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The Maginot Line was one of the largest military structures (军事建筑) ever built, second only to the Great Wall of China. It was named after the man, French Minister of War André Maginot, who argued for its construction. André Maginot had fought with the French against the Germans in the First World War. Much of this conflict took place along the Western Front, which was a line of trenches (堑壕) across which the two sides faced one another. Both sides dug in deep and each lost many men over little ground.

Maginot never forgot these bad conditions. Thus he wanted to build a line of defences that would give the French an advantage in a similar conflict. He was concerned that the Germans would attack France again. Germany's population nearly doubled France's. The line of defences that Maginot pictured would allow a smaller French army to hold off a larger German force. In1929, Maginot persuaded the French Parliament to agree with his idea.

Though calling it a line makes it seem thin, the Maginot Line was in fact quite deep. It was fifteen miles wide at some points. There were outposts (前哨) guarded by troops, antitank rails planted in the ground, storage rooms armed with machine guns, and large and small fortresses (碉堡) along the line. Each had halls, lots of supplies, and air conditioning. The Maginot Line would give the French a supreme advantage in the case of a head-on (正面的) attack by the Germans.

Unfortunately for the French, the Germans did not attack head-on. They arranged for a small army in front of the line to attract the French. While the French were waiting, the Germans sent a larger force through Belgium, which is France's northeastern neighbor. The French did have some defences along their border with Belgium, but this part of the Maginot Line had not been strengthened. The Germans quickly attacked these defences. Within five days of their initial attack, they were well into France. Once they were in France, the Germans attempted to capture the main fortresses along the Maginot Line. Soon, Paris was taken and the Maginot Line turned into a failed project.

【小题1】What did André Maginot learn from World War I?
A.The importance of setting up a defense line.
B.The ways of getting France out of conflicts.
C.The secrets of defeating Germany totally.
D.The urgency of strengthening armed forces.
【小题2】What are described in detail in the third paragraph?
A.The French troops.B.The guns and fortresses.
C.The features of the line.D.The military supplies.
【小题3】What was the problem with the Maginot Line?
A.It was of poor quality.B.Part of it looked strange.
C.It was too long.D.Part of it was weak.
【小题4】How did the Germans break the Maginot Line?
A.They bought off some of the French officers.
B.They attacked the French army from another side.
C.They fought with the French army head-on.
D.They convinced the French army to give up.
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The United States has always been a country of many cultures. Before Europeans came to North America, many groups of Native Americans lived here. Different Native American groups had different cultures. The first Europeans in the United States were from England and Holland, but immigrants came from all European countries. Many people also immigrated from Asia and Africa. Sadly, many Africans were brought to the United States as slaves. Many immigrants come from Latin America too. Today, the United States has people from more cultures than ever.

In the 19th century, people spoke of the United States as a “melting pot.” People thought that all immigrates should forget their native cultures and languages and become English-speaking Americans. They felt that people should assimilate-join American culture. However, not everyone wanted to assimilate completely. Many people tried to keep parts of their cultures, such as foods, customs, and languages. However, their children often forgot their parents’ or grandparents’ language. But most Americans, even those whose families have been here a long time, can tell the countries their relatives came from. And of course, new immigrants take great pride in their curare and language.

For all of these reasons, melting pot is no longer a good way to describe the United States. Instead, people now call the United States a “salad bowl.” They say salad bowl because in a salad, you can still see all of the individual parts (lettuce, tomato, and so on), but all the different parts mixed together and begin to take on the flavor of one another.

【小题1】Who are not mentioned as immigrants to America?
C.AustraliansD.Latin Americans
【小题2】The underlined word “assimilate” in paragraph 2 means         .
【小题3】Why is a “salad bowl” a better way to call the United States instead of a “melting pot”?
A.Immigrants love to eat salads instead of hot pot
B.Immigrants take pride in their culture and language
C.Immigrants join American culture only partially
D.Immigrants remain independent completely
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.America and Immigrants
B.Different Groups, Different Cultures
C.America – A Salad Bowl
D.America – A Great Country

The history of chocolate begins with a plant whose name is cacao. For centuries, people worldwide have been enjoying the rich favor of chocolate, a product made from cacao. 【小题1】 Americans eat an average of more than five kilograms of chocolate per person every year. The specialty shop shows the culture of chocolate and sells chocolates from different areas of the world.

Historians believe the Mayan people of Central America first learned to farm cacao plants around 2,000 years ago. 【小题2】 Then they grew them around their homes. They cooked the cacao seeds and pressed them into soft powder. They mixed the powder with water to make a delicious chocolate drink. There are often images of cacao plants on Maya buildings and art objects. The rulers drank chocolate at ceremonies. 【小题3】

The Aztecs also valued chocolate in the Aztec culture. But the cacao plant could not grow in the area where they lived. 【小题4】 They even used cacao seeds as a form of money to pay or give as offerings to the gods. Only the very wealthy people in Aztec societies could afford to drink chocolate because cacao was so valuable.

The explorer Christopher Columbus brought cacao seeds to Spain after his trip to Central America in 1502. The wealthy people of Spain first enjoyed the chocolate drink. 【小题5】 Nowadays, the English, Dutch and French all plant cacao trees in their own countries.

A.Chocolate is very sensitive to temperature.
B.The Mayan took the cacao trees from the rainforests.
C.Chocolate is especially popular in the United States.
D.Chocolate has been prepared as a drink for nearly all of its history.
E.So they had to exchange goods with other societies for cacao seeds.
F.Since then, the popularity of the drink has spread throughout Europe.
G.And even poorer members of Mayan society could enjoy the drink sometimes.

For thousands of years, humans have built cities. Some of our oldest cities have managed to remain pieces of their original characteristics while others have disappeared completely.

One of these lost cities belonged to the Anasazi people who lived in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. They built houses along the river that ran through the valley. For nearly 300 years, the Chaco Canyon was the population center of many desert cities. Now nothing is left of this busy city but ruins. Scientists think that drought may have made the Anasazi suffer from starvation (饥荒) or that some kind of disease killed off many of the people. However, no one knows for sure what happened to the people of the Chaco Canyon.

Another lost city sits high atop the Andes Mountains in Peru: the city of Machu Picchu. It was once among the most powerful cities in South America. It was home to the Incan emperor. In 1527, its citizens packed up their belongings and moved for unknown reasons. Scientists guess that smallpox, a disease brought by European explorers, was the cause of Machu Picchu’s downfall. Today, tourists from all over the world climb thousands of steep stone steps to view the ruins of this once great city.

Yet another city that is no more was called Pompeii. This was one of the wealthiest cities of ancient Italy. This beautiful seaside city was a lively center of trade. However, a storm of lava (火山岩浆), smoke, and ash from Mt. Vesuvius buried the city of Pompeii, putting an end to its prosperity (繁华). Scientists have studied the ruins of Pompeii, which led to new discoveries about ancient civilizations of Europe.

Humans have always built cities as centers for trade, business, and family life. Cities that have been lost provide information about the past, helping to inform our future. By studying lost cities, we can learn how to protect our current cities.

【小题1】Machu Picchu was once among the most powerful cities in South America because ________.
A.it was the center of the Inca Empire
B.it was located high atop the Andes Mountains
C.it was founded by powerful European explorers
D.it is visited by many visitors throughout the world
【小题2】What does the three cities have in common according to the passage?
A.They were in ruins in the end.
B.They suffered from various illnesses.
C.They were unable to gain enough supplies.
D.They were the most powerful center of local economics.
【小题3】The writer introduces the three lost cities mainly by _________.
A.making a comparisonB.stating causes and effects
C.expressing his own opinionsD.listing numbers and examples
【小题4】What message does the author want to convey in the last paragraph?
A.We should set up powerful cities for a competitive world.
B.We should pass on certain customs of ancient civilizations.
C.We should work out the ways to save our cities from various disasters.
D.We should learn from the past to ensure that we do not lose cities in the future.
