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Do extroverts (外向者) make better leaders?

There is a general impression that you're better off in the workplace and in life — if you're an extrovert. Understandably, this idea is most likely to be spread by extroverts themselves, who are "_______ and proud".

In what could be _______ news for introverts, a new study has found that extroverts do have the _______ that increases their chances of success. They _______ a distinct advantage in four aspects: emotional; interpersonal; motivational and performance related. Michael Wilmot, the scholar who led the study, _______ that extroversion is closely associated with experiencing positive emotions more regularly. As happy employees are usually more satisfied, they _______ to work harder and are thought to be a better leader as a result. The way the extroverts behave also helps to protect them from stress or negative experiences at work. _______, extroverts enjoy the _______ of others, so they seem to adapt better to different social situations, which is a strong leadership skill.

_______ the research suggests that extroverts have plenty to be positive about, Wilmot says introverts should not be ________. They are not at an unavoidable disadvantage. Why is that? First, few people can be defined ________ as an introvert or extrovert since everyone displays a mixture of behaviors. Secondly, numerous other characteristics ________ workplace success, including cognitive ability, and the ability to ________ negative emotions. There are many jobs, such as computer programming, where having introverted characteristics such as ________ skills or the ability to focus, would be more beneficial than extroverted characteristics such as sociability. If you ________ his view, remember that some of the world's most successful people are introverts. Among them are legendary investor Warren Buffett and Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep. They all prove the point that you don't have to be extroverts to succeed in life.

A.stick toB.object toC.refer toD.contribute to
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One of the biggest complaints in modern society is being over-scheduled. Ask people how they are and the answer usually is “super busy,” “crazy busy” . _______ is just “fine” any more.

When people aren’t super busy at _______, they are crazy busy exercising, entertaining or parenting. And if   there is ever a still moment for thoughts—for example, while waiting _______ at the supermarket or sitting   in traffic—out come the mobile phones. So it’s worth noting a study published last month in Science, which shows how _______ people will go to avoid the examination for our thoughts.

“We had noted   that we   are   so   dependent on   our mobile   phones that   people seem to   find   any _______ they can to keep busy,” said Timothy Wilson, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia. In his experiments involving 700 people, the majority found it _______ to be alone with their thoughts for just 6 to 15 minutes.

It could   be because human beings,   as problem solvers and   meaning makers, when _______, tend to       think about what’s wrong in their lives. When we aren’t _______ our Facebook page, the things we haven’t   figured out appear in our minds—_______ relationships, professional failures, health concerns, etc. Unless     there is a solution, these thoughts just ________ themselves in our heads.

But you can’t solve problems ________ you don’t allow yourself time to   think about them. It has        actually been ________ by our culture, which values doing more than thinking and believes answers are in        your hand ________ in your head. “We   all fell that busyness   is ________ but it’s really harmful,”   said        Timothy. “There’s a widespread belief that thinking will only slow you down and get ________, but it’s the opposite.” ________ negative feelings only makes them more powerful, he said. Allowing and ________ the   flow of thoughts is part of the solution itself, such as meditation(冥想).

Negative feelings are sometimes hard, but they are part of everyone’s life, ________ if you are busy. It is those deep   and troubling feelings,   and how you ________ them, that make you who   you are. While       busyness may seem to prevent the flow of sadness, it may also limit your ability to be filled with ________.

A.in orderB.in lineC.in panicD.in public
A.left outB.left offC.left behindD.left alone
A.apart fromB.more thanC.except forD.rather than
A.all the wayB.by the wayC.in your wayD.on your way
A.Holding onB.Holding outC.Holding backD.Holding up
A.meet withB.get away withC.keep pace withD.deal with

Social media has made it very easy to change your appearance using filters (滤镜). They may come in _______ when you desperately need to record a video but not in a good state. But there has been a lot of talk around the _______ of filters and unrealistic expectations _______ on women.

One woman has taken the responsibility to _______ the filters to prove that, while she is beautiful, her face doesn’t _______ look the way it does with the filter on. Katia starts off the 20-second video clip using the infamous Bold Glamour filter. It’s the filter that has people questioning their _______ of their own faces because the contrast is so _______. But Katia doesn’t _______ with one filter. She puts on another and makes sure she emphasizes the use of a ring light. After turning the ring light and the filters off, the woman _______ her makeup, revealing an inflamed and imperfect face.

People flocked to the ________ to thank her for exposing the truth behind filters. “You’re beautiful and this message is so important. Thanks for the ________,” one person wrote. “In real life, we all have ________. As a mature woman, I appreciate your ________.” another said.

Social media can really do harm to people’s self esteem, especially when they’re ________ themselves to something that’s not real. Messages like the one Katia shared can help pull back the ________ on the reality of social media.

A.pull offB.put offC.peel offD.come off

Google is to start displaying fact-checking labels in its search results to highlight news and information that has been checked and show whether it is considered to be true or false, as part of its efforts to help fight against the spread of misinformation and _______ news.

The fact-checking _________,which was first introduced to Google News in the UK and the US in October, will now be displayed as an information box in general search results as well as news search results globally.

The small pieces display _________ about the claim made by a particular page or site and who made the claim, as well as the results of fact checking on the highlighted claim. The fact checks are not performed by Google, but by named _________ publishers and fact-checkers using an open system to _________ claims as having been checked.

With thousands of new articles published online every minute of every day, the amount of content facing people_________ can be enormous. And _______, not all of it is factual or true, making it hard for people to distinguish fact from _________. As we make fact checks more visible in search results, we believe people will have an easier time reviewing and _________ these fact checks, and making their own ____________ opinions.

The expansion comes after heavy criticism of US technology firms for their ________ over the spread of misinformation and fake news, particularly around high-profile topics such as the US election. The UK government recently urged US firms to do more to police their platforms and remove illegal and extremist __________.

The spread of false information is not a new problem, but has been enlarged by the __________ of publishing and the vast reach provided by search engines and expansive social networks. The __________ to entry is small and the volume of content high, leading to an expanding __________ across multiple platforms and outlets.

