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It’s peak cold and flu season, which means taking a lot of preventative measures. Frequent hand-washing is a must. As is avoiding co-workers or friends who are sick. But we humans are not the only animals that change behavior to keep diseases at bay. So do ants.

“So there are the foragers and the nurses — it’s two different groups of work,” said Natha of the University of Lausanne. She and her colleagues observed ants to see their reaction to the presence of a disease.

“The nurses being made of young workers typically, stay inside the nest and take care of the eggs. And the foragers are all the workers spending most of time at outside of the nest to collect food and defend the territory.”

Forager ants are at greater risk of getting exposed to diseases because they leave the safety of the nest. So the researchers sprayed a common virus on a small group of forager ants and then followed their movements to see the way other ants reacted.

“We marked all ants in the colony with individual labels, which carries these two-dimensional bar code marks like QR code which is automatically detected and recorded using a tracking system.”

After the infection, the nurse and forager ants stayed within their working places and interacted less outside of their work group. The researchers also saw that forager ants spent more time outside of the nest. “They increase that amount by 15 percent, so by quite a long large amount.”

Isolating behavior stops the spread of the virus. “Something that’s quite interesting in these ants that’s been shown by the study is that in their ability to avoid infecting other members of the community, ants may be more advanced than we are,” Natha said.

【小题1】How did the researchers track the infected ants?
A.They labeled the movements of infected ants.
B.They used the QR codes to follow the ants’ movements.
C.They had some nurse and forager ants infected with the virus.
D.They applied a tracking technology to record the ants’ movements.
【小题2】How did the ants act after being infected?
A.Forager ants stayed inside the nest more.
B.Infected ants tended to stay away from healthy ants.
C.The nurses stayed inside the nest, working as usual.
D.Forager ants, together with coworkers, stayed outside more.
【小题3】What’s Natha’s attitude toward ants’ behaviors?
【小题4】What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How ants keep diseases at bay in the nest.
B.Ants change movements to fight against diseases.
C.The measures all the ants take to prevent diseases.
D.Similarities between human and ants in controlling diseases.
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Sperm whales (抹香鲸) living in the Eastern Mediterranean numbered not more than 200-300 individuals during the past decade. Alarming results from the Pelagos Cetacean Research Institute, conducting systematic observations since 1998, indicate that the population might have been halved to only 100-150 whales. The main threat to this population is the more than 30,000 ships that annually cross their habitat at high speed and the risk of collision with them.

International and regional agreements force Greece to take action to protect the sperm whales, including their habitat, the Hellenic Trench. The pilot system SAvEWhales, which was developed by a team of Greek researchers, contributes to this direction.

SAvEWhales records the clicking sounds of the sperm whales, processes them and sends the data to a land-based analysis center where computer models are used to detect, precisely locate the animals, and finally forward the localization fixes (定位) to nearby ships, all in real time. Specifically developed software combines localization results with shipping information from Marine Traffic, a leading ship tracking service provider, to assess collision risk. If a ship is on a collision course with a whale, its captain can be warned well in advance, so that the ship slows down and/or changes course in time to prevent the collision.

Despite its promise, it may be some time before SAvEWhales, or something like it, can be in permanent use. So far, Emmanuel Skarsoulis, research director of Greece’s Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, and his teammates have already identified a few barriers. These include analytical challenges, such as the difficulty of differentiating individual whales when a group is traveling together. Besides, SAVEWhales can’t pick up the location of singing whales like the Mediterranean fin whale which is also endangered.

Still, passive whale detection is relatively inexpensive and can protect at least one of the endangered whale species in the Hellenic Trench.

【小题1】What can be learned from paragraph 1?
A.Sperm whales’ habitat almost disappeared in a short time.
B.Ship strikes are the leading cause of death for sperm whales.
C.Many ships have caused sperm whales to leave their habitat
D.The population of sperm whales has increased slightly since 1998.
【小题2】What is SAvEWhales used to do?
A.Provide ship tracking service for Marine Traffic.
B.Assess sperm whales’ behavior and health in real time.
C.Send the real-time location of sperm whales to passing ships.
D.Give warnings to prevent some ships from crashing into others.
【小题3】Which of the following is a limitation of SAvEWhales?
A.It may cause a great deal of harm to singing whales
B.It may cost quite a lot of money to be effectively used.
C.It can’t be used for whales that communicate through clicks.
D.It can’t distinguish between individual whales traveling together.
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.A new detection system can save sperm whales.
B.Sperm whales are classified as an endangered species.
C.SAEWhales has become applicable around the world.
D.A computational technique offers the power to locate ships.

Animals have developed a circadian clock—an internal body clock that runs in 24-hour cycles. It is regulated by cues (提示) from their environment. But they may suffer from a “jet lag (时差反应)” when the cues animals are exposed to do not match the ones of their natural environment.

Kristine Gandia, a PhD student at the University of Stirling in Scotland, and a team of observers set out to understand how the “jet lag” of living in latitudes (纬度) that animals were not used to can affect them. Giant pandas were chosen as the focus for the study partly because they live highly seasonal lives.”

“Giant pandas are very good animals to focus on,” Gandia said. “They are very popular in zoos and there are a lot that have cameras so we can see how their behavior changes across different latitudes. These cameras enabled us to monitor the giant pandas’ behavior across a 24-hour period.”

Gandia explained that the latitudinal range for giant pandas is between 26 and 42 degrees north. Matching latitudes could also be considered between 26 and 42 degrees south, as these mirror the temperature and lighting conditions.

The team monitored 11 giant pandas in six different zoos. Some zoos were within the animals’ natural latitudes but in other countries and the others were outside that range.

Gandia explained, “We recorded giant panda behavior, trying to account for behaviors that are positive, neutral (中性的) and negative indicators for welfare. So, this would include behaviors like play and grooming as positive behaviors, drinking and defecating as neutral maintenance behaviors, and several abnormal behaviors as negative behaviors, with pacing being the most common.”

Those living in zoos outside of their home latitude were found to be less active and display more negative behaviors.

“Giant pandas living in zoos could be suffering from a ‘jet lag’ if their body clocks don’t match their environments,” Gandia said.

【小题1】What does Gandia and her team’s study focus on?
A.Animal behavior.B.Animal body clock.C.Animal popularity.D.Animal distribution.
【小题2】What is a reason why pandas were chosen for the study?
A.Wide latitude of their natural habitat.B.Their strong adaptability.
C.The existing findings about them.D.The convenience of observation.
【小题3】How was the study carried out?
A.By analyzing reasons.B.By comparing recordings.
C.By conducting interviews.D.By listing examples.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Will “Jet Lag” Be Able to Be Avoided?
B.Could Animals Suffer from a “Jet Lag”?
C.Is Panda a Proper Subject to Study “Jet Lag”?
D.Does Season Have Anything to Do with “Jet Lag”?

Pet and animal-related apps are creating cybersecurity risks to their owners, new research has shown. While being able to keep track of your cat and dog may be an attractive benefit to many pet owners as it can provide peace of mind, allowing a third party to track your movements may be much less attractive.

Computer scientists at Newcastle University and Royal Holloway, University of London have exposed multiple security and privacy issues by evaluating 40 popular Android apps for pets. The results show that several of these apps are putting their users at risk by exposing their login or location details.

Password vulnerability (漏洞) was one of the areas exposed by the team. They identified three applications that had the user’s login details visible in plain text within non-secure HTTP traffic. This means that anyone is able to observe the internet traffic of someone using one of these apps and will be able to find out their login information. In addition to login information, two of the apps also showed user details, such as their location that may enable someone to gain access to their devices and risk a cyber-attack.

Another area of concern identified in the study was the use of trackers. All but four of the applications were found to feature some form of tracking software. A tracker gathers information on the person using the application, on how they use it, or on the smartphone being used.

Scott Harper is a PhD student at Newcastle University’s School of Computing and the lead author of the study. He said: “Pet tech such as smart collars and GPS trackers for your cat or dog, is a rapidly growing industry and it brings with it new security, privacy, and safety risks to the pet owners. We would urge anyone using these apps to take the time to ensure they are using a unique password, check the settings and ensure that they consider how much data they are sharing or willing to share.”

【小题1】What’s the function of the first paragraph?
A.To display the benefits of pet tracking.
B.To introduce pet and animal-related apps.
C.To show the evidence of cybersecurity risks.
D.To raise the topic by giving research findings.
【小题2】What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.The threat of a cyber-attack.
B.The operation of HTTP traffic.
C.The access to login information.
D.The potential risks in password security.
【小题3】What attitude should we hold while using pet tech according to Scott Harper?
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Are Our Pets Leaking Information about Us?
B.How Can We Observe the Internet Traffic?
C.What Does Tracking Software Bring Us?
D.Are We Safe to Use Android Apps?
