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An early morning winter storm had brought several inches of snow to my small town in the mountains. Schools were canceled, roads were dangerous and all I wanted to do was to stay in bed. Still, I knew I had to get the day started so I put on warm clothes and walked outside. The snow got all over my shoes. The cold wind dried my lips and my eyes. My 47-year-old back ached in anticipation (预想) of the shoveling (铲雪) I would have to do if the snow didn't stop soon.

Yet, when I looked out on the white blanket that covered the ground, I couldn't help but smile a bit. It was so beautiful. It softened the bare trees and hid the dead grass. In the distance I could hear the sound of the snowplow on the road, the barking of a happy dog and the laughter of children playing outside, enjoying their day off from school.

The sweet music of that laughter brought back a hundred memories of winters past. I remembered catching snowflakes (雪花) on my tongue, building snowmen, making snow angels, running down hills and always losing snowball fights with first my brothers and then my own children. Standing there in that warm coat of memories made the wind a little less cold and my back a little less sore. I turned up my head, stuck out my tongue and for the first time in years caught a snowflake on it. It tasted so fresh and clean. It tasted like youth, like joy and like love.

May you always feel young in spirit, no matter how old or achy your body may be. May you always delight in the simple joys of life. May you always share your happiness with the hearts of children. And may you always give your love, your light, your laughter and your warmth to others even on the coldest days.

【小题1】What was the author's first reaction when he knew it snowed heavily?
A.He felt worried.B.He was upset.
C.He was indifferent.D.He felt in danger.
【小题2】From the underlined sentence in Paragraph l, we can know that the author________ .
A.felt too cold because the snow didn’t stop
B.didn't want to start his day on such a snowy day
C.ached in his back because of the cold weather
D.would make greater efforts to clear up the snow
【小题3】From which senses did the author describe the joy of having snow?
A.Taste and smell.B.Sight and smell.
C.Sight, hearing and taste.D.Smell, hearing and taste.
【小题4】What does the author mainly want to tell us with this article?
A.We should always stay young at heart.
B.Snow brings both fun and trouble to humans.
C.Memories can change our opinion in all aspects.
D.Appreciate every moment spent with your family.
知识点:日常生活 记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
“I honestly have no idea how that cat got up there.It’s a hundred—foot—metal pole.There’s no way he climbed that thing,”Jim said to the worried woman.It wasn’t even her cat,but she was passing by and saw it.immediately calling the fire—station to come to save it.Jim saw a lot of strange things as a fireman,often sad or upsetting things,but this was new.
“I suppose we could get the blanket and see if we can convince the poor cat to jump down· But he doesn’t really look too scared…”Jim said to the woman.
“Dave,get over here!” Jim called over his shoulder to the fire truck driver.Dave walked over and looked where Jim was pointing.
“How’d he get up there?”
Jim shrugged,similarly puzzled.“Do you suppose we could get the blanket and convince him to jump?”
Dave shrugged in response.“I don’t see why not.”
Jim looked up at the black mass on the top of the flagpole,the American nag waving proudly beneath____.It was definitely a cat,and he regarded the people gathered below as if they were his subjects(臣民)and he their king,his yellow eyes scanning his surroundings with apparent disinterest.
When the blanket was spread out below the cat,Jim and Dave began striking the flagpole.The cat looked down,and then gazed into the sky as if it were looking for something.Jim and Dave followed his gaze.Suddenly,out of the clear sky,appeared a dark figure.The figure swooped(俯冲)low toward the flagpole.It was an eagle! As it got closer,the cat leaped down the pole swiftly onto the ground,and then got lost in the bushes.
Jim,Dave,and the old woman were left with their mouths open.They all agreed it was the best way to get it down.
【小题1】Why did the woman call the fire station ?
A.Because the pole was on fire.
B.Because her cat was missing.
C.Because she felt it was strange.
D.Because she wanted to save the cat.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “him” refer to?
A.The cat.B.Jim.C.The king.D.Dave.
【小题3】What did the firemen plan to do at first?
A.To strike the pole.B.To spread the blanket.
C.To shout at the cat.D.To shrug helplessly.
【小题4】Who saved the cat?
A.An eagle.B.The firemen.
C.The cat itself.D.The people around.
How can we all get more laughter into our lives? Here is what the experts suggest:
【小题1】.Nancy Alguire, a teacher in Clifton Park, N. Y., was once painfully shy and had a hard time laughi ng. Then she married a circus clown (小丑) . "I became interested in the clowns, " she recalls " One day I put on a costume and paint my face. That afternoon my whole life changed. I learned to laugh and enjoy life in a way I had never done before."【小题2】To this day, she still makes it a rule to be with people who enjoy life and laughing.
【小题3】It doesn't take you too much time and can be easy. Collect favourite cartoons and jokes. Also, keep a paper for writing down humour you find in everyday life. " Good ideas come and go fast, you have to capture them quickly or they are gone, " says Virginia Tooper.
Laugh when you need it most. "【小题4】" says comedian Bill Cosby. " And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it, " he insists.
Gray Alan, a sociology professor at the University of Minnesota, claims that laughter is a skill we can all gain—because it comes naturally.【小题5】. Just remember: we are just here for a period, so get a few laughs.
A.You can soften the worst blows through humour.
B.Mix with people who laugh.
C.Practise the art of laughing.
D.Keep a laughter file (文档).
E.He who laughs last laughs best.
F.But it's also something that has to be developed (培养).
G.People's joy can affect those around them.

What if you used every spare minute you had to practice a skill? Imagine having 2 hours of free time a day where you spend 30 minutes learning a new language, another 30 minutes drawing, another 30 minutes learning to cook, and another 30 minutes learning video editing or whatever else that interests you.

Now imagine doing this for an entire year. Do you realize how much more skilled you’d become at things or how much more talented and gifted you’d appear to other people? Imagine if you had 4 or 8 hours a day? What if you did this for a decade or two? Even 30 minutes a day could create a huge change.

Many people believe Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest geniuses in human history. Perhaps a large part of his genius was a result of knowing how to spend the limited amount of time he had more wisely than anyone else.

I think we all know we could have been better than we are right now. Instead of throwing in the towel and letting the gap between where you are and where you could be increase, do what you can to keep it from expanding.

You don’t even have to be the best at something to be seen as awesome. You just have to be better than most people and seeing that most people waste a lot of time, a little bit of time sacrifice and discipline can go a long way.

We all have a crazy amount of potential within us and although it’s nearly impossible to reach our full potential, the least we can do is give it our best shot. All it takes is a plan and self-discipline.

You’re the main character of your life’s story; it’s time to give your audience not only something to look forward to, but something to be inspired by.

【小题1】What does the author think important in using spare time?
【小题2】What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The gap.B.The towel.C.The time.D.The knowledge.
【小题3】Which of the following might the author agree with?
A.Everyone has different potentials.B.Anyone can be better than others.
C.It takes discipline to develop potentials.D.Each person has a talent for acting.
【小题4】What can be the best title of this text?
A.How to Learn More at OnceB.How to Be Awesome at Something
C.How to Beat Your CompetitorD.How to Play Save Your Time
