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Want to add a simple movement to your daily life? Walking may be your best choice.【小题1】.

Walking is good for your heart

Walking is considered as cardio(有氧的)exercise, no matter the speed at which you take it. Studies show that walking can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower your resting heart rate and blood pressure.【小题2】. You can go for a 30-minute walk once a day or break it up into three 10-minute parts.


What benefits physical health often benefits mental health-the same is true for walking. Just five minutes of walking can lower anxiety. If you have any kind of green space nearby, try to take advantage of it. One study showed that people who went on a 90-minute nature walk reported fewer bad feelings.

Walking can improve your sleep

【小题4】. Getting outside in the day for a walk can also help you stay awake in the morning and get sleepier toward the night. If a nighttime walk is your preference, experts suggest you finish it three hours before bedtime.

Walking can help with fat loss

Walking is a type of cardio workout that is good for fat loss and can help you achieve or keep a healthy weight. It should be done regularly and for long periods of time.【小题5】. A brisk(轻快的)pace refers to a 17-to 15-minute mile, or 50%to 70%of your maximum heart rate.

A.Walking can help reduce stress
B.That can help you sleep easily during the day
C.Here are some of the benefits walking offers you
D.Walking in the day can help you get a better night's rest
E.Good walking can also keep your head up and looking ahead
F.Experts suggest walking 30 minutes a day, five to seven days a week
G.Walking at least 45 minutes a day at a brisk pace will see the most benefits
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The cost of traveling to and from your destination can be the most expensive part of the trip.【小题1】 However, you also don't want to empty your bank account! Now, we are going to share some ways with you to get more for your vacation budget.

•Book accommodations with valuable“freebies(免费品).We love finding a place to stay that offers free breakfast.Not only does it save some cash, but it is hugely convenient!【小题2】.Pick a hotel that is convenient to where you will be spending the most time.Not only will it save you huge amounts of time, but it will save you money on local transportation!

•Be creative【小题3】.When we went to the Eiffel Tower, the lines for the elevator were super long.We noticed a different line that was shorter as we stood waiting.We learned that we could take the stairs without waiting in hardly any line, and it was much cheaper than taking the elevator!

【小题4】.We are always looking for something free when we buy tickets to visit museums or book day trips.Whenever you can combine different activities into one price, and especially if there is a meal involved.it can be worth it.

•Consider" City Passes".You may have seen them advertised all over tourism websites."City passes"will get you all sorts of free admission, transportation and discounts.【小题5】

A.Don't go with the crowd
B.Also, location is a major factor
C.You are lucky to have free meals
D.Combine activities when possible
E.Research“Must-See” attraction websites
F.You don't want to spend less time on your trip
G.It's a convenient offer for tourists who care about their budget

My family moved several times as I grew up, so “new kid” was a name I heard often. Even now, I remember the feelings of every awkward first day of school: uncertain, nervous , out of place. When I think of those days, what sticks out are the moments when someone made me feel welcome. I realize we can create space for others with something as simple as a “Hallo”.

1. While Holding the Door

This might seem like a small act, but has the power to cause a ripple effect.【小题1】 However they are feeling, this act of kindness can throw bright light on their day. Your smile and simple greeting could empower them to create joy for others.

2. In Tougher Times

If you notice someone feeling uncomfortable or out of place, create a warm and inviting space by taking the time to say hello.【小题2】It can serve as a wonderful skill throughout life.

3. At Your Coffee Shop

Lines aren't ever fun. But if you have a few extra minutes in your day and you notice someone in a hurry, let them go in front of you! This is the perfect opportunity to create space to make someone's day.【小题3】

4. In the Grocery Line

【小题4】Showing someone you care is, though! The next time you're in the grocery line, put down your phone and say hello. Chances are you'll make someone smile.

5. With an Extra Dose of Courage

Sometimes saying hello takes some courage. That's okay!【小题5】You can never know the friendship or opportunity that such a small act of courage can bring about.

A.Why not try to maintain old friendships?
B.All you have to say is, “Hello! Go ahead. ”
C.Asking someone how their day is might not seem like a big deal.
D.Opening your eyes to the wellbeing of others is a powerful skill.
E.It's natural to feel uncomfortable in those completely new situations.
F.It can be hard to be the first to say hello, but have faith and be brave.
G.You never know who might pass through and what they might be experiencing.

Be Prepared for Your University Life

While the thought of leaving high school forever may leave you jumping for joy, you may start to dream about the new life. College is a unique season in the life of any student. 【小题1】 Here are some steps to follow to prepare yourself.

Be wise. 【小题2】 More importantly, you have to be mentally prepared. Don't fall into the same trap as many other college students do. College is fun - and you can enjoy it - but be responsible by keeping your mind sharp and focusing on your main goals.

【小题3】 You have a limited amount of time at your school to gain whatever you want, but it's easy to lose sight of your purpose when you're in college. Motivation does help keep you on the good course. However, it's hard to decide on it. What is your goal? It's never too late to find the answer. But the earlier, the better!

Have a unique style. What is meant by “style ” is how each student wants to portray (描绘) themselves. What do you want your style to say to others? You don't have to have it all figured out before you come to college. 【小题4】

Graduation day will come quicker than you think. Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, mirror what you admire, and become what you respect. 【小题5】 In time, you will get your aha moment!

A.Being prepared goes far beyond having the right books and the right clothes.
B.But keep your main goal focused and prepare to become what you desire to be.
C.Be motivated.
D.Be determined.
E.Preparation is the key to success.
F.But college also demands some forethought.
G.Chances are you know much about the environment of university.
