the other hand, continued warming could cause greater damage. Sharp decreases in coral cover agreed with increases in sea surface temperature, which experts say shows coral’s vulnerability (易受伤害) to the sudden large increases — a phenomenon they say could happen more frequently as the planet continues to warm.

【小题1】What does Jennifer Koss say about the situation of coral reefs?
A.They are dying out.B.They are sensitive to warming.
C.They have a chance of recoveryD.They have benefited from human beings.
【小题2】Why are lots of data listed in paragraph 3?
A.To show the result of the study.B.To present the size of the study.
C.To highlight the difficulty of the studyD.To explain the importance of the study.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Constant planet warming damages coral reefs entirely.
B.Coral reefs will recover to the healthy ones within ten years.
C.The phenomenon of coral loss was common before 1998
D.The level of coral cover is a sign of reef health.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Coral reef protection is being ignored.
B.Climate change is killing the world’s coral reefs.
C.Australia is seeing a rapid loss of coral reefs.
D.Rising ocean temperature is destroying land creatures.
