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Dragon Head-raising Day is celebrated on the second day of the second Chinese lunar month 【小题1】(show) respect for the dragon and pray for good weather for farming and big harvest, 【小题2】 is considered as the start of spring and farming. Dragon Head-raising Day has relation with spring and farming. After the cold winter, spring comes and animals are 【小题3】 (wake) , but because of the winter, the weather is dry and farming lacks water. To this climate phenomenon, there is a folk saying that 【小题4】 will rain when the dragon raise its head.

On that day, there 【小题5】(be) lots of conventional celebration activities. First, in the early morning, every family would light a lantern and go to a river or a well to fetch water and back home, then light 【小题6】(candle) , burn incense (香) sticks and offer a sacrifice. Second, people would go to a temple 【小题7】 honour of the dragon. Third, it is to have a haircut, which 【小题8】 (view) as a sign of good luck. A saying tells that having a haircut on this day, you would be energetic in the whole year. 【小题9】 (final) , there is a thing about eating: eating long and thin noodles 【小题10】(call) Longxumian (Dragon Beard Noodles) which has a symbolic meaning-a long life expectancy.

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Frances Wood, a well-known British historian, working on the study of Chinese culture, has said Chinese civilisation is one of the most fascinating and lasting 【小题1】 (civilisation) in the world and that not only does China have a rich, ancient history, but the country is also dynamic in terms of changing over time. “The continuity of Chinese civilisation is 【小题2】 (fantastic) important,” Wood emphasizes.

Some rules 【小题3】 (use) by the Chinese today originate from as far back as the Qin Dynasty. Take the example of the measurement rule at the entrance of metro stations in China, which decides 【小题4】 a child should buy a ticket or not according to his or her 【小题5】 (high) .

Wood studied Chinese at Cambridge University in 【小题6】 late 20th century, before traveling extensively in China while studying at Peking University. After graduating from London University with a master’s degree in Chinese architecture, she 【小题7】 (join) the British Library in 1977 and served as the librarian of the Chinese collections for more than 30 years until she retired in 2013.

As a person with the duty of being in charge 【小题8】 the objects in the library, one of her main aims was 【小题9】 (purchase) plenty of books in Chinese about China, covering various subjects including humanities and literature. “It was a wonderful and 【小题10】 (reward) job,” she says.


Falling on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the Qixi Festival, also widely known as Double Seventh Festival, which 【小题1】 (add)to China’s National Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2006, has 【小题2】 history of over 2, 000 years.

However, not many people know that it started as a festival for young ladies. 【小题3】 (actual), the “real” Valentine’s Day in ancient China 【小题4】 (be)the Lantern Festival, which was celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

At the beginning, the Qixi Festival was to stress people’s respect for nature and women’s housework skills. Later it was connected with romance(浪漫)thanks 【小题5】 a popular Chinese story between Niulang and Zhinyu. The love story makes the day a Valentine’s Day for the Chinese, but the Qixi Festival goes much further 【小题6】 it means much more in Chinese people’s life.

Today, the Qixi Festival is often celebrated with meals, chocolates and flowers in a way 【小题7】 is similar to Valentine’s Day, but it also includes other 【小题8】 (celebration)such as wearing traditional Han Chinese clothing and floating river lanterns.

Chinese people also prepare various offerings and enjoy traditional fruit biscuits on this special day, not only 【小题9】 (express)love but to show their respect for the beauty of nature and to ask for 【小题10】 (wise)and fortune.
