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Jimmy always perceived himself as a progressive dad, very open to different minds and perceptions. While he had imagined all sorts of headaches his son would possibly bring him to confront, never did it occur to him that the headache would come so early.

When his son was just a baby, asked about his favorite color, he babbled out “pink”. Seriously, what a baby said wasn’t a big deal and Jimmy didn’t make a fuss at that moment, but deep down inside, he felt somewhat uncomfortable and a huge question mark kept haunting him. How could a boy supposed to love ball games and racing cars become a fan of pink, a color that was generally regarded “girly”?

Jimmy even worried about the future school life of his son. He repeatedly pictured a horrifying situation where his son got bullied because he was labelled girly. On some nights, in his nightmare, the tease his son suffered and the miserable screams his son let out seemed louder against the deafening silence and the intense darkness of the night.

One incident always succeeded another. One day, when Jimmy returned home from a long day’s tedious work, his wife showed him a photo on her phone where all the finger nails of a pair of little hands were colored black. Apparently, those were his son’s hands. His son might have thought it was cool to learn from his mother painting her nails, so he grabbed a marker and colored his own.

Jimmy got shocked inside. What his son had done to his nails hit Jimmy’s bottom line. He was on the verge of explosion, with all the worst ideas dashing back and forth in his mind. At the thought of the possibility that his recurring nightmare would come true and that his son would be discriminated out of his own choice and preference that were not generally accepted, he almost collapsed as if he had been torn apart and his heart had got smashed to pieces. He considered scolding his son not because his son had shamed him, but because he could no longer mask his worry aroused by his son’s rough future that he thought was due to come.

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His wife sensed his overanxiety and tried to comfort him.


Feeling somewhat ashamed, he walked into his son’s room.

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When I was still a young girl, I used to love going adventuring in the wild. One of my clearest memories from early childhood was when my dad took me along for a trip on a small path that went through the woods near our home. If he was not busy working, my dad would always take me down to the bush every weekend and together we would collect many sticks and stones to add to our collections.

I wasn’t like any ordinary girl as I loved the outdoors even as a young toddler (学步的儿童). I was never fond of colorful dolls and noisy tea parties. Soon I became old enough to venture out on my own. When I ventured forth through the Australian bush land I felt as if I were in heaven. It gave me great joy that I had never felt before. I thought there was nothing more beautiful than feeling the cool air gently brushing across my back. The leaves crunched (嘎吱作响) beneath my feet at every step. I felt as if I were home.

As the sun dipped slowly below the horizon, there was nothing more to do than to head back home. On my way I suddenly heard a screeching sound somewhere in the distance. It was the most horrible sound I had ever heard in my life. Sure enough, I just had to investigate, feeling curious to know what it was that had made this strange sound. In the dead of night, I headed towards where the strange sound came from. While seeking for it, I came across a river. Looking up and down the river; I couldn’t find a way to cross it. In much shame I decided to give up in the end. It was about one o’ clock in the morning and I thought my dad must have got worried.

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As I moved away from the river, I did not remember which direction I came from.


After what seemed like hours, I felt a sigh of relief rush through my body.


Kiton and his parents lived near the forest. They didn’t have much money, but they loved each other very much. Every day Kiton’s parents worked hard to earn more money for the family. Kiton did very well in his studies, which made his parents happy. They were sure that one day their son would become a big man. They always told Kiton that hard work was the best way to succeed.

Kiton cared about his parents and always helped them with the housework after he finished his homework. Whenever he saw his parents were tired, he felt very sad. How he wished his family could become rich quickly. Many times, Kiton dreamed of earning a lot of money in his sleep.

One day Kiton heard that there was huge treasure in a cave across the forest. Kiton thought if he found the treasure, his family would become rich. He told his parents about it. But they said he should not believe that and should work hard in his studies instead. But Kiton made up his mind to find the treasure. So he secretly made his plan.

The next day after school, Kiton started off without telling his parents. He reached far into the forest and the night was getting dark. In the dark, he felt as if an animal were following him. So he tried all his best to run. Because he couldn’t see the way clearly, he lost his footing and fell into a pit (坑). He tried but couldn’t get out. He listened, but heard nothing from any animals. He didn’t know how much time had passed. He heard someone calling his name from far away.

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Realizing his parents were looking for him, Kiton started shouting as loudly as possible, “I’m here, Mom, Dad!”


Kiton and his parents got home, where Kiton’s favorite food was on the table, and Kiton decided to explain it to his parents after dinner.


I began to lose hope. It seemed that there was little chance that my great-grandmother was able to heal (康复). My blind, 94-year-old great-grandmother was sleeping soundly in the hospital bed. As l sat quietly with my family, I listened to the sounds of the machines that kept her alive. Her face was pale and empty. She was no longer the cheerful person I had always known.

It seemed that every day she got worse. She might not make it through Christmas. I tried to think of a present to give to her. Since she was blind, I would have to get her a gift that she didn’t have to see to appreciate, but that she could feel with her hands. I remembered that when she lived with us she always wanted to touch and play with my stuffed animals (填充动物玩具). Her favorites were my unique stuffed bears.

I knew right then what to get. She always wanted one for herself! I would have a teddy bear made especially for her. “Great-grandma’s Bear” is what I named the brown, stuffed animal — “Bear” for short. The bear was quite charming with his tiny black button nose and big chocolate eyes. I looked forward to visiting my great-grandmother on Christmas morning and seeing the look on her face when I gave Bear to her. The clay came more quickly than I thought. I carried Bear in my arms as I walked to Room 208 with my family.

There was my great-grandmother, sitting in her bed. Her eyes were wide open. I think she was sensing that we were coming. A smile grew on her face as we sat on her bed, close to her weak body hidden under the covers. “Merry Christmas!” my dad said. We talked with my great-grandmother for a while until it was time to give her the gifts we had brought. My mother gave her fresh-smelling baby powder because she could never have enough of it. My father brought her favorite candies. Now it was my turn.

Paragraph 1:

I placed the bear in her gentle, skinny hands.

Paragraph 2:

From that day on, amazingly, my great-grandmother started to heal.

