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Most of us have heard the term "runner's high," but what exactly does this mean? Exercise creates chemical responses in the brain, which lead to both temporary and long-term mental health benefits. Here is how it works:

What happens when we are stressed?

●Cortisol(皮质醇): This stress hormone is linked to mood, motivation and fear. It also alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system.

●Adrenaline(肾上腺素): This stress hormone raises your heart rate, elevates blood pressure, and boosts energy stores.

●Hypothalamus(下丘脑): This region of the brain is the body's natural alarm system which stimulates the production of cortisol and adrenaline.

●Hippocampus(海马体): Too much cortisol cuts cell production in the brain's hippocampus region, damaging thought organization and memory formation.

Feeling overwhelmed? Hit the gym!

As your heart begins to pound, your brain chemistry reacts almost immediately to get you feeling better both physically and mentally.

Brain derived neurotrophic factor: BDNF protects the brain from emotional disorders and repairs damage from stress and depression.Norepinephrine: This neurotransmitter works with dopamine(多巴胺)as a "feel good" mood-boosting chemical. It is also critical in the decision-making process.
GABA: Exercise lowers stress levels, which triggers the release of this calming neurotransmitter(神经递质). Frequent boosts of GABA build immunity to stress, enhancing your ability to take on life's challenges.Antibodies(抗体): Both exercise and happiness increase antibody production. Antibodies are special proteins produced by the immune system to help fight viruses, bacteria and diseases.
Endocannabinoids: These natural chemical compounds play a role in processing appetite, pain sensation, mood and memory. They are very closely related to the active ingredients of the cannabis(大麻)plant.Dopamine: This neurotransmitter is a "feel good" mood-boosting chemical. It also controls the brain's reward and pleasure center and is responsible for feelings of relaxation and great joy.
Endorphins: Endorphins naturally get most of the credit for feelings of extreme happiness, but they play only a small part in the exercise-induced rush. These pain fighting peptides increase with as little as 20 minutes of exercise.Serotonin(血清素): This neurotransmitter is responsible for feelings of calmness and hopefulness. Low levels are linked to depression. Antidepressants increase these levels, and so does exercise.
【小题1】John has been feeling anxious since he started his new job. According to the article, he would NOT likely to      if he failed to adapt himself to his new working environment.
A.frequently get sickB.have a poor memory
C.easily lose his temperD.lose his appetite
【小题2】Having exercised regularly for one month, John found that he felt better when it comes to making decisions. According to the article, this is largely due to the increased levels of         in his brain following workouts.
【小题3】Where can we probably find the text?
A.In a fashion magazine.B.In a physics textbook.
C.In a popular science book.D.In an academic paper.
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Baby rattles (拨浪鼓) are simple toys designed for babies. They are made of wood, plastic, and other things. 【小题1】 So parents usually put rattles near their babies and let babies play with them.

Rattles are more than simple toys when it comes to child development. A newborn baby’s vision (视力) is still underdeveloped and poor in the first few months. 【小题2】 When babies meet rattles for the first time, they may not even see the toys clearly. The sound and touch of the rattles let them begin to learn a world that does truly exist outside of them.

【小题3】 When holding a baby rattle and shaking it, a child will soon know that there’s a direct relationship between his actions and results. He’ll find the sound when he shakes the rattle. And he’ll find that the sound stops when he doesn’t shake it. Then he learns that shaking rattles can lead to the sound.

Baby rattles must be safe for babies. Factories should produce rattles through materials that are not harmful. As for parents, they should clean the surface of rattles before babies play with them. It’s because babies often taste things given to them. 【小题4】

Baby rattles are usually thrown away as a baby develops into a toddler (刚学步的儿童). Toddlers may still enjoy toys that produce noise. 【小题5】 So parents may need to prepare other toys to help their kids learn and grow.

A.But the noise may be harmful.
B.If rattles are dirty, babies may get sicken.
C.They will soon dislike something not tasty.
D.And they contain small balls to produce the sound.
E.But a rattle as such may no longer hold their interest.
F.So his early learning quite relies on hearing and touching.
G.Through rattles, babies can also learn the cause and the result.

Ernest Hemingway famously said that writers should “write hard and clear about what hurts”. Although Hemingway may not have known it at the time, research has now shown that writing about “what hurts” can help improve our mental health.

There are more than 200 studies that show the positive effect of writing on mental health. But while the psychological benefits are true for many people, researchers don’t completely agree on why or how writing helps. One opinion suggests that hiding feelings can lead to psychological pain. It stands to reason that writing might improve mental health because it offers a safe and free way to express feelings that were once hidden. However, recent studies have begun to show how an increase in self-awareness, rather than simply expressing feelings, could be the key to these improvements in mental health.

As a matter of fact, self-awareness is being able to turn your attention inward. By turning our attention inward, we can become more aware of our behavior, feelings, beliefs, and values. Research suggests that becoming more self-aware can increase our confidence and encourage us to be more willing to accept others. It can also help us to exercise more self-control and make better decisions.

Writing might be really helpful in increasing self-awareness because it can be practiced daily. There are three types of writing which can improve your self-awareness and, in turn, your mental health: expressive writing, reflective writing, and creative writing. Expressive writing is often used in therapeutic settings where people are asked to write about their thoughts and feelings related to a stressful life event. Reflective writing is regularly used in professional settings, often as a way to help nurses, doctors, teachers, psychologists, and social workers become better at their jobs. Poems, short stories, and novels are all considered forms of creative writing. Writing creatively offers a unique way to explore thoughts, feelings, ideas, and beliefs. For example, you could write a novel that shows your concerns about climate change or a children’s story that speaks about your beliefs about friendship. Writing creatively about challenging experiences, like sadness, can also offer a way to communicate to others something that you feel is too difficult to say directly.

So why not take some time to write down your feelings about a stressful event that has happened during the pandemic? Or write about a difficult work situation and consider what you have learned from it? If you prefer to do something more creative, then try writing a poem or story. Each of these pieces of writing will give you a chance to reflect on this past year, ask yourself important questions,and make creative choices. Spending just 15 minutes doing this may give you an opportunity to become more self-aware, which could lead to improvements in your mental health.

【小题1】What have recent studies focused on according to the text?
A.What Hemingway said being true.B.People expressing feelings by writing.
C.Writing helping increase self-awareness.D.Writing leading to good mental health.
【小题2】What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.The benefits of self-awareness.B.The types of self-awareness.
C.Ways to raise self-awareness.D.Research about self-awareness.
【小题3】What can we know about reflective writing?
A.It is usually used as a treatment.B.It may help improve work efficiency.
C.It is mainly about one’s personal life.D.It may have one use much imagination.
【小题4】In which part of a magazine may this text appear?

Air travel can be annoying. But research now suggests global warming could make it much worse. To get off the ground in really hot weather, planes may be forced to carry fewer passengers. That might mean a little more space, which would be good. However, it also would make the passengers pay more.

Average air temperatures around the world are rising because people are polluting the air with an increasing number of greenhouse gases, which, such as carbon dioxide, are a byproduct (副产品) of burning fuels. Those warmer temperatures can influence an airplane’s ability to fly because air molecules (分子) spread out more as the air warms. This produces less lift under a plane’s wings, so a plane must be lighter to take off in hot weather than on cooler days.

It can even prove too dangerous for some planes to attempt a take-off. A record of June heat wave in the American Southwest, for instance, caused flight cancellations in Phoenix, Ariz. One airline’s planes were cleared to operate only up to 47.8 degree Celsius. On June 20, Phoenix reached 48.3°C!

Radley Horton is a climate scientist at Columbia University. Two years ago, he and his graduate student Ethan David Coffel studied the impact of warming at four U.S. airports and found that warming of track could triple(使成三倍) the number of days when planes face weight restrictions. Later, they explored the impact of rising temperatures on live types of commercial planes flying out of 19 of the world’s busiest airports. In the coming decades, as many as one to three out of every 10 flights that take off during the hottest time of day could face weight. That would be equal to taking a dozen people off the plane, the researchers calculated.

【小题1】How would global warming affect air travel according to the first paragraph?
A.It’ll add to the danger of flying.
B.It’ll increase passengers’ travel cost.
C.It’ll make flying much more comfortable.
D.It’ll encourage more people to travel by plane.
【小题2】What is the second paragraph actually intended to explain?
A.How global warming is happening.
B.What decides a plane’s ability to fly.
C.Why global warming affects flying.
D.Where greenhouse gases are created.
【小题3】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Reasons for flight cancellation.
B.The findings of a weight-related research.
C.The tendency of temperature change.
D.Effects of hot air on financial growth.
【小题4】What should be the best title for the text?
A.Air Travel Isn’t Recommended during Hot Weather
B.Rising Temperatures May Reduce the Number of Flights
C.Weight Restrictions Are More Common in More Airports
D.Hotter Air May Lead to Planes Carrying Fewer Passengers
