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The Ostrich Pillow was created by a European designer, who wanted to find a creative way to provide people with the health and productivity benefits commonly associated with power napping (小憩). Power napping is as important as normal sleep. Only when you’re done with a power nap, are you expected to actually work better.

When you wake up from a normal nap, it’s completely OK to glance around the room, confirm that John Hodgman riding a unicorn (独角兽) was just an amazing dream, and then roll over to fall back asleep.

But the Ostrich Pillow is specifically designed for those shorter periods of rest-the power naps-and the creators say that their invention allows you to sleep anytime, anywhere by creating a “little private space within a public one, to relax and rest.”

Perhaps this says a lot about people’s attitudes toward napping and the importance of taking a little nap during the busy workday. The advertisement for the Ostrich Pillow even claims that a 20-minute power nap can increase productivity by 37%.

Amazing! I can only dream of all the things I would get done at the office if I actually worked at 37% productivity. And to think, all I need is a quick nap as soon as I get to my desk!

In general, the Ostrich Pillow seems like a great idea. It’s convenient. It’s comfortable. It has a place for your hands. But the big question is whether people will actually wear it in public.

Nevertheless, I’m still hoping to get my hands on one of these to give it a proper test drive. But, until then, if you need me, I’ll be sleeping buried on my desk!

【小题1】According to the passage, we can learn that ________.
A.the Ostrich Pillow can help people sleep longer
B.power napping can help people work better
C.people from a normal nap usually dream about a unicorn
D.John Hodgman invented the Ostrich Pillow
【小题2】What does the writer think about the advertisement?
A.He feels bored.B.He doubts it.C.He believes it.D.He dislikes it.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes the Ostrich Pillow?
A.Comfortable and cheap.B.Productive and relaxing.
C.Convenient and comfortable.D.Special and attractive.
【小题4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.The writer has got an Ostrich Pillow.
B.The writer is willing to have a drive test.
C.The writer will be sleeping on his desk without that.
D.The writer expects to own an Ostrich Pillow.
【小题5】What might be the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To introduce an invention for power napping.
B.To advertise a new invention — the Ostrich Pillow.
C.To inform people the importance of power napping.
D.To tell people a better way of keeping power napping.
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Recently, engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed a new running robot that operates on batteries and will soon be able to run like cheetahs, the fastest land animals on Earth. It is light enough with the weight of 30 kilograms. It runs on batteries. Sangbae Kim, director of the MIT Biomimetics Robotics Lab, says the robot needs only about 700 watts of power to operate.

The robot’s limbs( 四 肢 ) and other parts were made in a three dimensional--or 3D printer. A strong, light-weight plastic material called Kevlar is used to make the robot parts stronger. Kevlar is used for modern military helmets and protective body clothing.

“The frame has to be very light and very stiff , so we designed this frame to handle these high forces and the high shock.” Mr. Kim says another special feature is the motor controller. His team at MIT designed it themselves, he says, because no other available products could handle the robots power requirements.

But the development of MITS robot is not without its own set of problems. When supporting a great amount of force, the robot’s limbs sometimes break.

Researchers say the new technologies used on this robot may be used in the making of artificial climbs and other machines. Some of those machines may help save humans from performing difficult and dangerous jobs.

【小题1】Which is not the main characters of the new robot?
A.Saving energy.B.Light weight.
C.Smart mind.D.Running faster.
【小题2】The material Kevlar is ______ .
A.solid and stiff.B.stable and light.
C.light and strong.D.modern and helpful.
【小题3】What is the disadvantage of the new robot ?
A.Its limbs are too weak to support any weight.
B.Its limbs cannot bear a great amount of force.
C.Its motor controller could not handle the robot's power requirements.
D.Its design could not handle high forces and the high shock.
【小题4】Where is the text most likely from?
A.A travel guide.B.A textbook.
C.A fashion magazine.D.A science newspaper.

Fashion house Alabama Chanin has a new line of organic cotton clothing made from its own cotton field. It’s not just an experiment in keeping production local but also an attempt to bring back to life the tradition of clothes-making in the Deep South.

Alabama Chanin, the fashion and lifestyle company founded by Natalie Chanin and Billy Reid, is best known for her flowing, made-to-order organic garments (衣服), entirely hand-made and inspired by the rural South of the 1930s and ‘40s’. “It’s not just ‘factory work’,” Chanin says. “This is a skill that’s dying out in this country. ” “It’s part of the nation’s ‘cultural sustainability to preserve these things’,” Chanin says, “to be able to make our clothes.”

Her business partner, K. P. McNeill, is the one who first thought about growing their own cotton. The ideas of going from field to garment made Chanin think of how generations ago, manufacturing was of a vertical (纵向的) affair. Could that be done today? And organically? They came up with a plan to test it. Reid says it meant no artificial chemicals. “A lot of the weeds had to be pulled by hand. It’s not just your normal cotton operation that’s automated,” Reid says.

Chanin holds a piece of ivory-colored cloth made from the hand-picked cotton grown in the Alabama field. “I’ve never seen cotton quite as clean and clear as this,” Chanin says, “I don’t think people have seen that since cotton was really a driving factor of destruction in this country.”

Chanin says this project is about transforming cotton into something more modern. “I mean, cotton has an ugly history. It has built fortunes, it’s destroyed nations, it’s enslaved people,” says Chanin. “But to me this cotton is part of making a new story for cotton.”

【小题1】What do we know about Alabama Chanin?
A.It just focuses on the ready-made suits.
B.It preserves traditional craftsmanship.
C.It leads the way in the fashion industry.
D.It ensures sustainable economic growth.
【小题2】What is the author’s purpose of mentioning ivory-colored cloth?
A.To highlight production efficiency.
B.To question the cotton’s cleanliness.
C.To contrast cotton’s historical image.
D.To praise the cotton of high quality.
【小题3】What does the story of Alabama Chanin indicate?
A.Fashion keeps changing all the time.
B.A bad reputation often ruins tradition.
C.Honoring the past builds the future.
D.Modernization easily beats tradition.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.From Cotton Field to Garment
B.Creating Clothes That Do Matter
C.From Old Times to Modern Days
D.Launching a Fashion Movement

A robotic game of cat and mouse playing out in a lab provides a sight at future possibilities of robots carrying out search-and-rescue missions without much human guidance.

The Tianjicat robot developed by researchers at Tsinghua University in China uses a brain-inspired computing chip called TianjicX. The so-called neuromorphic chip (神经形态芯片) can run multiple artificial intelligence techniques at the same time in an energy-efficient manner. It is one example of experiments with neuromorphic systems that could allow small robots to make decisions using limited computing resources and power.

The researchers challenged the Tianjicat robot to chase (追逐) another robot that was set to move randomly in a room filled with obstacles. This required Tianjicat to track the mouse robot by using both visual recognition and sound detection, and to figure out the best path to chase down its pretend prey (假想猎物) without knocking on anything. The team says that the TianjicX chip reduced the amount of power required for the robot cat to make decisions during the chase by about. half compared with an NVIDIA chip designed for AI computing.

Performing a cat-and-mouse chase would be a step up in difficulty for most commercialized robots, which usually follow very predictable routines in warehouses or factories. Many robots that interact with more complex and unpredictable environments rely on remote control by human operators, or else must maintain wireless connections with distant data centres that have the computing power necessary for more intensive decision-making. Neuromorphic systems haven’t yet been commercialized in a big way, but their relatively low size, weight and power requirements could provide practical advantages or robotic deployment (部署).

The Tianjicat robot is worldwide acknowledged. “For robotics, this is very important because it allows the system to operate for longer durations in hard-to-reach environments with greater autonomy,” says Jeffrey Krichmar at the University of California, Irvine.

【小题1】What do the researchers want the robot to do by testing it?
A.Do rescue-work.
B.Assist in research.
C.Help get rid of rats.
D.Save power.
【小题2】What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.Why the robot chases another robot.
B.What the robot’s pretend prey is like.
C.How researchers test the robot.
D.How much power the robot uses in an action.
【小题3】What makes a TianJicat robot have advantages over others?
A.Its small size.
B.Its mouse-like shape.
C.Its business value.
D.Its date center.
【小题4】What’s Jeffrey Krichmar’s attitude towards the invention of the Tianjicat robot?
