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Email is one of the Internet’s oldest apps — from the days before we used the word “app” even — and despite its drawbacks, most of us still use it every day.

Typically, the apps we download in 2020 have been _________for mere days or months. We are used to the pang of regret when really useful software suddenly winks out of existence. How has email remained a(n) _________ for nearly years? Yes, it is helpful that email is based on a(n) _________ communications medium that stretches back to some of the first examples of written language. But that isn’t the full story.

First, email managed to survive massive upheavals in the way we use computers. In the early 1970s, when email was born, it was almost _________ a tool for researchers, university students and engineers. You would send, receive and store your email on a work computer. With the _________ of personal computers in the 1980s and 90s, email became something you kept on your own private machines or disks — almost like storing old letters in a shoebox. Now we have come full circle. Most of us store our personal mail in the cloud, which is _________ like storing it on somebody else’s work computer.

It is extremely rare to see apps make the leap from one platform to another like email did. They tend to _________ in the journey from web to mobile, or from one game system to another.

As well as _________ dramatic tech changes, email dealt with another major hurdles — spam (垃圾邮件). In the 1990s and early 2000s, people’s inboxes were _________ with so much junk that it was impossible to find the stuff you wanted. You had to install another program — a spam filter — just to use your email program. But in the age of cloud mail, anti-spam systems have become so good that it is __________ to see one of those quaint old subject lines touting (标榜) “VI@grs@!” or “pron” to get around word filters.

And yet, __________ its heroic triumph over tech obsolescence and spam, email isn’t exactly alluring (吸引人的). We use it mostly for official __________, automated reminders and shopping receipts, along with the occasional bit of personal news. Though email communication is practically instantaneous, it feels __________. Why email when you could text?

Perhaps that is the point. Email isn’t a brand-new way to __________ nor is it juiced up with memes and not takes. But we are still opening G-mail or Hot-mail every day because it works and everybody has it. Under the hood, email uses protocol (数据传递的协议) that keeps trying to send data, over and over, hoping that it can outlast network problems. It doesn’t give up. And somehow, by trying really earnestly, it has __________ the computers where it has born and the spammers who tried to defeat it.

A.bringing aboutB.conflicting withC.struggling withD.weathering
A.despiteB.instead ofC.regardless ofD.thanks to
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What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) is the largest of the five offshore plastic accumulation zones in the world’s oceans. It is located halfway between Hawaii and California.

PLASTIC __________

It is estimated that 1.15 to 2.41 million tonnes of plastic are entering the ocean each year from rivers. More than half of this plastic is less __________than the water, meaning that it will not sink once it encounters the sea.

The strong and floating plastics show resiliency(韧性) in the marine environment, allowing them to be transported over __________distances. They persist at the sea surface as they make their way off shore, transported by converging (汇聚的) currents and finally accumulating in the patch.

Once these plastics enter the gyre(环流), they are unlikely to leave the area until they __________into smaller microplastics under the effects of sun, waves and marine life. As more and more plastics are discarded into the environment, microplastic __________in the GPGP will only continue to increase.


Due to seasonal and interannual variabilities of winds and currents, the GPGP’s location and shape are constantly changing. Only floating objects that are __________influenced by currents were likely to remain within the patch.

By simulating concentration levels in the North Pacific, the researchers were able to follow the location of the patch and found on average it orbits around 32°N and 145°W. However, the team observed seasonal __________from west to east and substantial variations in latitude(纬度)depending on the year.


Plastic has increasingly become a very common substance in the ocean. Due to its size and color, animals __________the plastic for food, causing malnutrition; it poses entanglement(缠绕)risks and threatens their overall behavior, health, and existence.

Studies have shown that about 700 species have encountered marine debris, and 92% of these __________are with plastic. 17% of the species affected by plastic are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.


Once plastic enters the marine food web, there is a possibility that it will contaminate the human food chain as well. Through a process called bioaccumulation, chemicals in plastics will enter the body of the animal __________on the plastic, and as the feeder becomes prey, the chemicals will pass to the __________—making their way up the food web that includes humans. These chemicals that affected the plastic feeders could then be __________within the human as well.

__________, yearly economic costs due to marine plastic are estimated to be between $6-19billion USD. The costs __________its impact on tourism, fisheries and aquaculture, and governmental cleanups. These costs do not include the impact on human health and the marine ecosystem due to __________research available.

A.result inB.remove fromC.stem fromD.bring about

Researchers find that in new product design, connecting with users’ heart, rather than their head, can lead to more original and creative outcomes.

Developing original and _______ products is critical to a company’s long-term success. Thus, understanding what influences originality can have important and potentially _______ consequences for businesses. Ravi Mehta, a professor of business administration, shows that adopting a(n) _______ that imagines how the user would feel while using a product leads designers to experience greater empathy(同感), which _______ creativity and, in turn, outcome originality for new product design.

There are two ways that the product designer can _______ the consumer’s product usage. One focuses on objective use of the product—how consumers might use the product, that is, an “objective –imagination” approach. The other focuses on feelings—how the product makes the consumer feel, a “feelings-imagination” approach.

Consumers always want to have new products that solve problems more efficiently and at a less cost. So product designers _______ this trap of being very objective in focusing on the use of a product. That’s important, but the _______ of usage can only attract consumers in some ways._______, the feelings-imagination approach leads designers to experience greater empathy, which makes them more _______ to the consumers’ ideas. This leads to greater outcome originality. Mehta said, “when you imagine consumers and focus on their feelings, that’s powerful and will lead to something much more innovative than only focusing on a product’s usage.” The research shows that a feelings-based approach is _______ to the commonly used objective-based approach, the researchers wrote. It not only helps product designers build a better product, but it also helps them create more innovative products.

The implications of the findings extend to everyday consumers, who now play a role in shaping companies’ design. Mehta said, “Marketers are increasingly _______ consumers for new product ideas.”_______, there was a very successful campaign a few years ago that focused on getting consumers to create a new potato chip flavor.

The experiments demonstrated a _______effect of adopting a feelings-imagination approach. That suggests that these designers may _______ imagining users’ feelings. In this way, designers can develop products that could _______ to the masses. Companies can easily adopt this process and promote feelings-imagination exercises through their websites or social media.

A.fall apartB.figure outC.fall intoD.turn into
A.In conclusionB.In additionC.As a resultD.By contrast
A.joining inB.applying toC.turning toD.taking in
A.In realityB.In other wordsC.What’s moreD.For example
A.depend onB.benefit fromC.contribute toD.involve in
       Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the UK but what kind of programmes do British people like to watch? Well, the most-watched TV programmes every week are very popular dramas that are usually_______at least four times every week. They are dramas_______on one neighborhood that try to_______ordinary life in the UK—we_______these dramas ‘soap operas’ or ‘soaps’.

In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on during the_______ back in those days, it was_______for the husband to go out to work and for the wife to stay at home and_______the house and the children. Most of these daytime dramas were aimed at entertaining the_______who would traditionally be at home, probably doing the_______ companies selling washing powder would________their products at times________these dramas were on, and________those companies would________sponsor (赞助) the drama. As a result, the word “soap” appeared.

So what about the word opera? Well, that’s because these dramas are often an exaggeration (夸大) of real________. They are supposed to represent ordinary lives________to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events________murders, divorces, affairs etc, happen probably much more________than they would in a normal neighbourhood.

Most soap operas these days are________in the evening. There are lots of different soaps on in the UK but there are three main________ones. ‘Coronation Street’ has been on since 1960. It is supposed to represent working class life. Then there’s “Eastenders’” which________in 1985 and “Emmerdale” in the north of England.

A.basingB.being basedC.are basedD.based
A.look forB.look overC.look outD.look after
A.some timeB.some timesC.sometimeD.sometimes
A.for exampleB.asC.likeD.such
A.startsB.had startedC.startedD.has started
