阅读理解-七选五 适中0.65 引用14 组卷235


However difficult you find it to arrange your time, it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studying—and stick to it. 【小题1】 But don’t forget to make sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be “with” yourself: reading a novel or watching a television programme.

As part of your weekly schedule, it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week, and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first. 【小题2】

On a physical level, make sure you have an area or space for studying. 【小题3】 If you always study in the same place, preferably a room of your own, you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area. You should have everything that you might need at hand.

Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use, such as a desk, chair etc. is at good height for you. If you use a personal computer, there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles, lighting and the like. 【小题4】

If you are working on topic your teacher has set, but finding it hard to concentrate, it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time. 【小题5】 After a period away from the test, having not thought about it at all, you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.

A.Don’t do it just anywhere.
B.It is best to make a weekly schedule.
C.Make use of equipment that is available to you.
D.“Airing the mind” can work wonders sometimes.
E.Consult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains.
F.It’s all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from.
G.It’s wise to leave the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later.
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Brainstorming for Ideas

Try blind writing. When trying to get past a writing block or a brainstorming lag, take at least ten minutes to sit down and write. Force yourself to write for the full ten minutes, no matter what comes of it. The act of putting pen to paper will stimulate the part of your mind that generates ideas.

Make a mind map. Mind mapping is a brainstorming strategy that allows you to map out different tangents of thought to stimulate new ideas. Get a piece of paper, poster board, or whiteboard and write your goal in the center. Write subtopics and related thoughts around the goal, and continue branching out from them to develop your train of thought. For example, a mind map about the environmental goal “Going Green” could branch into subtopics such as “Reducing Waste”, “Eco-travel”, and “Global Warming”.

Attempt “rolestorming”. For a fresh perspective on a topic,attempt “rolestorming”. Picture yourself as someone else (e.g. a parent, friend, colleague, or partner) and imagine how you would approach a scenario as them. You can extend this brainstorming technique to famous people or historical figures (e.g. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates).

Try meditation. To open your mind to new ideas, try meditation. Find a peaceful place to sit quietly and focus on the question at hand (e.g. “How can I promote my new business on my limited budget?”). Bring a pen and paper to jot down ideas, and meditate for about 30 minutes, or until a good idea comes to you. To avoid worrying about the time, set an alarm on your phone to signal the 30 minute mark.

Remove limitations. Remove the limitations that may be hindering your brainstorming progress by approaching the subject as if there were no obstacles. While this process may not yield feasible solutions right away, it will open your mind to possibilities you would not look at otherwise. For instance, when planning a surprise party, you might overlook certain venues because of financial constraints, such as an expensive French restaurant that your friend would love to try. By allowing your mind to go there during brainstorming, you might get the idea to simulate the restaurant and meal for a house party.

Discuss things in a group. Group brainstorming sessions can allow you to develop your thoughts by feeding off of the ideas of others. If you are working on a group project or collaboration, schedule brainstorming time in a quiet location with no disturbance. If you are working on your own project, ask friends or colleagues if you can bounce ideas off of them and get their input.

Brainstorming for Ideas
Passage outlineSupporting details
Try blind writing.•Force yourself to write for the full ten minutes,【小题1】 comes of it.
•The part of your mind that generates ideas will be 【小题2】 by the act of putting pen to paper.
Make a mind map.•Mind mapping is a brainstorming strategy allowing you to find out different ways to stimulate new ideas.
• Get a piece of paper, poster board, or whiteboard and write your 【小题3】 in the center.
• Branch out from subtopics and related thoughts to 【小题4】 your train of thought.
【小题5】 “rolestorming”.•Picture yourself as someone else and imagine how you would approach a scenario as them.
• This brainstorming technique can be 【小题6】 to famous people or historical figures.
Try meditation.•Find a peaceful place to sit quietly and focus on the question at hand.
•Bring a pen and paper to jot down ideas, and meditate for about 30 minutes, or until you 【小题7】 up with a good idea.
Remove limitations.【小题8】 the limitations that may be hindering your brainstorming progress by approaching the subject as if there were no obstacles.
• While this process may not bring out practical solutions 【小题9】, it will open your mind to other possibilities.
Discuss things in a group.• When cooperating with others, remember to brainstorm quietly without being 【小题10】.

Tricks To Becoming A Patient Person

Here’s a riddle: What do traffic jams, long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common? There is one answer. 【小题1】.

In the Digital Age, we’re used to having what we need immediately and right at our fingertips. However, research suggests that if we practiced patience, we’d be a whole lot better off. Here are several tricks.

●Practice gratitude (感激)

Thankfulness has a lot of benefits: Research shows it makes us happier, less stressed and even more optimistic. 【小题2】. “Showing thankfulness can foster self-control,” said Ye Li, researcher at the University of California.

● Make yourself wait

Instant gratification (满足) may seem like the most “feel good” option at the time, but psychology research suggests waiting for things actually makes us happier in the long run. And the only way for us to get into the habit of waiting is to practice. 【小题3】. Put off watching your favorite show until the weekend or wait 10 extra minutes before going for that cake. You’ll soon find that the more patience you practice, the more you start to apply it to other, more annoying situations.


So many of us have the belief that being comfortable is the only state we will tolerate, and when we experience something outside of our comfort zone, we get impatient about the circumstances. You should learn to say to yourself, “【小题5】.” You’ll then gradually become more patient.

A.Find your causes
B.Start with small tasks
C.Accept the uncomfortable
D.All this adds up to a state of hurry
E.It can also help us practice more patience
F.This is merely uncomfortable, not intolerable
G.They’re all situations where we could use a little extra patience

Much of gardening is learned by trial and error — for many, mostly error. But the good news is that we can learn from others’ mistakes as well as our own. 【小题1】.

Failing to test the soil

Proper soil pH value is vital for successful gardening. That’s because nutrition is available to plants only at proper pH levels, which vary for each type of plant. For example, blueberry plants will likely turn yellow and produce less if the pH level is higher than 5.5. 【小题2】. Pick one up and test the soil in each garden bed individually, as the pH level often varies even in the same yard.

Watering incorrectly

Most garden plants require 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. But leaving the work to a sprinkler (喷头) puts your plants at risk. 【小题3】. It will direct water to roots, where it’s needed, instead of leaves, fruit and flowers.


A plant labeled as needing “full sun” will likely disappoint you if it is planted in the shade. And no matter how much you hope otherwise, “water tolerant” will never mean “likes wet soil”. Selecting plants suited to your growing conditions will result in a better-looking and healthier garden that requires less care.

Protecting the roots improperly

Proper covering keeps water and helps keep soil temperatures even. So it’s an important part of gardening. Improper covering, however, can kill your plants. Apply 2 to 3 inches of covering around plants. Never pile up against them. 【小题5】.

A.Applying proper nutrition to the soil
B.Planting wrong plants at wrong places
C.Here are some well-tested tips on good gardening
D.Instead, snake a watering tube over the soil surface
E.Otherwise, it will lock in too much water and heat which might kill them
F.Fortunately, test tools are relatively cheap and available at gardening stores
G.Here are some of the common gardening mistakes -and how to avoid them
