书面表达-读后续写 适中0.65 引用1 组卷174

I had just passed the bridge on the left side of our school when I saw a young man passing out in front of me. He fell face down onto the steps outside a store, which broke his mouth and left his face covered with blood. Passersby helped him sit up and wanted to know how he was doing by asking him questions, but he made no response.

Some suggested his losing consciousness might be caused by low blood sugar. A woman fetched a bowl of sugar water for the young man and helped him drink it. I bought a pack of paper tissue and a bottle of water to wash clean his face and hands. Some else called 911 for an ambulance.

Two minutes after the kind-hearted passerby called 911, a hospital called back, saying they would charge 200 dollars for sending out the ambulance and wanted to know who was going to pay the money. This added unexpected trouble to the caller. She just wanted to help, but she didn't want to end up paying for the poor man's treatment, so she hung up and quietly walked away.

I was busy cleaning the young man's broken face the whole time. When I finished, I was surprised to hear that the ambulance was not coming. At this time, the young man had got better and was beginning to talk. I asked him if he had any family, relatives or friends who could take care of him, yet his answers were hard to make sense of. A search of his pockets merely revealed a packet of cigarettes and a broken cellphone which was impossible to make a phone call with.

With his face getting cleaned up, the young man's consciousness and speech ability seemed to gradually return. He was able to give short answers to passersby’s inquiries, yet he didn't mention what caused his passing out on the street. He looked skinny and pale, like a cancer patient or a drug addict. His eyes shifted focus when he spoke as if he couldn't look at a person in the eye.

注意:1 .续写词数应为150左右;
Suddenly he asked me if I could walk him back to his house to get his medicine.
The longer we walked in the alley (小巷), the more scared I got.
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We were doing a house cleaning for the new year. Everything was going well. I cleaned the bottom of the sofa when I heard the scream (尖叫). It was so loud that I guessed someone had broken into our home. “A mouse! A mouse!” screamed my little sister. My younger cousin screamed just as loud, and pointed.

How could it be able to enter our house? I later learned from the Internet that mice enter homes through cracks and holes found in walls, floors and foundations. Due to their body shape, mice are able to fit through holes much smaller than appear likely. They may also enter the home through gaps in windows or ceilings, as well as through sewer (下水道) lines. Anyway, it seemed that we had a trouble.

My sister and cousin jumped up on the couch as the baby mouse ran to one side of our living room and then the other. Because of the screams, the mouse was frightened and at a loss. The little rodent (啮齿动物) had obviously found a home in our house. “Get the mouse!” my little sister and younger cousin screamed.

It was so tiny and quick that I wasn’t sure what to do. I tried catching its long gray tail, but it ran away and up a dining chair. I had an idea. “Get a shoebox,” I said. But my little sister and younger cousin shook their heads at the same time. They had no intention of moving from the couch. I ran to our bedroom and came back with an empty box. Then I held a fly swatter (苍蝇拍). My plan was to stun (打昏) the little mouse and put it in the box.

I was about to hit it with the swatter when my little sister shouted out, “Don’t kill it! It’s a baby and a little cute.” My younger cousin agreed with her, and I could tell by its frightened eyes that the little mouse did, too. The tiny mouse twitched (抽搐) its mouth. It seemed to be saying, “Listen to them. I don’t want to be killed. This is my first new year!” As I saw the fear in the mouse’s eyes, I gained some compassion (怜悯).

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I slowly walked toward it with a small towel.


I asked my sister and cousin if they wanted to say goodbye.


Right before Thanksgiving, I prayed, “Lord please make me a blessing to others as Santa”.

A week later as my husband and I were preparing for this year’s Santa visits with my Mrs. Claus basket, we discovered a letter to Santa from a young mother named Mary, who was ill and was asking if there was a Santa and if miracles did happen that her young children would have a good Christmas because she was told by doctors that it could be her last. In it was her name, phone number and address.

I tried to make contact with Mary, but however many times I tried, I had no luck in getting someone to answer the phone. One week before Christmas, I decided to make a call one more time.

This time a woman answered the phone. I discovered that it was Mary’s mother. She first said that no one lived there by the name of Mary. I had two choices: to thank her and hang up or keep trying. I decided to continue and explained that I was Mrs. Claus and that we had found a letter written to Santa by Mary at this telephone number, expressing the desire to help her kids. She was in shock and told me that Mary had had an operation two weeks before.

The mother started crying as we continued talking. In the end, she said she would ask Mary to call me back and we would talk more. The next day, as promised, I received a phone call from Mary. We talked about her children. She gave me their names, ages, and a little about them. I told her that we wanted to fulfill her wishes and make her dream come true this Christmas to help her family. She cried and I did too as we spoke. Before hanging up, she said that she was happy that her children would have a good Christmas.

In the following days, we were busy making preparations. Much to our delight, everything was ready just before the Christmas Eve. We waited eagerly for the daybreak.

Paragraph 1:

On Christmas morning, we arrived at Mary’s home.

Paragraph 2:

The time went by quickly and it was time to say goodbye.


Two fast friends were Willie and his little dog Bounce. Willie could never think of taking a walk without Bounce. Cake and play were equally shared between them. Willie taught his dog many cunning tricks, and often said that Bounce could do almost anything in the world but talk. Then on a bright summer afternoon, Willie had strolled with Bounce down to the river, which was not more than two blocks from his father’s store — Mr. Brown’s store.

Willie began to throw stones into the water, and to watch ripples (涟漪) as they made one circle after another. Bounce lay on the grass, watching the flies buzzing around his nose, and catching any that came too near.

There were some logs floating in the river near the bank. Willie jumped upon one of them to see if he could throw a stone across the river. He drew back, sent the stone with all strength, just as it left his hand, the log turned and he fell into the water. He was frightened, for he did not know how to swim, and there was no one to hear, though he called as loud as he could for help.

Not being a big water dog, poor Bounce ran up and down the bank two or three times, barking, looking first at Willie and then around.

P1. Then he started, as fast as he could run, up the street towards Mr. Brown’s store.


P2. Bounce, seeing Mr. Brown realizing something was wrong, headed for the river.

