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Travel almost exhausted my savings this summer.

When I ___ I had gone through all my credit card points, and my financial goal of saving 30% of my income wasn't ___, with so much of my money being spent on plane tickets, hotels, and food, I said no to a ___ who asked me to join him in Germany.

But my friend ___ my tendency to say yes and asked me if I was sure I couldn't make it work. ___, I thought about my priorities (优先的事项) and gave myself a daily allowance.

___ to live up to my self-made promise, I sat down to run the numbers. To make it through the rest of the month without breaking into my savings, I ___ the maximum ( 最多的) amount I could spend. The ___ was $30 a day, for about three weeks.

Competing with myself to ___ the numbers turned out to be a surprisingly satisfying ____. In the end, I stuck to my goal and finished the month with my ____ on track. And I realized that a ____ amount keeps me much closer to hitting my target budget (预算); the big monthly pot of money I used to imagine made it too ___ to overspend, with the idea I'd make it up by ____ less later in the month. By sticking to a day at a time, I was free from the ____ that I would be out of cash at the end of the month.

And arriving in Berlin, free from a financial black cloud back home, made every apple pie even sweeter.

A.played jokes onB.took hold ofC.looked forward toD.took advantage of
A.handed outB.picked outC.figured outD.kept out
A.relate toB.give upC.stick toD.hold up
知识点:记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

It was the golden season. I could see the _________ leaves falling with the cool wind. For others, it is a harvest season, while for me, it is a(n) _________ season. I was _________ for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination. But so many unhappy things made me so tired, so I decided to have a walk along the Yanjiang Road in my university.

“Autumn is a lonely season and life is uninteresting. The days in this season always get me _________”, I thought when the sound of a guitar flowed into my ears, like a stream flowing from the mountains. A young girl, sitting on the lawn, was lost in playing her guitar. She was a beautiful girl, _________ when the wind blew her long hair. I had never seen her before. The music was so attractive that I listened quietly.

Lost in the music, I did not _________ that I had been standing for so long. But my existence did not seem to disturb her. Leaves were still falling. Every day when I passed by the lawn, I would see her playing her guitar. She was the only _________ and I was the only audience. During the rest of the days in the season, life became _________ and I could review the courses carefully.

Autumn was _________ over. One day, when I was listening devotedly, the sound suddenly stopped. To my surprise, the girl came over to me.

“You __________ like the music,” she said.

“Yes, you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

Suddenly, a(n) __________ expression appeared on her face.

“I came here just to have a rest because I __________ in the college entrance examination. I felt very disappointed. And it was your listening every day that __________ me,” she said, “and I have to go tomorrow.”

“In fact, it was your playing that gave me a __________ autumn and helped me believe that I have the ability to pass the Postgraduate Entrance Examination.” I answered, “I think it was God who gave us the __________ to know each other and we should be good friends.”

She smiled and I smiled in that beautiful autumn.


One day, Franz Kafka saw a young girl crying in the park_________she had lost her favorite toy bear. She and Kafka_________the toy bear but they didn’t find it. Kafka told her to meet him there the next day.

The next day, they looked again, but_________didn’t find the toy bear. Kafka gave the girl a(n)_________ “written” by the toy bear. It said, “Please don’t cry. I have gone on a _________ to see the world. I’m going to write to you about my adventures.”

When they_________, Kafka read aloud his carefully written letters of the toy bear’s adventures. The girl found them quite_________and laughed a lot. Finally, Kafka_________her a new toy bear. “This doesn’t look like my toy bear,” she said. Kafka handed her another letter. It said, “My trips have_________me.” The girl hugged the new toy bear and took it home with her.

Many years later, the grown-up girl__________a letter in the toy bear by accident. It said, “Everything you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way.”

A.looked forB.looked atC.looked throughD.looked after

“Daddy, can I have a piece of cake?” my oldest son asked me.

We had just been to the gym and stopped to ________ at the restaurant.

“No,” I replied, “you don’t need a piece of cake.”

My son ________ 15 in a few days. He stands over 6 feet tall. He is very slim and athletic (体格健壮的) ________. It was not always that way. My wife wrote a book about the challenge and ________ of getting him fit. He now takes it seriously and looks as if he’s never been overweight in his life.

He had a full plate of ________ and tofu. He didn’t need a piece of cake. ________, everything in the restaurant is quite ________. Our dinners could have fed a family of seven at a fast food restaurant. That cake probably ________ $5.

He was silent as he looked at the ________ cakes. I had forgotten that I had walked over to the cake shelf while he was ________ his food from the buffet (自助餐).

I looked at my plate. There sitting on the edge was a piece of ________. I looked at it wondering but also knowing how it got there. “We will divide it.” I said.

A few days later my oldest son was ________ me again. We stopped at a ________.

He ordered a sandwich. I then ________ two sandwiches. He immediately barked, “Can I have two?” He wanted ________ what Daddy had.

Your kids are very likely to put on their plates, exactly what you have on yours, and I think this applies to (适用于) more than food. Keep your life plate with only what you want your kids to have.

A.in orderB.in timeC.in useD.in shape
