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We’ve all been there, trying our best to do our bit to help save the planet, when a really essential item that you had to order online arrives in such an unbelievable amount of packaging that it makes you feel like it’s an unprepared game of passing the parcel.

It’s made even worse by the fact that some of the packaging can’t be recycled. In fact, 10 million tonnes of packaging waste are produced in the UK every year. A lot of this ends up in landfill, two-thirds of which could have instead been recovered.

The good news, however, is that how packaging waste is managed is in for a BIG shake-up in line with the “polluter pays principle”. By placing the main point of duty to pay on brand owners, they will be encouraged to choose more sustainable packaging options which are recyclable and reusable as much as possible. Otherwise, they will have to pay higher fees.

This is a system known as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) — meaning that those who have control over packaging design decisions will be encouraged to do the right thing for the planet at the beginning and consider what happens at the end of the packaging’s life from the start.

What this means is that instead of local authorities picking up the bill for household waste management, companies will have instead to pay for managing your household packaging waste as well as the form businesses, and they will be met with the associated little costs too.

And, as an added bonus, the new EPR laws on packaging will also mean that producers are required to put clear mandatory (强制性的) labelling on packaging, for example, this could be “RECYCLE” or “DO NOT RECYCLE”. Of course, we hope that the “DO NOT RECYCLE” category labelling is the minority. It is aimed that by 2030, 78% of packaging will be recycled in the UK.

【小题1】What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
A.Two-thirds of packaging waste is recycled.
B.Over-packaging is often the case in life.
C.The quality of goods cannot be guaranteed.
D.Online shopping is getting less popular.
【小题2】Who will be responsible for paying packaging waste costs according to the law?
A.Designers.B.Producers.C.Customers.D.Local authorities.
【小题3】What can the EPR laws lead the brand owners to do?
A.Pay higher taxes and recycle the packaging waste.
B.Put clear labelling on packaging and promote sales.
C.Cut packaging waste and improve packaging recycling.
D.Follow the packaging design trend and to right things.
【小题4】What can be learned about the items ordered online in the future?
A.Their labelling on packaging will be simple and generous.
B.The majority of their packaging needn’t be recycled.
C.They will be of high quality and inexpensive.
D.They’ll arrive in the right amount of recyclable packaging.
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This summer we witnessed interview teams at the North Pole wearing short sleeve shirts due to the warm weather. A study published on Aug 29 revealed more concerning issues in the supposedly coldest area of the world. Zombie ice from a massive Greenland ice sheet was confirmed to be melting, which would eventually raise global sea levels by at least 10 inches (27 centimeters) on its own, reported Associated Press (AP).

Zombie ice is the kind of ice that is still attached to thicker areas of ice, but is no longer getting fed by larger glaciers. Since glaciers are getting less snow to make up for the amount of ice melted, once the zombie ice is melted, it cannot be re-formed.

Scientists decided to look at the balance of the ice. In perfect equilibrium (平衡),snow in the mountains of Greenland flows down and thickens the sides of glaciers, balancing out what’s melting on the edges, according to AP. But in the last few decades, there is less refill and more melting, creating an imbalance.

Study co-author William Colgan at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland told AP that 3. 3 percent of Greenland’s total ice volume will melt eventually. “Starving would be a good phrase” for what’s happening to the ice, Colgan added.

With a great number of natural resources buried under the earth, areas of melted ice revealed treasures that attracted the world’s richest men. According to CNN, in early August, there was a “treasure hunt” in Greenland. Billionaires, including Bill Gates and others, financially backed KoBold Metals, a US-based mineral exploration company, to explore the rare metals under the glaciers in Greenland. The company told CNN that since there were enough minerals to power hundreds of millions of electric vehicles, the critical resource is capable of powering the green energy transition (过渡).

While investors are taking advantage of global warming, experts express their concerns that the mineral exploration is likely to worsen the local environment, running out of the world’s resources at a faster rate.

【小题1】What do we know about zombie ice?
A.It’s made up by nearby glaciers.B.It will melt away from the ice cap.
C.It’s independent from large glaciers.D.It has increased sea levels by 10 inches.
【小题2】What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
A.How zombie ice was formed in the past.B.Why more zombie ice can’t be created.
C.What the melting of zombie ice can lead to.D.How zombie ice functions in the ecosystem.
【小题3】What’s the experts’ attitude toward the “treasure hunt” in Greenland?
【小题4】What’s the main purpose of the article?
A.To report on the melting zombie ice.B.To explain a natural phenomenon.
C.To call for environmental protection.D.To comment on the “treasure hunt”.

Antecedent (先前的) carbon emissions are greenhouse gases released during the making of a product. Most manufacturers or customers pay little attention to them. In fact, operating emissions is important in a fossil-fuel-powered world.

An expert, Annika Ramskold, summarized the problem and said, “Going fossil free isn’t just about how things are powered. It’s about removing fossil fuels from how things are sourced, made, transported and assembled. While electric vehicles are a great start, we need to go further. Fossil fuel free vehicles mean greenwash (环保幌子) until the entire production part has been decarbonized (使环保).”

One manufacturer paying much attention is a Swedish electric motorcycle company. It plans to build the world’s cleanest motorcycle. But it may have trouble visualizing carbon dioxide. The company came up against the problem. It said, “As the Cleanest Dirt Bike Ever project involves global suppliers. it is difficult to get primary data, due to the complex global supply chain. It is also difficult to clean up that global supply chain. We investigated the possibility of treating each component separately. This needed to track the entire supply chain of each individual part. We eventually didn’t focus on the end product, but dealt with the materials used to make said parts.”

So instead, they are concentrating on the four main materials in the bikes—aluminum. steel, plastic and rubber. But some parts of the bike, including motor. battery, controller, brakes and suspension. are made by outside suppliers located globally. The company will have much trouble making much of a dent in that.

Ultimately, the answer is how much stuff goes into your vehicle. The motorcycle is said to have a twentieth of the antecedent carbon of an electric car. This is why the company’s work is so important. When people finally understand the effect of antecedent carbon emissions. they may realize that the most important choice they can make is not to drive a car as much as possible.

【小题1】What does Annika Ramskold want to stress?
A.People should stop producing fossil fuel free vehicles.
B.Electric vehicles can solve environmental issues well.
C.It’s important to make production environmentally friendly.
D.Customers should pay little attention to operating emissions.
【小题2】Which one can best describe the Swedish company’s project?
【小题3】What does the author advise people to do?
A.Know the reasons for emissions.B.Make some important choices.
C.Buy the company’s motorcycles.D.Adopt greener means of travel.
【小题4】What may be the best title for the text?
A.Sweden Is Trying to Go Green
B.Making Production Green Is Really Green
C.Global Companies Reject Carbon Emissions
D.Choosing Electric Vehicles to Reduce Emissions

Last May, “eco-mermaid (生态美人鱼)” Merle Liivand broke her own world record for swimming with a single fin (鳍). She swam the distance of a full marathon in the rough waters of Biscayne Bay, Florida. She even picked trash out of the water as she swam.

Liivand was born in Estonia. As a child, she had health problems, and engaged in swimming to help her lungs get stronger. She was soon taking part in open water swimming contests, sometimes even in icy water.

Eleven years ago, Liivand moved to Miami, Florida, where she continued swimming in the ocean. In one training session, she nearly wound up swallowing some plastic that was floating in the sea. That experience made her think of all the sea animals that faced similar pollution every day. She decided to make people more aware of plastic pollution, which she calls a “plastic pandemic”.

Thinking about sea creatures gave Liivand the idea of swimming with a special single swimming fin attached to both of her feet. This rubbery “monofin” allows her to swim by kicking both of her legs together. “Swimming with the monofin without using my arms is similar to how dolphins and other marine animals swim,” says Liivand. She believes that swimming with a monofin sends a bigger message.

Liivand first set the world record for swimming with a monofin in 2019, when she swam 6.2 miles off the coast of California. In 2020, she broke the record again by swimming 12.8 miles in Miami, Florida. On 7 May last year, Liivand broke the record once more, this time swimming the length of a full marathon. It took her 11 hours and 54 seconds to swim 26.2 miles. The water was rough, and she ran into a few problems, but she didn’t stop. “I got stung (蛰) by jellyfish,” she said, “and kept telling myself that it was not the time to cry.”

Liivand picked up all the trash she found and put it in a kayak (皮划艇). By the end of her marathon, the kayak held three bags full of trash. “This isn’t just about a record. It’s about helping the community and the world,” she says.

【小题1】Why did Liivand start swimming?
A.To protect sea creatures.B.To get trash out of the sea.
C.To improve her physical condition.D.To participate in swimming contests.
【小题2】What made Liivand realize the plastic pollution in the sea?
A.Her moving to Miami, Florida.B.Her training accident in the sea.
C.Her experience of saving sea animals.D.Her swimming with a rubbery monofin.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe Liivand?
A.Self-confident and optimistic.B.Hard-working and ambitious.
C.Well-educated and independent.D.Strong-minded and determined.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.“Eco-Mermaid” tries to break her own records
B.“Eco-Mermaid” loves swimming with a monofin
C.“Eco-Mermaid” develops a unique way of swimming
D.“Eco-Mermaid” swims a marathon to fight plastic pollution
