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A new study has found that water in the air, not just heat, is important in measuring global warming. The researchers say, when considering humidity and heat, the temperature increase is two times greater than earlier estimates.

The researchers also note, temperature by itself is not the best way to measure the effects of climate change and using temperature underestimates conditions in the tropical areas of the world.

The study was published on January 31 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers team show that the energy created in extreme weather, such as storms, is related to the amount of water in the air. For this reason, they decided to use a special atmospheric measurement to show the amount of heat in an area of air. It is expressed in a scientific measurement for temperature known as degrees Kelvin.

Ramanathan is one of the writers of the study. He is a climate scientist at the University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “There are two factors of climate change: temperature and humidity. And so far, we have measured global warming just in terms of temperature,” he says. “Warm air can hold more water than cold air. For every degree Celsius that air temperature increases, it can hold seven percent more water. When the water vapor in the air becomes liquid, it releases heat or energy. That’s why when it rains, now it pours.”

Ramanathan added that water vapor is a powerful heat-trapping gas in the atmosphere that increases climate change. From 1980 to 2019, the average world surface air temperature increased by 0.79 degrees Celsius. But when they considered energy from humidity, their temperature measurement had increased by 1.48 degrees Celsius. In the tropics, the warming was as much as 4 degrees Celsius.

Wuebbles is a climate scientist at the University of Illinois. He was not part of the study. But Wuebbles said the idea makes sense because water vapor is important in extreme rainfall. He said, “Both heat and humidity are important.”

【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The combination of water and heat decreases average surface temperature.
B.The reason why it pours is that cold air can hold more water than warm air.
C.Scientists adopt temperature degrees Kelvin as a special atmospheric measurement.
D.Scientists used both temperature and humidity to measure global warming in the past.
【小题2】How does Ramanathan illustrate his findings in the fifth paragraph?
A.By making comparisons.B.By taking examples.
C.By analyzing reasons.D.By giving definitions.
【小题3】What is Wuebbles’ attitude to this new study?
【小题4】Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?
A.Extreme Weathers Are Closely Related to Air Heat Amount
B.A New Study Focuses on Global Warming Solutions
C.Humidity Is Also Important in Measuring Climate Changes
D.Two Climate Scientists Develop a Scientific Method
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A new study released on Monday showed that 2019 was another year of record-setting ocean warming. An international team examined data going back to-the1950s, looking at temperatures from the ocean surface to 2,000 meters deep. The study, which was published in Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, also showed that the oceans are warming at an increasing speed and the hottest five years ever recorded all came in the last five. “The upward trend is relentless(不间断的), and so we dare say that most of the warming is man-made climate change.” said Kevin Trenberth, a distinguished senior scientist.

Another scientist, Lijing Cheng, the paper’s lead author said there are no reasonable alternatives apart from the human emissions of heat trapping gases to explain this heating, “The Hiroshima atom-bomb (广岛原子弹) exploded with an energy of about 63,000,000,000,000 Joules.”(63万亿焦耳热量) Cheng Said. "I did a calculation...the amount of heat we have put in the world's oceans in the past 25 years equals to 3.6 billion Hiroshima atom-bomb explosions,"he added. That's equivalent to dropping roughly four Hiroshima bombs into the oceans every second over the past quarter of a century. But because the warming is speeding up, the rate at which we are dropping these imaginary bombs is getting faster than ever.

Oceans serve as a good indicator of the real impact of climate change. Covering almost three quarters of Earth's surface, they absorb the vast majority of the world's heat. Since 1970, more than 90% of the planet’s excess heat went into the oceans, while less than 4% was absorbed by the atmosphere and the land, the study said. However, just because people live on land,it doesn't mean they are immune from the effects of the warming waters. Ocean warming has a profound impact on the entire world.

【小题1】What is to blame for ocean warming according to Kevin Trenberth?
A.Atomic bombs.
B.Land reduction.
C.Human activities.
D.Environmental damage.
【小题2】What can we learn according to the text?
A.Land an absorb more heat than oceans by the study.
B.The temperature of oceans has been increasing rapidly recently.
C.Kevin and Cheng have different opinions on ocean warming.
D.Cheng found other reasons besides human emissions for ocean warming.
【小题3】What can we infer from the underlined sentence?
A.Ocean warming has becoming a concern of the world.
B.The change of the oceans has great effect on people.
C.People live on land so they're not influenced by oceans.
D.People have to move to oceans because of limited land.
【小题4】What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To call on people to protect the environment.
B.To show people a new study published recently.
C.To prove the atomic bombs can cause great damage.
D.To make people realize the ocean warning is speeding.

Researchers were surprised to find green snow caused by blooming algae(藻)in the Antarctic Peninsula is expanding as temperatures increase.

Green snow alga is type of tiny organism(微生物)that can't be seen without a microscope. But when the organisms grow all together, they turn the snow bright green, which can even be spotted from space.

The algae are provided with more "habitable" environments to grow as warming temperatures create more wet snow.

Patches of green snow algae can be identified along the Antarctic: coastline, mostly in warmer areas, where average temperatures are slightly above 0℃ during the Southern Hemisphere's summer months of November to February. Researchers have found I, 679 separate growths of green algae on the snow surface, which cover an area of 1.9 square kilometers.

"The Antarctic Peninsula is the part of the region that is being affected by the most rapid warning , " said the researchers. This February abnormal temperatures hitting around 20℃ were recorded.

Researchers believe the organisms will expand as global temperatures rise.

However, while more algae will grow as snow melts faster, the distribution of the organisms is inseparable(分不开的)from bird populations, whose excrement(粪便)contains the substances that speed up the growth of the algae. "As the number of birds, especially penguins, is affected by warming temperatures, the snow algae could lose sources of nutrients to grow, " said Dr. Andrew Gray, the lead researcher of the study.

"An increase in the blooms could also lead to further melting of snow, " he continued. "A green snow algal bloom will reflect about 45% of light hitting it while fresh snow about 80%, so it will increase the rate at which snow melts in a localized area. "

According to the researchers, almost two-thirds of the algal blooms were found growing on small, low-lying islands. Besides, as the Antarctic Peninsula gets warmer, these islands could end up losing both their summer snow cover and algae, though most of the organisms lie in areas where they can spread to higher ground when snow melts.

【小题1】What can we learn about the green snow algae?
A.They can even be seen from space.
B.They can only be found in Antarctica.
C.They grow well when there is wet snow.
D.They grow better when the temperature is below 0℃.
【小题2】What may happen to the algae if Antarctica keeps getting warmer?
A.The algae may turn the whole Antarctica green.
B.The algae may move to smaller and lower-lying places.
C.The algae may grow more slowly for lacking nutrients.
D.The algae may reduce the number of birds in Antarctica.
【小题3】What's the researchers' attitude toward the future of green snow algae?
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Green Snow Puts Antarctica in Danger
B.Antarctica Is Experiencing Abnormal Weather
C.Green Snow Algae Is a Dangerous Threat to Snow
D.Climate Change Is Turning Snow in Antarctica Green

In 2019, the state of California was on fire. Alexandria Villaseor, who was 13 at the time, witnessed the destruction of Northern California’s Camp Fire, which would go on to burn more than 150,000 acres of land. Villaseor was scared. “That’s when I found out how important climate education was,” she reflected. “And just how much we lacked climate education these past couple of years.”

Villaseor, at the age of 15, was determined to have a bigger conversation. She quickly realized the fight requires international, government-level changes. For her, what started as local concern turned into a year-long protest in front of the United Nations’ New York City headquarters and a global campaign for more compulsory climate education. She sat on a bench in front of the headquarters, begging for the world’s leaders to take climate change seriously.

Her action received national attention, with millions of other students around the world joining in the movement. “It’s completely unacceptable not to learn anything about our planet and our environment in school, after all the young people would inherit the Earth.” Villaseor said, “That’s why I think that climate education is so important, and that’s why I focus a lot on it now.”

Right now, Villaseor is working with the American Administration on its climate plan, which has promised to center on the needs of young people and communities most impacted by climate change. She even spoke at the 2021 Democratic National Convention. “This was definitely a huge moment when I realized that people were listening to the voices of me and youth climate activists.” Villaseor said.

When she isn’t connecting with her fellow youth activists, Villaseor is like most other teens. “My favorite thing to do, of course, is sleep,” she said, “I like to read a lot. I like fantasy books, normally. I also like to write.”

【小题1】What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us? (no more than 10 words)
【小题2】How did Villaseor make the world’s leaders attach importance to climate education? (no more than 15 words)
【小题3】How do you understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3? (no more than 15 words)
【小题4】When was the huge moment to Villaseor? (no more than10 words)
【小题5】What do you think of Villaseor? Please explain in your own words? (no more than 20 words)
