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The bride is 97. The groom is 98. The couple has been married for 77 years, and thanks to some very special people, they were finally treated to some very special wedding memories they missed out on all those years ago.

The Kings are just like family to the staff of the St. Croix Hospice who serve as caretakers for the elderly pair in their Oelwein, Idaho home. With a big anniversary coming up, their caregivers wanted to do something special to celebrate the occasion — and knowing something of the couple’s history, they came up with a perfect plan.

When Frankie and Royce King took their vows (誓言) on September 16, 1944, the world was a very different place. The simple church ceremony was small and short. Rather than a lace gown (蕾丝长裙), Frankie wore a suit. There was no photographer on hand to record the vows.

While Frankie and Royce’s wedding lacked splendor (壮观), their life together has more than made up for it. Two kids, four grandkids, and several great-grandkids later, the Kings’ marriage is still going strong.

On their anniversary, as one staff member played Big-Band era tunes on his saxophone and another took photos, Frankie, dressed in a lovely 1940s-era wedding gown, was led through a flower-covered archway to where Royce was waiting for her. By the time the big wedding cake was served, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.

Photographer Hilary Michelson said, “I work for St. Croix Hospice full-time while doing photography in my spare time. I am passionate about both of my jobs and it made my heart so incredibly full to see them embracing each other.”

The Kings’ daughter, Sue Bilodeau, is now putting together a photo album of cherished memories for them. “It was definitely one of the most special things ever,” she said. “When Mom mentioned she didn’t have time to plan a big wedding and didn’t have a photographer, the St. Croix staff members worked together to make sure they could get their special day.”

【小题1】What did the staff of the St. Croix Hospice decide to do for the Kings?
A.Help them recall their wedding memories.
B.Take good care of them as family members.
C.Write something about the couple’s history.
D.Celebrate their wedding anniversary like a real wedding.
【小题2】What was the Kings’ wedding ceremony like?
A.It seemed to be the perfect plan.
B.It was simple and held in a small church.
C.It was followed by the couple’s long separation.
D.It had only one photographer to record their vows.
【小题3】What was everyone’s response when the wedding cake was served?
A.They were all in tears.
B.They applauded loudly.
C.They were busy taking pictures of the couple.
D.They stopped doing everything and watched.
【小题4】What did the Kings’ daughter think of what the staff did?
A.It made her feel ashamed of herself.
B.They set a good example for people.
C.It was meaningful and she was thankful.
D.She was passionate about doing the same work.
知识点:记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When the young donkey Daisy May came to us,she was pregnant. With no donkey experience. I was unprepared for what might come next.

After some difficulty,Daisy’s baby was born. I thought the poor thing was dead. I planned to put the loss behind us and make sure she never got pregnant again. Just then,I heard a little noise. I couldn’t believe that baby was breathing and looking at me!We called him Samson,and of course I became his mother as much as Daisy was.

When Samson was nine months old,I had to separate Daisy and Samson for a few hours a day to wean(使断奶)him,but otherwise he went wherever she did. I think she would be lost without him. His donkey stepdad Bernard taught him to always be ready to have fun. They enjoy playing football together and going for a roll on a hot summer day.

I asked a worker to make a harness(马具)for my three little donkeys. When I brought it home I taught them one by one how to pull a cart. Samson watched and freely followed Daisy. When he was three,I put the harnness on him and he knew exactly what to do.

That was 15 years ago. Now,the most exciting thing about Samson is that he has become a little renowned. People come from all over to see him perform. The neighbors bring their grandchildren,and my sons bring their friends.

Samson shakes hands,unties my shoe,picks up a hat and more. And when I ask him if he has any bad habits,he tries to pick my pocket!He surprisingly learned these tricks himself. I just ask him to do them and he understands.

The relationship I have with my“baby”Samson has been an amazing experience. Every day is a fun day with this superstar donkey.

【小题1】Why was the author at a loss for what might happen next at first?
A.She wasn’t ready to be a mother.
B.She never raised a donkey before.
C.The donkey was pregnant by accident.
D.The donkey gave birth to a dead baby.
【小题2】What can we learn about Samson when he was little?
A.He was surrounded by love.
B.He was separated from his family.
C.He was unwelcome to the neighbors.
D.He was skilled in entertaining people.
【小题3】Which of the following can best describe Samson?
A.Friendly and courageous.B.Intelligent and lively.
C.Carefree and creative.D.Patient and fortunate.
【小题4】What does the underlined word“renowned”in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?

There is a man watching me. He doesn’t think I know he’s there, but I do. He carries some sort of machine and it is making me nervous. I’ve been using the back entrance (入口) because I don’t think he knows it is there. I worry about going outside but with a young family to feed I have to. I go and come back quickly. So far I have managed to bring in the meals without him realising I’m gone. The family know something is wrong even though I try to keep it from them by acting normally and keeping them away from the front entrance.

My family are getting bored. They need to stretch their legs and run and play in the open. We can’t stay prisoners like this for much longer. I’m going out for supplies and decide that if the watcher is still there when we have eaten I will face the danger.

The time has come, the meal is over and he is still there, still watching. I push the family back and away from the entrance. I walk slowly down the passage and outside. I take a few steps forward and sit down—I stare at him. He seems unsettled (混乱的) by my appearance and moves his machine about. The birds nearby go silent as I break into a run. I must protect my family.

“Good evening and welcome to the BBC news at ten. Here are the latest headlines. Filming of David Attenborough’s latest wildlife documentary came to a dramatic and unexpected stop today after a vicious (凶猛危险的) tiger attack, but Mr. Attenborough said he was just thankful that she only warned him off as she could easily have killed him. The BBC has been told that no further filming will take place in that location.”

All is quiet. He has gone. No one is watching. My family are safe.

【小题1】“I” tried to act normally in order to ________.
A.think out an ideaB.give warnings to the man
C.calm down “my” familyD.show “my” courage
【小题2】What did “I” do to protect the family?
A.“I” scared away the man at last.B.“I” prevented “my” kids from going out.
C.“I” reported it to the BBC news.D.“I” bravely fought with the man.
【小题3】The machine held by the man might be a ________.
C.two­way radioD.gun
【小题4】The passage is intended to ________.
A.convince us of an ideaB.describe an adventure
C.give us a warningD.tell an interesting story

What a day! I started at my new school this morning and had the best time. I made lots of new friends and really liked my teachers. I was nervous the night before, but I had no reason to be. Everyone was so friendly and polite. They made me feel at ease. It was like I’d been at the school for a hundred years!

The day started very early at 7: 00 am. I had my breakfast downstairs with my mom. She could tell that I was very nervous. Mom kept asking me what was wrong. She told me I had nothing to worry about and that everyone was going to love me. If they didn’t love me, mom said to send them her way for a good talking to. I couldn’t stop laughing.

My mom dropped me off at the school gates about five minutes before the bell. A little blonde girl got dropped off at the same time and started waving at me. She ran over and told me her name was Abigail and we rushed to the classroom together. She was very nice and we became close straight away. We spent all morning together and began to talk to another girl called Stacey. The three of us sat together in class all day and we even made our way home together! It went so quickly. Our teacher told us that tomorrow we would really start learning and developing new skills.

I cannot wait until tomorrow and feel as though I am really going to enjoy my time at my new school. I hope that my new friends feel the same way too.

【小题1】How did the author feel after meeting her teachers and classmates at new school?
【小题2】What did the author’s mother do after seeing the author's nervousness?
A.Left the author alone.
B.Calmed the author down.
C.Played a joke on the author.
D.Kept asking the author to eat breakfast.
【小题3】What happened on the author’s first day of school according to paragraph 3?
A.She was late for school.
B.She learned some new skills.
C.She arrived at school in time.
D.She spent all morning developing new skills.
【小题4】What can we infer about Abigail?
A.She was outgoing.
B.She ran very quickly.
C.She worked hard at her lessons.
D.She was an old friend of Stacey.
