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“Music is where everything started,” Samira Horton says. 【小题1】 She has been rapping and performing since she was 6 years old. Through music, DJ Annie Red says, “I can express myself and let out my emotion.”

The rising hip-hop star uses music to share a message about bullying. “I was bullied a lot,” she says, “even today, especially because of my voice.” DJ Annie Red has a deep voice. 【小题2】 But DJ Annie Red has found a way to rise above their rude remarks. Instead of thinking of her voice as a weakness, she uses it to spread her anti-bullying message far and wide.

【小题3】 She posts her music online, too. She likes to give students a rhythmic and interactive show while teaching them how to overcome bullying. “It makes them feel like they're not alone.”

Annie Red believes that standing up to bullying is more important than ever. 【小题4】 “You don't have to show your face at all,” she says. “Someone could easily be affected by that.”

【小题5】 She believes that kids of her generation can make things better by finding their passions, and using those passions to inspire changes, as she has. “Kids' being more confident in themselves and wanting to do something that they really enjoy doing is something that motivates me to keep doing what I do.”

A.But she sees a brighter future ahead.
B.People have told her she sounds like a boy.
C.She encourages kids of all ages to stand up to bullying.
D.DJ Annie Red has performed at schools, festivals and Brooklyn Net games.
E.Her 2017 book, The Bully Stop, is based on her song “No You Won't Bully Me”.
F.The 13-year-old from Brooklyn, New York, is known to the world as DJ Annie Red.
G.That's because people can bully others on social media while hiding behind a username.
知识点:音乐与舞蹈励志故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Stress is a word we hear a lot these days. People have stressful jobs; they feel stressed while studying for exams; even family life can be stressful. Stress can cause headaches and lack of sleep arid research has shown that it is one of the main causes of heart disease. None of us can completely avoid stress. Everyone experiences it.

In ancient times, stress served a different purpose. It kept us alive. When a caveman was walking along and was suddenly faced with a lion, the stress he experienced would make him run away faster than he could usually run. Stress is the state our bodies experience when we need to react to difficult or dangerous situations. While stress saved us back then, and it is still very helpful in difficult situations, we need a break from stress every now and again.

Luckily, there are ways to relax and deal with stress and it seems that music might be our number one cure. A recent worldwide study showed that listening to music is what most people do to relax and reduce stress. The study was based on interviews with 1,000 people in 30 countries and 56% said that listening to music was the best way to relax. Watching TV, at 53%, was the next most popular way of reducing stress followed by taking a shower or bath at 49%. It is not really surprising that listening to music is such a popular way of relaxing. It is cheap and widely available on radio, TV and the Internet.

Of course, musical tastes differ from person to person. Sam might love listening to loud heavy metal music to relax after a hard day’s work, but his neighbour - a fan of Mozart - might find hearing his music extremely stressful. “Sam needs an iPod”, you- might be thinking and you are probably right. Mobile music players can provide music privately whenever and wherever it is needed; We could even call them the stress fighters of the 21 st century. So the next time you fed stressed, take a deep breath, put on your earphones and ... relax..

【小题1】We can conclude from the passage that everyone can meet       .
【小题2】Everyone experiences stress because       .
A.the world has always been a stressful place
B.stress is our natural state
C.stress can cause headaches
D.people enjoy it
【小题3】According to the information in the article, which of the following statements is true?
A.More people bath than shower.
B.More people listen to music to relax than take a bath.
C.Less people run to relax than take a bath.
D.Showering is a more popular way of relaxing than watching TV.
【小题4】       of people don’t think that listening to music is the best way to relax.

I was 11 years old when I asked my mom for piano lessons in 2010. We were in the fallout of the recession (经济衰退). She said a polite “no”.

That didn’t stop me. I drew the piano keys on a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would click notes on an online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one. I spent six months playing without touching a real piano. Once my mom saw that I was serious, she borrowed money and bought me 10 lessons.

I still remember the first one. I was moved by how real the sound of the piano was. I sat my grade one after eight lessons. Once I started secondary school, we couldn’t afford lessons again. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing only on my piece of paper. One evening, when I was about 13, my mom said she had a surprise for me; it was an electronic keyboard, bought with more borrowed money. It was the first time I’d played for her. She was in shock.

My school didn’t offer music A-level. I found the Purcell School for young musicians. The tryouts (选拔) were difficult. Some of the questions includes an estimation (评价) of the composer (作曲家) or when it was written. However, I was finally offered a place. At Purcell, I spent two years working as hard as I could. I performed to raise money and bought my first piano.

When I left Purcell, I was awarded the senior piano prize and senior academic music prize. I am now at the Guildhall School in London. I feel proud: it’s been 10 years since I drew my paper piano, and I’m at one of the world’s leading music schools.

【小题1】Why did the author’s mom buy him lessons at last?
A.She suddenly made a fortune.
B.She had no doubt of his talent as a pianist.
C.She realized he meant what he said.
D.She was shocked by his first performance.
【小题2】Which of the following can best describe the author?
【小题3】What’s the author’s main purpose of writing this text?
A.To introduce the method of mental practice.
B.To encourage people to stick to their dreams.
C.To share how he advised his mom to buy a piano.
D.To describe how costly it is to learn an instrument.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Mother’s loveB.Never give up
C.From paper to pianoD.The piano in the dream

At the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, everyone has an opportunity to experience excellence.

The Music of John Williams

Experience the excitement of cinema’s greatest music in these concerts featuring the scores (配乐) of the world’s most beloved film composer, John Williams. In his 60-year-long career, Williams has written some of the most popular film music in movie history. This promises to be an unforgettable concert experience.

Time: Friday, October 22, 8 p.m.

Price: $100

Shen Yun 2021

Through the universal language of music and dance, Shen Yun shows a heaven with ancient stories and modern tales, taking you on a journey through 5,000 years of Chinese culture .

A Shen Yun performance features the world’s best-trained dancers, a unique orchestra (管弦乐队), and a beautiful stage — together creating one amazing performance .

Time: Sunday , October 18, 1:30 p.m.

Price: $80

The Nutcracker

Kansas City Ballet’s annual tradition, The Nutcracker, is back to amaze audiences once again. The classic, Victorian-ега story by E.T.A. Hoffman is a magical theatrical experience with beautiful costumes, grand sets and fascinating choreography (编舞).

Let you feel the story once more as your childhood dreams return and inspire you to imagine again .

Time: Friday, December 3, 7:30 p.m.

Price: $152.50

Bird Lives

Live music has faced great challenges over the past year and a half, but nothing reflect the lasting power of jazz like the great Charlie Parker. In this concert, we will feature music from Bird’s most iconic album, Charlie Parker with Strings and the mastery of alto saxophonists (中音萨克斯管吹奏者) Jaleel Shaw, David Valdez and Bobby Watson .

Time: Friday, October 8, 8 p.m.

Price: $45

【小题1】If you like to listen to classic movie music, you should choose_________.
A.The Music of John WilliamsB.Shen Yun 2021
C.The NutcrackerD.Bird Lives
【小题2】What can you expect from Shen Yun 2021?
A.A ballet about true love.
B.An inspiring dance about a Western hero.
C.A classical dance about Chinese culture.
D.A musical of a girl trying to find the heaven.
【小题3】What do we know about The Nutcracker?
A.It is held in memory of E. T. A. Hoffman.
B.Audiences can watch it on December 3 at 6 p.m..
C.It focuses on Victorian-era music and choreography.
D.It may bring back audiences’ childhood memories.
