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In intense summer heat, a Nevada bus driver's quick thinking to help an elderly passenger this week was a simple reminder that a little kindness can go a long way.

Bus driver Mike Blair noticed an old man who looked to be so suffering in what he said was about 105-degree heat, and he decided to get out and help.

“This gentleman would not board the bus,” he said. “He seemed like he started to grasp the wall and seemed to be in pain.”

After Blair helped him board the bus, he placed the man next to the air conditioner before reaching into his lunch box to offer a cool bottle of water. After about 10 minutes, the elderly man was back on his feet and on his way.

“He got off the bus and said, ‘Thank you.’ As he got off, he said, ‘Simply amazing!’” Blair said.

Blair was not aware that someone documented what he called “Just a small act of kindness”, until his employer Keolis as well as the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) reached out to him. Keolis threw the bus driver a small party and even framed the photo posted to Twitter-a social networking service—for him to have.

“I guess I have to learn how to do Twitter, huh?” Blair joked, adding that anyone would have done what he did.

“Well, maybe this will touch people's hearts so they will do something kind as well,” he said.

Keolis, which is equipping its drivers with 10,000 bottles of water this summer, trains its drivers to spot signs of dehydration (脱水).

【小题1】Why did the old man fail to get on the bus in the beginning?
A.He hurt his feet.B.He didn't feel well.
C.He was waiting for someone.D.He lost something beside the wall.
【小题2】What contributed most to the old man's improving condition?
A.The first aid.B.The timely lunch.
C.The cool water.D.The supporting wall.
【小题3】How did Keolis get to know Blair's story?
A.Through the Internet.B.Through the RTC’s report.
C.From the old man's statement.D.From the bus company's party.
【小题4】How did Keolis like Blair's deed?
A.It was his duty.B.It deserved recognition.
C.It was just a small act of kindness.D.It was an ordinary person's reaction.
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China’s Chang’e 5 space craft, tasked with bringing lunar(月球的) rock samples to Earth, successfully landed on the Moon on December 1st, 2020. The 8,200kg spacecraft, set off from China’s Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on November 23,2020, entered the satellite’s orbit(轨道) on November 28th, 2020.

With 19 hours of landing, the probe(探测器) gathered about 2 kg of rocks and soil by digging almost 2 meters deep into the lunar surface using its robotic arm. The sample-filled jar was placed in the ascender vehicle (上升器), which left the Moon’s surface and entered the lunar orbit on December 3rd, 2020. Then, in a historic first, the ascender and Chang’s 5 orbiter(轨道器) spacecraft successfully came together on December 6, 2020 to complete the first-ever robotic rendezvous and docking(对接) in lunar orbit.

“In terms of the space tasks that humans have performed so far, only the Apollo program missions have complete the rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit. However, unscrewed rendezvous and cocking have never been done before,” Peng Jing, deputy chief designer of the Chang’e 5 probe from the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), told Chinese media ahead of the attempt.

With the rock samples safely transported to the return capsule(太空舱), the Chang’e 5 spacecraft will continue to circle the Moon for a few days before beginning its 112-hour journey back to Earth.

【小题1】What is the task of Chang’e 5?
A.Bringing lunar rock samples to earth.B.Entering the satellite’s orbit.
C.Docking in lunar orbit.D.Circling the Moon for a few days.
【小题2】When did Chang’e 5 land on the moon?
A.November 23rd, 2020.B.November 28th, 2020.
C.December 1st, 2020.D.December 6th, 2020.
【小题3】What happened in December 3rd, 2020?
A.The ascender vehicle set off.B.The ascender vehicle entered the lunar orbit.
C.The ascender vehicle circled the moon.D.The ascender vehicle came back to the earth.
【小题4】What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Landing on the Moon on December 1st,2020.
B.Peng Jing, a Designer of Chang’e 5 Probe.
C.The First-ever Robotic Rendezvous and Docking.
D.Chang’e 5’s Returning to Earth with Moon Rocks.

One advantage of the Internet is shopping conveniently online for clothes; one disadvantage of the Internet is also shopping conveniently online for clothes.

“Nothing fits,” said Lam Yuk Wong, a senior in electrical and computer engineering at Rice University. “Everyone says this. They order clothes and they don’t fit. People get very unhappy.”

Wong and her design partner, Xuaner “Cecilia” Zhang, are Team White Mirror, creators of what they call a “virtual (虚拟) fitting room”. Their goal is simple and consumer-friendly: to let online clothing shoppers have a perfect fit and a perfect look when shopping every time.

Both women are from China, Wong from Hong Kong and Zhang from Beijing. They both order most of their clothing online. They got the idea from their own experience as consumers and from listening to the complaints of friends and relatives. “They say, ‘The color is wrong’ or ‘I got the right size but it still does not fit.’ We want to make it like you’re in the store trying on the clothes,” Zhang said.

Using a Kinect developed by Microsoft for use with its Xbox 360 video game player,

Zhang scans Wong and turns   her image into, in effect, a virtual model, keeping Wong’s dimensions (尺寸), and even her skin and hair color. “We put the clothes on the shopper’s 3-D body models and show how they look when they are dressed,” Wong said. So far, Wong and Zhang have adapted the software to show dresses and shirts, and they are now working on shorts.

Asked if she thought men as well as women might be interested in using their virtual fitting room, Wong said, “I think their wives will care about this, so it will also be important to men.”

【小题1】Why is shopping conveniently online for clothes a disadvantage?
A.Clothes bought online may not fit.
B.Students may easily get addicted to it.
C.It attracts more online clothing shoppers.
D.It causes shoppers to waste too much money.
【小题2】Wong and Zhang got the idea to design a virtual fitting room from .
A.the Xbox 360 video game playerB.a program at their university
C.some shop-owners’ complaintsD.their shopping experiences
【小题3】Which of the following shows the process of using the virtual fitting room?
A.scanning—trying on clothes—getting images
B.trying on clothes—getting models—scanning
C.scanning—getting models—trying on clothes
D.trying on clothes—getting images—scanning
【小题4】What did Wong think of her virtual fitting room?
A.It is perfectly developed.
B.It will have its market share.
C.It is limited to women shoppers.
D.It is like a kind of video game player.

Grammy Awards don’t only go to the people who produce and perform songs. For just over a decade, they’ve also been given out to those who teach others how to make music. The Music Educator Award, presented by the Recording Academy and Grammy Museum, recognizes those who have made a “significant contribution and demonstrate devotion to music education”.

This year it went to Annie Ray, the performing arts department chair and orchestra director at Annandale High School in Fairfax County, Virginia. She was honored for her efforts to make music accessible to all students, particularly those with disabilities. Ray got to attend the awards ceremony in Los Angeles, take selfies with pop stars and bring home both a $10,000 prize and matching grant for her school’s music program.

Ray created the Crescendo Orchestra (管弦乐队) for students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as a parent orchestra that teaches nearly 200 caregivers a year to play the same instrument as their child.

She was inspired in large part by the diversity of the Annandale community, which she says represents over 60 countries, including many immigrants. “There’s a. lot of cultures that might typically clash, and they come together in this very beautiful harmony,” Ray explained. “And that’s really uniquely expressed in the orchestra classroom, where we’re just all music-ing together.”

Ray says the Crescendo Orchestra, which was born out of the pandemic, doesn’t necessarily share the social goals of a program like the Special Olympics. The focus is on teaching students how to play an instrument, through one-on-one instruction tailored to their needs. That involves tools like music scarves, egg shakers, rhythm sticks and cardboard instruments. Ray also works with a local charity to give damaged instruments a second life in her classroom.

The orchestra is about much more than just making music, however. Ray says the program gives students a chance to develop their collaboration skills, make mistakes and learn the art of refining something.

【小题1】Which of the following is the reason for Annie Ray’s winning a Grammy?
A.Her determined effort to make music.B.Her contribution to the high school.
C.Her commitment to music education.D.Her excellence in performing songs.
【小题2】What mainly provided inspiration for Ray?
A.Her enthusiasm for instructing music.B.The diverse cultures of the community.
C.Her burning desire to win a Grammy.D.The severe disabilities of her students.
【小题3】According to Ray, what is the purpose of the Crescendo Orchestra?
A.To fix damaged instruments for a local charity.
B.To help students to face the pandemic bravely.
C.To make students familiar with music devices.
D.To give students need-centred music teaching.
【小题4】What is a suitable title for the text?
A.A music teacher won a GrammyB.A music teacher changed lives
C.A Grammy winner took selfiesD.A Grammy ceremony was held
