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After moving from a refugee camp to a big city, 18-year-old Dhakal wanted to give back to his community.

A few years ago, while working at a restaurant, Dhakal met a homeless man. While cleaning tables, he talked with the man, and the man shared his story about how he became homeless. Dhakal explained that one of the necessities the homeless man needed was clothes. So that was where he got the idea of setting a charitable organization Dhakal Collects Clothes.

Dhakal hosted its first clothing drive in 2019. He collected everything, including socks, hats, jackets, coats and shoes. Dhakal said, “With that project, I was able to bring so many people together and change so many lives.”

For Dhakal, Dhakal Collects Clothes is just a start. In the future, he wants to own a multimillion-dollar business that focuses on giving its money away to help others. To help him meet that goal, a kind person introduced Dhakal to Cuban, a billionaire, who is also one of Dhakal’s heroes. Cuban, who said that he knew what it was like to struggle and wanted to give back, gave Dhakal a specific goal — collecting 575 coats to give away to those in need. While Dhakal first struggled to collect coats, he used one suggestion from Cuban to help himself: He networked with Amy, who worked at a local charity organization. In 4 days, he collected thousands of coats, much more than his initial goal.

“I never dreamed of collecting 3, 000 coats, but the people that I connected with made it possible,” Dhakal said.

Cuban said, “You’re setting an example, Dhakal. It isn’t about connections. It isn’t about who you know. It’s all about how hard you’re willing to work to get something done.”

【小题1】What inspired Dhakal to start his charity organization?
A.His boss’s encouragement.
B.The advice from a homeless man.
C.His desire to get away from poverty.
D.The experience of a homeless man he met.
【小题2】What did Cuban do to help Dhakal?
A.He gave him useful advice.
B.He donated 575 clothes to him.
C.He shared the skills in making money.
D.He persuaded others to network with him.
【小题3】How did Dhakal feel when he collected 3, 000 coats?
【小题4】What contributed most to Dhakal’s work according to Cuban?
A.His ambitious plan for the future.
B.His hard work and determination.
C.His connections with other people.
D.The original idea and goal of his project.
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Alba Renai, an attractive digital influencer (网红) powered by artificial intelligence, has recently announced that she will be hosting a special section on Spain’s popular reality show “Survivor”.

Created in the fall of last year by Be a Lion, Alba Renai quickly became a superstar online, attracting over 10,000 fans. She is a beautiful young woman, but she is not actually real.

Most people started speaking highly of Alba about her looks, wishing her luck in her new position, and most likely not even realizing she was an AI-powered avatar (化身), and some expressed their concern about such digital avatars occupying human jobs. In Asia, for example, several countries have been experimenting with Al newscasters.

Be a Lion, the company that created and trained: Alba Renai, recently claimed that their avatar didn’t steal any human jobs. On the contrary, it actually created more jobs. A team of 32 people works directly on the Alba project, including Al experts, engineers, producers, filmmakers, and community managers. “Alba is a collaborative (协作的) work between humans and machines,” Luis Movilla, a director at Be a Lion, said. “Now humans must have certain skills to be able to operate technological advances. We have had to redevelop the educational plan of our own employees and in the labor market.”

Alba Renai is one of several virtual influencers to attract international attention in the last few months, alongside Aitana Lopez and Lexi Love, to name just a couple of the most popular ones, but there is an entire wave of AI-powered avatars being developed as a way to cut costs. They may not be mainstream yet, but with technology evolving at such a rapid pace, who knows where we’ll be in a couple of years?

【小题1】What can we know about Alba Renai?
A.She is a popular Spanish woman.
B.She has a great influence on young people.
C.She was designed and made by Be a Lion.
D.She is the chief hostess of the show “Survivor”.
【小题2】What is some people’s concern over Al newscasters?
A.They are costly to develop and maintain.
B.They may take away jobs from people.
C.They distract fans’ attention from work.
D.They are not as natural as real newscasters.
【小题3】What is Luis Movilla’s attitude toward Alba?
【小题4】What message does the author intend to convey in the last paragraph?
A.Alba is currently the most popular virtual influencer.
B.AI-powered avatars will never take the place of humans:
C.There are likely to be more AI-powered avatars in the future.
D.Technology shouldn’t have been evolving at such a rapid pace,

As the U. K. and nations across the world mourn (哀悼) the death of Queen Elizabeth II, several aspects of the queen’s 70-year reign have been resurfacing over the past few days. From her personal life to her colonial legacy to her beloved dog — many are attracted by the life of the monarch (君主) . According to some experts, part of people’s attention towards the Royal Family not only comes from their respect for the queen but also from the trend of celebrity worshipping (名人崇拜) .

The idea of the British Royal Family taps into a collective desire for something that seems extraordinary, as opposed to the banality (平庸) of one’s own life, Cheryl Thompson, an assistant professor at the School of Performance at Toronto Metropolitan University, told Global News.

Thompson said the fairytaleish aspect of the British Royal Family is what attracts people, adding that many are attracted by their luxury weddings, seemingly perfect lives and the media attention that follows. “People have grown up hearing about fairy tales with princes and kings and queens,” she said. “So, you would imagine the castle has to be amazing compared to the two-bedroom apartment that you live in with your family … that whole idea of having servants upstairs, the luxuriousness of the dinner table — just brings all of that back into people’s imagination.”

Cele Otnes, head of the Department of Business Administration at the University of Illinois, said the Royal Family is “a complex brand” that is different from what one would normally associate with celebrities.

“They are a global brand that people love all over the world”, explained Otnes.

“They’re luxury”, she said. People far and wide are “very interested in the drama and the tension that happens in the Royal Family.”

“I think another one of the reasons the queen was so popular is that although everyone knew she was extremely wealthy, she didn’t show off her wealth.”

【小题1】According to Thompson the fairytaleish aspect of the Royal Family lies in ________.
A.their life styleB.their political performance
C.their charity imageD.their social status
【小题2】Which is not the reason why Otnes said the Royal Family is a different complex brand?
A.Because they are very likely to call our attention.
B.Because they live a luxurious and admirable life.
C.Because they are keen on charity.
D.Because they are very modest with their fame and wealth.
【小题3】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Mourning the death of the queen.B.Analyzing the popularity of the queen.
C.Showing our admiration to the queen.D.Stating the global importance of the queen.
【小题4】How is the passage organized?
A.By making comparisons.B.By giving examples.
C.By listing facts.D.By quoting experts’ ideas.

To improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia’s notoriously (臭名昭著地) careless drivers, Russian police have tried to get drivers to slow down at zebra (斑马) crossings by having painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets in some of the big cities.

The light grey horses, painted with black stripes (条纹), carried signs on their backs reading: “Careful, children are on their way to school.” The police sent the “zebras” to several different locations in the Russian capital, where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out leaflets (传单) to passing drivers.

Some held up rainbow-coloured umbrellas over the painted animals to protect them from the rain. Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely take steps to avoid pedestrians (行人). Nearly half of all traffic accidents in the country’s big cities are caused by cars hitting pedestrians, and a third of those occur on crossings, according to traffic police figures published last month.

In the first six months of this year, 378 people were killed and more than 6, 600 injured on pedestrian crossings in Russia, according to police. In Moscow alone, 43 people were killed, including two children.

Though police officials said that only safe paint would be used on the animals, animal rights activists still disagreed with the idea, accusing the police of “treating animals like garbage”.

“Children understand that paints are bad for animals,” the Interfax news agency quoted (引用) president of Vita animal rights group Irina Novozhilova as saying.

Let’s hope this part of the campaign is over and animals are left out of future attempts to raise pedestrians’ awareness.

【小题1】Why do Moscow police have “zebras” walk across on the busiest streets?
A.To make a call on protecting animals.
B.To raise drivers’ awareness of road safety.
C.To tell people it is dangerous to cross streets.
D.To remind people zebras are in danger of extinction.
【小题2】From the text we can learn that ______.
A.the driving skills of Russian drivers are bad.
B.Russian drivers often ignore traffic lights.
C.Russian drivers seldom give way to pedestrians
D.most Russian drivers have realized the seriousness of the problem.
【小题3】What do animal rights activists think of the new attempt?
A.Drivers must slow down at pedestrian crossings.
B.Road safety should be improved.
C.The paints used on the horses are safe.
D.These animals are ill-treated by the police.
【小题4】Which word can best describe the author’s attitude towards the campaign?
