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Long, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged mother. Their life was poor but peaceful, and happy.

Unfortunately, their cruel governor gave a strict order to immediately put to death all aged people. Those were cruel days, and the custom of abandoning old people to die was not uncommon. The poor farmer loved his aged mother, and the order filled his heart with sorrow. But no one ever thought twice about obeying the order of the cruel governor, so with many deep and hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest way of death.

Just at sundown, he took a quantity of unwhitened rice, and he cooked, dried it, and tied it in a square cloth around his neck along with a bottle filled with cool, sweet water. Then he lifted his helpless old mother to his back and started on his painful journey up the mountain. On he went, climbing blindly upward—ever upward towards the top of what is known as Obatsuyama, the mountain of the “abandoning of the aged”.

The mother’s loving heart grew anxious. Her son did not know the mountain’s many paths and his return might be one of danger, so she stretched forth her hand, snapping the twigs (折断树枝) as they passed. She quietly dropped a handful every few steps of the way so that as they climbed, the narrow path behind them was dotted with tiny piles of twigs. At last the top was reached. Gathering fallen leaves, he made a soft cushion (坐垫) and tenderly lifted his old mother onto it. He wrapped her coat more closely and with tearful eyes and an aching heart he said goodbye.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The trembling mother’s voice was full of unselfish love as she gave her last instruction.


Once more he shouldered his burden (how light it seemed now) and walked down the path back to their shabby house.

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It was a Friday afternoon. In Brooklyn Junior Middle School, the bell indicating the end of the last class threw the whole classroom into chaos. All the boys and girls started packing their school bags, chattering with each other about their exciting plans for the long-anticipated weekend at the same time.

Miss Helen, the headteacher, stepped into the noisy classroom. She quieted the kids, assigned the homework and added: “The first teacher-parent meeting of this term will take place tomorrow morning. Please...”

Bill’s heart sank.

Bill was a 12-year-old boy in Grade 7. His father was a sailor. He had to work at sea most of the year and did not get home often. However, this didn’t make Bill an eccentric (性格古怪的) and withdrawn boy.

As a matter of fact, at school, Bill was a typical student favored by all the teachers in his class. He was never late for school, always active in class, always polite to the teachers and always friendly and helpful towards his classmates, not to mention his outstanding academic performance.

It was all because of his kind, considerate and devoted mum, a perfect mum in Bill’s eyes, except for one thing: She walked with a pronounced limp (跛行). Bill remembered when young, maybe about 3 or 4 years old, he once asked her mum about it, but his mum just smiled and told him she was born like this. Bill loved his mum very much but he seldom went out with his mum. He just hated it when others eyed, whispered or inquired about that, curiously, kindly or sympathetically.

And now, this would be the first time for his new classmates and teachers to meet his mother and he would be embarrassed by her appearance.

That evening, Bill called his father and complained about his absence and the upcoming meeting.

Para 1:On the line came his father’s deep voice: “Bill, you are a BIG boy now and I think it’s time to tell you the truth.”
Para 2:The next morning, when the first ray of sunshine slipped into his room, Bill woke up.

“Daisy?”   Mom stood at the door of my bedroom.

“Yes, mom.”

“Your grandma doesn't feel well. I am taking her to the hospital. It will take long,   I'm afraid. Take care of your twin brothers, will you?”

Still in bed, I gave an “OK”   gesture. I got out of bed, washed my face and began to prepare breakfast. Dad called in the middle, saying he had an important meeting today and couldn’t make it home early. Oh, fine! I thought I could manage it all by myself.

After all, I kept babysitting them after my twin brothers were born. Now that the summer vacation had just started, I had a lot of free time. Later, I woke up Tim and Toby, and put fried eggs, sausages, and milk in front of them. Alas! 7-year-olds,especially boys, could never keep quiet. But I usually didn't shout as long as they finally emptied their plates. I was learning to be patient as a big sister.

After they finished, I began cleaning the big mess while they ran loose, chasing and shouting. I was sure it was going to be exhausting today. Well, everything turned out to be okay in the morning. I read them stories and they played video games for a while. However, in the afternoon when they got bored, they lay on the so fa watching cartoons. Tim spoke first, “I am hungry and want a burger.” And then Toby followed, “So am I.”

“But I am not supposed to take you out of home. And I never...”

“Please! Please!”

“I will think about it if you behave yourselves in the restaurant.”

“Sure!” “No problem!”

I thought it might be a good idea to take them to MacDonald’s because I didn’t have to cook. Besides, there were slides, Lego bricks and other kids.

Paragraph 1:

As soon as we got to the large parking lot outside the restaurant, Tim ran wild and got missing.

Paragraph 2:

When mom went back home in the evening, I was as tired as a dog.

1.续写词数应为 150左右;

As soon as we got to the large parking lot outside the restaurant, Tim ran wild and got missing.


When mom went back home in the evening, I was as tired as a dog.


A boy on skates turned around the corner very fast and crashed into me before I jumped out of the way. We fell together as the box I’d been carrying flew from my hands and landed in the street. A moment later, a car drove past, sending the box spinning in circles.

The skater got up, said sorry, and sped off around the corner.

“Are you OK, Emily?” Aiden asked.

“I think so.”I stood and slowly moved my aching arm.

“Oh no! Look at Mom’s present!” Aiden’s face was red.

I picked up the crushed box and opened it. The drinking glasses inside were broken. I closed the box and left it in a garbage can on the sidewalk, then started hurrying toward home. Aiden had to run at full speed to keep up with me.          

When we got to the apartment, we threw ourselves down on chairs in the kitchen.

“It isn’t fair! Why did that happen?” Aiden said.

“I didn’t even see that guy! He came out of nowhere,” I said angrily.

Aiden’s lower lip trembled. “Mom would’ve loved these glasses.”

We’d saved our money for weeks to buy glasses with pink flowers on them for Mother’s Day. We have other glasses, but not a full set that matches. I wished I could hang something against the wall and scream, but I knew I couldn’t. I’m the older one. I had to hold it together.

“I wanted to make her happy,” Aiden said.

I thought about how Mom had been before Dad passed away. She used to joke around and laugh a lot. Now she had a deep worry line between her eyes and hardly ever smiled.

“We’ll think of something else to give her for Mother’s Day,” I said, trying to cheer up Aiden.

“Like what?” he asked. “We don’t have any money left.”

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
Paragraph 1:   

I swallowed hard and said, “Maybe we can make a present for Mom.”

Paragraph 2:   

When Aiden saw tears rolling down Mom’s cheeks,

