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Bad weather drags your spirits down. There’s nothing you can do about the weather. 【小题1】.

Find things to enjoy about winter.

A snowy, icy, cold, or rainy world can be beautiful and often has sounds and smells of its own. If you’re an artist, or photographer, winter provides a great deal of inspiration and different colors to work with. 【小题2】. You can simply watch a winter scene from the comfort of your home and it’s a pleasant way to relax and enjoy the peace.

Take part in winter activities.

【小题3】. If you’re a beginner to these snow sports, try learning in areas where you won’t be worried about more experienced people crowding you out. Local parks are ideal starting points to encourage you to get out and give new winter sports a go.


Winter comes with the shortest days and lowest light of the year. Go out if you can. If you can’t, or if you’re so far from the equator as to have little or no daylight, use bright lights and perhaps light or white walls.

Stay active. 

As much as possible, get yourself outside. Take at least a short walk. If the weather does not permit, move around inside. Walk up and down your stairs if you have them. 【小题5】. It also regulates such things as sleep and diet. Move around at least a bit each day.

A.Go out
B.Brighten up
C.Perhaps you don’t feel that creative
D.Enjoy skiing, sledding, or ice-skating
E.Making snowmen is a fun activity for both kids and adults
F.But there are various things you can do to keep your spirits up until spring
G.Exercise gets your body temperature up and your blood flowing
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When it comes to playing the spikeball (迷你排球) game, you need to master several different skills. 【小题1】

The first essential skill is called ready position. Spikeball uses the concept of volleyball. Well, the ready position is one of the few skills that both volleyball and spikeball have in common. It is a general positioning of the body in spikeball and volleyball. 【小题2】 Besides, the ready position is very important because, if players perform it properly, it enables them to react more quickly to the strike coming from the partner or opposing team.

The second essential skill is known as hand-eye coordination (协调). 【小题3】 In these two sports hand-eye coordination is pretty much essential if you’re looking to achieve a better level. 【小题4】 The eyes will let you understand where the ball is going while the hand deals with defending and striking.

Lastly, sending or receiving is another essential skill during the spikeball game. In a way to avoid losing a point to the opposing team, every player needs to understand or figure out the best ways to receive the ball and then strike it back.

【小题5】 The first thing you need is just to get familiar with the rules and regulations of the sport. What is more, start small until you fully understand the rules. After that, you just need to practice and practice until you become better at playing spikeball.

A.That’s why spikeball is popular.
B.Spikeball offers a sense of achievement.
C.It’s not hard to learn how to play spikeball.
D.This is also common to both spikeball and volleyball.
E.However, the three key skills that you must have are as follows.
F.When playing spikeball, the receiver needs to use his hand and eyes at the same time.
G.It allows a player to be physically prepared to defend a hit and strike the ball back against the net.

Here are some tips to help get your children on the path to good sportsmanship.

There are a number of parents that allow their children to win at games. Although parents’ hearts are in the right place this only gives children false hope. 【小题1】. Imagine the embarrassment children will endure when they go to school thinking they are the best chess player in the world because they beat their parents and then get beaten by other classmates. Always teach your children the basic concept of games and allow them to learn by getting beaten; the more times they lose the better they will learn the game.

Exhibit good sportsmanship while watching sport on TV or at a sports outing. 【小题2】. This will teach your children that although you are a fan of one team you still respect the other team’s players.

【小题3】. But you should also be sure to correct improper behavior. Having the privilege of playing sports comes with a responsibility to play fair and just have fun. Encourage your children and all the other players to keep the competition fun and fair for everyone.

【小题4】. If you were a team quarterback throughout your school career don’t expect your children to have the same talent or the same enthusiasm for the sport. If they do, that’s great, but never push them into something you want to do. 【小题5】.

A.It is also important to accept your children’s ability
B.You can always give them ideas while they are playing
C.Listen to their wishes before pushing yours onto your children
D.There are some parents who always exhibit good sportsmanship
E.When your children exhibit good sportsmanship, praise them for that
F.This makes them believe they can beat almost anyone at the games they play
G.You can do this by cheering for your team, but making positive comments about the other team

Not all natural disasters can be prevented. However, the impacts can be lessened with proper planning systems. Only by managing land and water resources can cause higher costs in property damage. Planning requires the cooperation of a network of state and local officials working with federal agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assess risks and implement changes where necessary.

According to FEMA, floods are the most common natural disaster. Effects of floods are complicated by weather patterns such as drought, which hardens soils and increases the possibility of flash flooding. The amount of impervious (不受影响的) surfaces (like roads and parking lots) in developed areas can contribute to floodwater.

One way to reduce the impacts of flooding is to restore and maintain river flood plains and wetlands. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that restoration of the Upper Mississippi’s 100-year flood zone could have contained the estimated 39-million-square acre-feet of floodwater that caused the Great Flood of 1993 in this area.

A reduction in impervious surfaces is another measure to prevent a natural disaster. The EPA estimates that a single acre of wetlands can store up to 1.5 million gallons of floodwater. Replacing wetlands with impervious surfaces sets the stage for a flood event. By reducing the amount of impervious surface through city and local planning, flash flooding can be prevented or at least lessen impacts.

Natural disaster prevention also relies on the individual. The American Red Cross provides training for individuals to prepare for natural disasters. Having an emergency preparedness kit in your home is important, since some natural disasters can occur without warning. A well-stocked kit will include a complete first aid kit, a few days’ supply of drinking water and canned goods, and other necessities such as batteries, matches and flashlights. While having the kit will not prevent the disaster, it will give you the peace of mind of being prepared.

【小题1】What may cause flash flooding?
A.Long droughts.B.Hardened soils.
C.Enlarged parks.D.Developed fields.
【小题2】How can people manage land to reduce floods?
A.Preserving plains and wetlands.B.Building dams to restore water.
C.Getting rid of impervious surfaces.D.Trying to change weather patterns.
【小题3】Why should you have an emergency preparedness kit at home?
A.To help you make good planning systems.B.To help you prepare for natural disasters.
C.To help you prevent some natural disasters.D.To help you share the national responsibility.
【小题4】What is the text mainly about?
A.The functions of FEMA.B.The impacts of national disasters.
C.Ways to prevent severe natural disasters.D.Disaster prevention and individual preparation.
