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Scientists have found further evidence that dolphins call each other by "name".

Research has revealed that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to identify each other. A team from the University of St-Andrews in Scotland found that when the animals hear their own call played back to them, they respond.

Dr. Vincent Janik, from the university's Sea Mammal Research Unit, said, "Dolphins live in this three-dimensional (三维) environment, offshore without any kind of landmarks and they need to stay together as a group. These animals live in an environment where they need a very efficient system to stay in touch. "

It had been long suspected that dolphins use distinctive whistles in much the same way that humans use names. Previous research found that these calls were used frequently, and dolphins in the same group were able to learn and copy the unusual sounds. But this is the first time that the animals' response to being addressed by their "name" has been studied. To investigate, researchers recorded a group of wild bottlenose dolphins, capturing each animal's signature sound. They then played these calls back using underwater speakers.

“We played signature whistles of animals in the group; we also played other whistles in their repertoire (曲目) and then signature whistles of different populations-animals they had never seen in their lives," explained Dr. Janik.

The researchers found that individuals only responded to their own calls, by sounding their whistles back. The team believes the dolphins are acting like humans: when they hear their names,   they answer.

Dr. Janik said this skill probably came about to help the animals to stick together in a group in their vast underwater habitat. He said, "Most of the time they can't see each other, they can't use smell underwater, which is a very important sense in mamma is tor recognition, and they also don't tend to hang out in one spot, so they don't have nests or burrows that they return to.”

【小题1】How can the marine mammals distinguish their group members?
A.By using a special whistle.B.By using special gestures.
C.By speaking special languages.D.By different means of swimming in the sea.
【小题2】What similarities are there between dolphins and humans?
A.They can answer while being called.
B.They can express their feelings with words.
C.They can perform different whistles.
D.They can live individually or in groups.
【小题3】How do dolphins live better in the underwater habitat?
A.See each other clearly.
B.Use the smell underwater.
C.Have nests and get back regularly.
D.Call each other by name and make response.
【小题4】What topic is the passage most related to?
A.Protecting natural environment.
B.The scientific discoveries.
C.The development of scientific technology.
D.The harmonious relationship between man and animals.
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A study from the University of Montreal has found that watching ice hockey (冰球) greatly increases your heart rate. For television-watchers, the increase was an average 75%, while for those watching live it rose by 110%. This is equal, say the researchers, to running for 15 minutes.

Heart rates were highest during overtime and if there were scoring chances.

However, there is other research showing that watching football can stress the heart so much that it causes strokes (中风) and heart attacks. A study of German fans compared heart rates and blood pressure as they watched their country play in the World Cup. Both heart rate and blood pressure were raised when they watched their own team, and stayed higher for hours afterwards.

The Canadian study was conducted by an observation made by 13-year-old Leia Khairy; daughter of Prof Paul Khairy, the lead researcher. She noticed that while her own heart was beating wildly as she played soccer, the parents on the sidelines were jumping up and down energetically. But Paul Khairy states, “Watching an ice hockey game can’t be replaced by physical activity. It raises heart rate but does not carry the same benefits on cardiovascular (心血管的) health as exercise.

The study of German foot ball fans found that a stressful match more than doubled the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. So it may be that you need to be fit before you watch a sporting event, rather than hope it is equal to brief exercise. Studies have only shown a significant effect on men; and there is no correlation between a fan’s emotional connection with a team and the occurrence of a heart attack. The authors of the Canadian paper suggest that anyone watching an exciting game should take seriously ally symptoms (症状) such as chest pain or shortness of breath. .

【小题1】What can the data indicate in Paragraph 1?
A.Heart rates change a lot while watching ice hockey.
B.Players’ performances are related to scoring chances.
C.Watching ice hockey has a lot to do with heart diseases.
D.Watching ice hockey can make people’s hearts race faster.
【小题2】Which statement could Paul Khairy agree with?
A.A stressful game can increase the risk of a heart attack.
B.Watching sports game can be very beneficial to people.
C.Reactions of players’ parents aren’t affected by heart rates.
D.Benefits of watching games aren’t equal to those of exercise.
【小题3】What do the writers of the Canadian paper suggest people do while watching games?
A.Monitor the heart rates all the time.
B.Pay close attention to physical reaction.
C.Take the games’ results very seriously.
D.Avoid watching games for a long time.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude to watching games?

Sleep is an important biological process for people and animals. But some mammals(哺乳动物)like the northern elephant seal, survive with much less sleep.

Researchers in a new study described the unusual sleep pattern of these ocean animals. They found that when these mammals go to feed on trips that can last seven months, they sleep just two hours. Those two hours of sleep are made up of short moments of rest lasting only 10 minutes each as they dive deep to avoid predators(天敌).

The seals’ sleep time during ocean trips is different from the 10 hours a day they spend sleeping on the coast during mating season at places like California’s Ano Nuevo beach.

The researchers placed a head covering with sensors(传感器)on the heads of the seals that they studied. The sensors recorded sleep signals created by the seals’ brains and heart rate. The sensors also recorded the animals’ location and depth beneath the sea. The researchers studied female seals because they go out on long open-ocean trips while males feed in coastal waters.

During dives lasting about 30 minutes, the seals went into a deep sleep called slow-wave sleep while keeping a controlled downward movement. When they then experienced rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, a condition where voluntary movement while sleeping stops, the seals fell into a turning pattern. They sometimes ended up without movement on the seafloor.

Terrie Williams, a scientist at the University of California who helped write the study, said, “It is remarkable that a wild animal will fall into deep REM sleep when there are predators on the hunt.” She added that the seals solve this problem by going into deep sleep in the deep parts of the oceans where predators usually do not hunt them.

【小题1】What is considered unusual for northern elephant seals during feed on trips?
A.Resting for two hours on end every day.B.Diving deep to escape their predators.
C.Having a 10-minute sleep 12 times a day.D.Spending 10 hours sleeping on the beach.
【小题2】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What to study in the research.B.How the research is carried out.
C.When to locate seals’ location.D.Where male seals hunt for food.
【小题3】What happens during the seals’ slow-wave sleep?
A.They keep moving downward.B.They remain still in the ocean.
C.They fall into a turning pattern.D.They move their eyes rapidly.
【小题4】What does Terrie think of the seals’ sleep pattern?

There are multiple studies which demonstrate the relationship between learning and thriving. 【小题1】 According to a study by San Francisco State University, those who engage in formal education experience greater happiness and life satisfaction overall.

Learning empowers your self-confidence. Learning can be a source of self-confidence. When you know more, you can contribute your perspectives and expertise and ask questions about others’ views that build on a strong foundation of your own knowledge. 【小题2】

Learning builds motivation. By definition, learning requires you to realize you don’t already know it all and encourages you to try something new and fill in gaps of information. The 85% rule, confirmed by research at the University of Arizona, says if you never fail, you won’t be challenged to continue. 【小题3】 The sweet spot for motivation and learning is an 85% success and 15% failure rate.

Learning advances your career. Learning can be a pathway to something new and to reinventing your future. 【小题4】 In addition, greater skills and development of talents tend to pay off in promotions and pay. In a study by the Lumina Foundation, employees who took advantage of educational programs saw a 43% increase in wages.

【小题5】 According to a study by the University of Sussex, children have an academic advantage when their parents are more educated. In addition, the University of Illinois demonstrates more education tends to result in longer lifespans and greater economic achievements.

A.Learning connects family members.
B.Learning brings family achievements.
C.And if you fail too frequently, you will be demotivated.
D.This optimistic future-viewpoint is a source of happiness.
E.Fail 15% of the time and you are more likely to gain success.
F.These provide guidance about the actions which can increase happiness.
G.Your expanding capabilities provide you with a belief in yourself leading to success.
