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Wildlife workers in Florida are feeding manatees to keep them from starving. 【小题1】 So far, the rescue workers have already given out 25 tons of lettuce.

Manatees are huge sea mammals that can be as long as 4 meters when grown.【小题2】 In spite of their size, manatees only eat plants that live in the sea. That’s one reason they’re sometimes called “sea cows”. They spend most of their time in warm shallow water looking for food.

But Florida’s manatees have been on the US government’s list of endangered animals since 1967. Most threats to manatees come from humans. One of the biggest problems facing the creatures are boats. 【小题3】 Manatees are curious and fairly slow, which has led to thousands of manatees being injured or killed.

【小题4】At one point, there were only about 2, 000 manatees left in Florida. But by 2016, there were roughly 8,800 manatees.

But now manatees are facing a new challenge: they can't get enough to eat. Many of the beds of sea grass that manatees depend upon have been killed by human-caused pollution. Sea grass began to disappear around 2011. Warming seas, combined with polluted water and fertilizers that have washed off of farmlands, have created huge growths of algae on the ocean’s surface.

Last year, 1,101 manatees died from starving.【小题5】 Many of the manatees that remain are so thin that their ribs can be seen. Often they have trouble swimming.

So last December, wildlife experts came up with a plan to get emergency food to the manatees. They decided to feed them green vegetables like lettuce and cabbage. Long term, Florida is working to help restore sea grass beds. But that will take time.

A.That was a record.
B.They can weigh up to 590 kilograms.
C.The feeding station has been very successful.
D.With protection, manatees managed to bounce back.
E.It blocks the sunlight that allows the sea grass to grow.
F.But feeding these massive sea creatures takes a lot of food.
G.Research needs to be done to determine what food would be best.
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As a nation of animal lovers, Britain has been rocked by a study that at least ten million pets suffer mental or physical stress.

Two million dogs are left alone daily for longer than recommended and 750,000 rabbits are fed too little grass, at least three million dogs and cats have never been vaccinated(接种疫苗), the research indicates. Shocked animal welfare campaigners are calling on owners to give their pets urgent attention.

A spokesman for animal charity said, “We know that owners love their pets, but many do not understand what their pets need.”

The charity’s survey is the first to measure the well-being of Britain’s 12 million cats, eight million dogs and 1.7 million pet rabbits. It found that five million cats, four million dogs and more than 700000 rabbits would be suffering mental or physical stress because their owners do not look after them properly. About 2.4 million dogs are mainly fed on leftovers(剩饭), rather than nutritionally balanced dog food.

About 1.9 million dogs are left alone each day for more than four hours, even though vets say four hours should be the maximum. Around 15 percent of owners believe it is acceptable to leave a dog for eight hours without attention while four percent say dogs can be abandoned for more than ten hours without suffering.

The survey also showed the Britain’s cats are overfed, with more than half of owners admitting their cats are overweight. Rabbits are also neglected. In the wild they live in large groups, but 67 percent of pet rabbits live on their own, which creates the risk of boredom and stress.

Another spokesman said, “Our report reveals that there is much work to do to raise awareness of what pets need to live healthy and happy lives.”

【小题1】The author has written this article to______.
A.explain what pets should eat to keep healthy
B.show the present physical and mental situation of pets
C.call on people to take good care of their pets
D.tell readers what is a good happy life for pets
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE, according to the text?
A.Dogs should be left alone for more than eight hours without suffering.
B.About 2.4 million dogs are fed on nutritionally balanced dog food.
C.Pet rabbits living together creates the risk of boredom and stress.
D.More than half of cats in Britain are overfed and overweight.
【小题3】You can read this article in a _______.
A.health magazineB.biology textbookC.newspaper advertisementD.book review

A biologist once criticized for stealing eggs from the nests of the rarest bird in the world has been awarded the “Nobel Prize” of conservation after his methods saved nine species from extinction.

Professor Carl Jones won the 2016 Indianapolis Prize --- the highest accolade in the field of animal conservation --- for his 40 years of work in Mauritius, where he saved an endangered kestrel from becoming the next Great Auk.

When the 61-year-old first travelled to the east African island in the 1970s, he was told to close down a project to save the Mauritius kestrel. At the time there were just four left in the wild, making it the rarest bird on Earth. However, he stayed, using the techniques of captive breeding (人工繁殖), which involved snatching eggs from the birds’ nests and hatching(孵化)them under incubators, prompting the mothers to lay another set of eggs in the wild.

A decade later, the number of Mauritius kestrels had soared to over 300 and today there are around 400 in the wild. The biologist has also been necessary in efforts to bring other rare species back from the edge of extinction, including the pink pigeon, echo parakeet and Rodrigues warbler.

Prof Jones was awarded the $250,000 (£172,000) prize at a ceremony in London.

“As a young man in my 20s, I certainly didn’t enjoy the stress and the tension of the criticism I received,” reflecting on the start of his career, he said the Maurutius kestrel project had been seen as a “dead loss” at the time. In the 1970s there was fierce opposition to the captive breeding techniques, with critics arguing that they were too risky and took the emphasis off breeding in the wild.

Prof Jones has devoted his whole life to his work, only becoming a father for the first time eight years ago, at 53. He said receiving the prize was particularly important to him, because it proved that his work to save birds was right.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “accolade” mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题2】According to the passage, Great Auk is ________.
A.an endangered birdB.an extinct bird
C.a popular birdD.a fierce bird
【小题3】What can we know from the figures in Paragraph 4?
A.Taking eggs from the nests has worked well.
B.The wild environment for kestrel has changed a lot.
C.Kestrel has adapted to the life in the wild.
D.It’s difficult to protect kestrel.
【小题4】Prof Jones’ idea of taking eggs from the birds’ nests ________.
A.was proved of no useB.was widely accepted
C.was promoted officiallyD.was criticized by some people

New animals

In northern Vietnam, in thick forests in the North Annamite Mountains, there is a wildlife park called Vu Quang. In 1986, the area was made an official forest reserve. In 2002, 550 square kilometers of the area were declared a National Park. 【小题1】. It is in an area that is hard to get to, for one thing. And it’s an area that’s difficult to walk through because the rocks are covered with algae and are very slippery.

【小题2】. In the last twenty years, several new species of animals that have never been seen anywhere in the world before have been discovered there. Some of them are so new that scientists haven’t given them official names yet!

The new animals discovered at the park include the Vu Quang ox or Saola, a “slow” deer, a giant muntjac (the world’s largest, in fact), a black deer and a “holy” goat. 【小题3】, as well as two species of amphibians and 15 species of reptiles.

The Saola was the first new species of large mammal to be discovered in more than fifty years, so it caused a lot of excitement in the scientific world. It is a strange goat-like creature that looks as if it is somehow related to cattle. It has horns that can be between one and two feet long, and that seem to come out of the animal’s head at slightly different angles. 【小题4】.

The creature had hidden safely for generations in the Vu Quang area. But once it was discovered, it was in danger. 【小题5】. Sadly, the Saola is now being hunted and may well end up as another endangered species.

A.That’s why it attracts hunters
B.Vu Quang is no ordinary park, though
C.Hunters have no respect for new species
D.But that’s not all that is unusual about Vu Quang
E.Five new species of fish have also been found there
F.This was the first time so many new species had been found in this area
G.That’s why it is called “Saola”, meaning “spinning wheel posts” in Vietnamese
